New Forum: How to mark entries as "read"? Where is "Insert Code"?

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New Forum: How to mark entries as "read"? Where is "Insert Code"?

Specialist II

I could use the previous Freescale Forums. I didn't have any problems with them that needed fixing.

They even had a forum for asking questions about using the forums. This one doesn't seem to have anything like that, so I'm sorry for having to ask questions here, in what is obviously the wrong place. I've tried reading through all the "Tutorials", but they don't answer these sort of questions.


The previous forum specifically marked articles that had already been read, so I knew what I had read and what was new. That was a useful feature, unlike the "like" counters on the new ones. "Like" seems to be more important than "relevant".


I've searched for about an hour for an equivalent feature here. Every time I come in "everything is new again" and I find I'm re-reading things I read days or weeks ago.


So is there any equivalent Automatic (or even MANUAL) way of obviously marking posts as having been Already Read?


The extremely useful "Insert Code" seems to have disappeared as well. That was the only way to get code or documentation appearing "as written" without getting the spacing or lines all mangled. I can insert tables, videos and even raw HTML, but the thing I most want to insert in a technical computer forum is raw CODE, and there doesn't seem to be any way of doing that.


I had a good work-flow with the old forum. That's all wrecked with this new interface.





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4 Replies

Senior Contributor III

For whats its worth, I can't post from my IPAD. When you  click reply and type, nothing is entered.

Sorry, but  ... really?

I gave up on the code formatting, and just edit the html with pre tags.

I am sure FSL paid big bucks, so I would test it out on all browsers and platforms and get tech support on it.

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Specialist II

I've worked out why I'm having trouble with the new Forums. The interface is too complicated. It is trying to do too much. Everything that used to be "in front of your face" or "one click away" is now between two and FIVE clicks away.

For Help with the forums there is now an "About Communities" Forum.

Except it is hidden and quite hard to find.

It doesn't show up under "Home / Engage with the Community" where all the other Forums do. This might be fixed soon.

Instead you have to click on the weird drop-down arrow next to "Browse, wait, select "Places", then select "List View", then RE-select (this won't stick, it keeps changing) "Sort by Title" and then you can see "About Communities", so you click on that, but you're not there yet as you then have to click on "Content" and then you can see the list of questions.

Is this the "Help" for this Forum, or is it a weird Adventure Game? I feel I'm in a maze of twisty passages, all different and I'm looking for the Blue Key so I can open the Oaken Door to get the Sword of Power...

The following link to that Forum looks pretty simple (except it hid it on me and turned it into an ICON when I want to show you the actual link), so why isn't the navigation?

About Communities

The link content is:

Answers to "paste in code" are there as (I can't insert a link to a post in a thread, only the whole thread...):

How can I "Insert Code" in a Forum Post?

Partial answers to "marking posts as read" (still no way to make this work easily):

Is there a way to mark Forum Posts as having been read?


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Contributor III


I feel your pain. I had the workflow set up rather well. Navigation on Jive takes some getting used to. I am trying to get some stuff sorted out.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I have noticed also that new forum interface does not show multi-page threads correctly – it shows only first page. Did not found a way how to access other pages. Hope it will be fixed.

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