MCF5234 PIT problem :-(

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MCF5234 PIT problem :-(

Contributor I
I need a high resolution timer. I know that this may be done with PIT
(Programmable Interrupt Timer). I looked and used some examples about
this but CPU(MCF5234) was halted all time. I need examples which may
be useful.
Best regards.
#include "predef.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <startnet.h>
#include <autoupdate.h>
#include <dhcpclient.h>
#include <smarttrap.h>
#include <taskmon.h>
#include <sim5234.h>
#include <cfinter.h>
#include <pins.h>
extern "C"
 void UserMain( void * pd );
 void SetIntc( long func, int vector, int level, int prio );
const char * AppName = "MOD5234 PIT Example"; // App name for IPSetup
volatile DWORD pitr_count;        // Global count variable
// INTERRUPT - PIT interrupt service routine
INTERRUPT( my_pitr_func, 0x2600 )
 WORD tmp = sim.pit[ 1 ].pcsr;  // Get PIT1 Control & Status Register
            // data
 // Clear PIT1 - Refer to table 21-3 for more information on what
 // bits are begin cleared and set
 tmp &= 0xFF0F;    // Bits 4-7 cleared
 tmp |= 0x0F;    // Bits 0-3 set
 sim.pit[ 1 ].pcsr = tmp,
  pitr_count++;     // Increment when an interrupt occurs;
void SetUpPITR( int pitr_ch, WORD clock_interval, BYTE pcsr_pre /* See
               table 21-3 in the reference manual for bits 8-11 */ )
 WORD tmp;
 if ((pitr_ch < 1) || (pitr_ch > 3))
  iprintf( "*** ERROR - PIT channel out of range ***\r\n" );
 SetIntc( (long)&my_pitr_func, 36 + pitr_ch, 2 /* IRQ2 */, 3 );
 // Configure the PIT for the specified time values
 sim.pit[ pitr_ch ].pmr = clock_interval; // Set PIT modulus value
 tmp = pcsr_pre;
 tmp = (tmp << 8) | 0x0F;
 sim.pit[ pitr_ch ].pcsr = tmp; // Set system clock divisor to 16 and
            // set bits [3:0] in PCSR
// UserMain
void UserMain( void * pd )
 if (EthernetIP == 0) GetDHCPAddress();
 OSChangePrio( MAIN_PRIO );
 // Let us make bit happen at 1000 Hz. The base clock is
 // 147,456,000 Hz, so the equation is:
 //                 System_Clock_Frequency / 2
 // PMR Value  =  -------------------------------  -  1
 //                Prescalar * Desired_Frequency
 //               147456000 / 2
 // PMR Value  = ---------------  -  1
 //                 16 * 1000
 // PMR Value  = 4607
 // Not that the PIT Count Register is a 16-bit counter, so the
 // clock count maximum is 65,535
 SetUpPITR( 1 /* Use PIT1 */, 4607 /* Wait 4607 clocks */, 4 /*
           Divide by 16 from table 21-3 (2^4) */ );
  iprintf( "Application started\r\n" );
  pitr_count = 0;
  while (1)
   iprintf( "PITR Count = %ld\r\n", pitr_count );
Labels (1)
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1 Reply

Contributor I
This is specifically aimed at the mcf5282, but the timers are very similar, if not identical between the Coldfire parts, just check the manual for the 5234 to be sure.
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