Why is part of my UI hidden when using a TV as a display

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Why is part of my UI hidden when using a TV as a display

Contributor IV

A common problem when using TVs as display device is that screen elements near the edge of the display are partially or totally hidden.  This is due to a legacy television feature called overscan and is normal.  The way to get around this is to create the UI with sufficient margins around the edge to avoid elements from falling into this space.  The Freescale Android 10.3.1 patch release ( http://imxcommunity.org/xn/detail/4103961:BlogPost:38325 )  contains support for overscan.

If you would like to read more about overscan in general wikipedia has a good summary article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overscan)

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Philip,

Sorry, I can't access the link for Android 10.3.1 patch(http://imxcommunity.org/xn/detail/4103961:BlogPost:38325).

Could you please help to check the link or provide the patch for me?

Thanks in advance.

BTW, does this patch also be able to use in Linux?

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Contributor IV

The patch release is available on the Freescale.com website:

i.MX535 Product Summary Page

Any kernel side changes should be able to be extracted for use in Linux.

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