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Specialist II
Please excuse me if I am being completely daft, but can any build of the TBDML GDI library help me program the MC9S08GT60CFB MCU?

I have a project board based on this MCU, and it has a BDM interface, and I was wondering... since I've built the TBDML board (V1.0A), etc, can I use it?
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15 Replies

Senior Contributor V
Dear All,

Just to give you further (confusing) options you can try the combined TBDML/OSBDML (for HCS12 & HCS08) described here:


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor IV
Hi marksl,
No you can't use it with the GB but there are two alternatives here:
Regards David
0 Kudos

Specialist II
Is there any technical reason why the TBDML 1.0A JB8-based board can not be used to program the 9S08GT60 chip?

Previously I considered adapting the firmware for the OpenSource BDM programmer for the 8-bit micros to run on this TBDML 1.0A board (keeping the same OS GDI and USB DLLs)...

Maybe I'll spend a little more time looking at the differences in hardware and re-attempting this project.

Is anyone else interested?
0 Kudos

Contributor III

there are hardware limitations and SW limitations:

HW - the current HW only supports voltages down to 3.3V and no lower than that. The low speed of the JB8 also disqualifies it for use with some of the S08 devices because their BDM can be too fast for the JB8 to talk to them.

SW - The BDM on S12 and S08 is the same in principle, but some of the commands are different. E.g. you do not have the same register set as on S12. The debugger DLL also needs some changes to reflect the differences between the two families.

I have started working on an unified TBDML which would support all S12, S08 and RS08. However, someone else has developed the OSBDM for Freescale to support the S08 and RS08 and now Freescale are not interested in TBDML for these families. I have therefore shelved the project as I need some support from Freescale to finish it and I am currently not getting any.


Message Edited by DanielM on 2006-09-19 11:21 AM

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

DanielM wrote:
I have started working on an unified TBDML which would support all S12, S08 and RS08. However, someone else has developed the OSBDM for Freescale to support the S08 and RS08 and now Freescale are not interested in TBDML for these families. I have therefore shelved the project as I need some support from Freescale to finish it and I am currently not getting any.


I swim to try to find what it is necessary in all these versions of freebdm...
I tested osbdm but that does not work on CW last version and not on S12...

Could you finish this version of the TBDML adapted for S08 and S12 ?
I want use it on 9S08AW and on 9S12XDP512.

I read in this thread that the version with JB16 is not your, I am lost now... Where can we find your (the true one) version ? Know you when it will be available ?

Thank you very much for your work

www.68hc08.net la communauté Francophone

0 Kudos

Contributor III

here is what I have done so far:

1. TBDML which is for S12/S12X/S12XE and is based on HC908JB8. The latest distribution package is attached to the first message in this thread (http://forums.freescale.com/attachments/freescale/16BITCOMM/1512/4/distribution_12e.zip).

2. TBLCF which is for ColdFire and is based on HC908JB16. See the ColdFire forum for details (http://forums.freescale.com/attachments/freescale/CFCOMM/624/1/tblcf_v10.zip).

3. I have started work on TBDMLv2 based on the JB16 to support the S08, but I am not acively working on that project at the moment. This project is not available for download.

Any other cable is not my work.

I hope this explains the current situation.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV
Thank you, it's a perfect answer for me !

Good luck for the TBDMLv2, I like it already :smileyhappy:
0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I built your TBDML in CMS version.
My TBDML cms

it's working very well on my S12XDP512 ! No complications, it is enough to follow the indications, without surprises !

Slowness is not quite perturbing for an amateur like me...
The S08 compatible version will be splendid ! The adjustment of the TRIM would be the top of the top ! but it is already a formidable tool !

Thank you very much and congratulation for your work !

www.68hc08.net La communauté Francophone
0 Kudos

Contributor I
Hi everybody ! I've read this post, and find it very good ! It's crazy what you've been able to develop ! My question is the following. I'm working with the HCS12 NE64. We already have a P&E BMS interface, and a valid Code Warrior licence. But we need now a second interface and a software to flash the intern flash for our production departement. Since we only produce a few boards with the NE64 we would like to find a free software and interface for flashing the NE64, the programm PROG12Z and a new BDM interface is a little bit expensive for us.

Could you tell me if your TBDML interface would work for our controller. And if yes, how can I use your DLL to buil my flash software ?

Tank you all !!
0 Kudos

Contributor III

the NE64 uses a 25MHz crystal and the original TBDML is is too slow for that. It only works with crystals up to 16MHz - bus speed of the device is irrelevant (it works with S12XE at 50MHz bus frequency without problems), but it is limited by crystal frequency.

The JB16 based modification of my original design should solve that problem for you as it should work with crystals up to 32MHz. However, I cannot comment on the functionality/availability of that modification as I have never tested it myself.


Message Edited by DanielM on 2006-11-21 06:47 PM

0 Kudos

Specialist II
Hi Daniel,

By merging aspects of the TBDML and OSBDM, I have a result that seems to be talking to the GT60 board I have (a DLP-RFZ-2 from DLP Solutions).

Mostly I copied the coms routines (bdm_tx1, etc) from TBDML sources, and left the logic alone (cmd_processing [command_exec()]: if(bdm_status.target_type==HCS08), etc).

However, I'm not sure about the success level: When I use GDI to connect to the project, I get streams of messages saying "Target Speed Change Detected - New Speed 7.XX MHz"
where XX varies between 31 and 38. Sometimes I get a speed detection of 16.70MHz.

As far as I can tell, the board is using a 16Mhz Xtal, but I've not confirmed this.

Is there any particular aspect of the TBDML source code that I should focus my attention on? For example, the first entry of "bdm_tx_sel_tresholds" has 914 from TBDML but 600 from OSBDM. I know the OSBDM has a XTAL of 12MHz vs 6MHz of the TBDML, but should should resolve in references to "BUS_FREQUENCY"...

Also, I can't figure how I'm supposed to burn the S19 file into the GT60... the "Automatically erase and program into FLASH" option is greyed out in HIWAVE's GDI Load menu option....
0 Kudos

Contributor III
I have no idea how the GDI DLL for OSBDM works, so I cannot help you here. Try asking the authors of OSBDM.

0 Kudos

Specialist II
Hi Daniel,

Sorry, false alarm.. it seems as though the mod DOES work.. I just have to fiddle with resetting the power to the GT60 module, and occaisionally it DOES connect, etc.

Now I just need to write a little test app to toggle an IO line and confirm the upload...

Thanks for the TBDML stuff, btw..

Do you mind if I offer the board, etc, for sale here in South Africa?
0 Kudos

Contributor III

not at all, you are welcome to manufacture it and sell it. I would only ask you to make it clear to your customers in case you make any changes to the design. I do not want to be blamed for bugs caused by somebody else's mods :smileyhappy:

I receive e-mails from time to time from people who want to buy the interface rather than build it. Please post to the forum once you are ready to sell and which countries you are willing to ship to.

0 Kudos

Specialist II

Dear Daniel,

I just wanted to confirm that I have been able to reprogram the GT60 on the DLP-RFZ-2 board (I got the IO line to toggle).

I'm just clearing resale permission with the OSBDM group (for the software and firmware).

I'll put an announcement up on the forum when I've added the device to my personal web page. I guess I'll be willing to sell PCBs, kits and assembled items to anyone who can pay me?!? (South African trade and software restrictions notwithstanding).

At this stage I don't intend modifying the hardware, but if I do, I'll be sure to take responsibility - BTW can I ask you to check if the modded firmware (attached) can still program the HC12 MCUs? I don't have any to test against.

I don't know whether you can use your DLLs or if you have to use the OSBDM DLLs...




Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-10-26 02:02 PM
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