One-stop secure boot tool: NXP-MCUBootUtility is upgraded to v2.1.0

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One-stop secure boot tool: NXP-MCUBootUtility is upgraded to v2.1.0

One-stop secure boot tool: NXP-MCUBootUtility is upgraded to v2.1.0

Source code:


> 1. [RTyyyy] Support for loading bootable image into SEMC NOR boot device
>     [RTyyyy] 支持下载Bootable image进主动启动设备 - SEMC NOR接口Flash
> 2. [RTyyyy] Support operation under both CM7 and CM4 of RT117x A0
>     [RTyyyy] 在RT1170无论是CM7还是CM4作为主核下均能正常工作
> 3. [RTyyyy] Support two FlexSPI map addresses for RT117x A0
>     [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170的两个FlexSPI XIP映射地址
> 4. [RTyyyy] Support efuse memory operation for RT117x A0
>     [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170的eFuse回读与烧写
> 5. [RTyyyy] Can import user fuse table file to set efuse value
>     [RTyyyy] 支持导入用户fuse配置文件去设置fuse
> 6. [RTyyyy] Enable OTFAD encryption secure boot mode (User Key) for RT117x A0
>     [RTyyyy] 为RT1170 A0开启OTFAD加密(User Key)支持
> 7. [RTyyyy] Support RT1170/1010 bootable image from SDK as source input
>     [RTyyyy] 支持RT1170/RT1010 SDK生成的Bootable image作为源文件输入

> 1. [RTyyyy] Image format auto detection can be used for axf file from MCUX or GCC
>     [RTyyyy] 程序格式自动检测选项也可用于MCUX生成的axf格式源文件
> 2. Specify file path instead of file to save readback data
>    指定目录而不是指定文件去存放回读的数据
> 3. If readback data is enabled to be saved in file, then it will not displayed on the screen
>    如果回读的数据已经选择保存到文件中,那么点击Read按钮将不会在窗口显示数据

> 1. 'Cmd Pads' is not set correctly for some typical octal-flash models in FlexSPI NOR configuration
>     在FlexSPI NOR配置界面里,对于一些octal-flash模型,其Cmd Pads参数没有被正确设置
> 2. 'Max Frequency' option is not exactly aligned with selected MCU device in FlexSPI NOR configuration
>     在FlexSPI NOR配置界面里,Max Frequency参数选项与当前MCU型号不完全匹配
> 3. [RTyyyy] Cannot show total size of SD/eMMC correctly, so SD/eMMC cannot be programmed
>     [RTyyyy] SD/eMMC总容量未能正确显示,导致无法编程SD/eMMC
> 4. [RTyyyy] Some fields are not aligned with selected MCU device in Flexible User Key Setting
>     [RTyyyy] 在用户自定义Key设置界面里,有些选项与当前选中的MCU型号不匹配
> 5. [RTyyyy] Cannot generate bootable image when original image size is less than 4KB
>     [RTyyyy] 当输入的源image文件大小小于4KB时,生成可启动程序会失败
> 6. [RTyyyy] Sometimes tool cannot recognize .axf format from MCUX or Keil MDK
>     [RTyyyy] 有时候无法识别MCUX或Keil MDK生成的axf格式源文件
> 7. [RTyyyy] Signed flashloader cannot be generated if DCD is enabled
>     [RTyyyy] 当DCD使能的时候,无法生成含签名的Flashloader
> 8. [RTyyyy] Cannot mark DCD in readback image if it comes from source bootable image
>     [RTyyyy] 如果DCD来自源Bootable image,则无法在读回的image中标记DCD

> 1. Add sound effect (Contra)
>    增加魂斗罗音效


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Version history
Last update:
‎11-27-2019 07:18 AM
Updated by: