Hello, I am facing an issue using the elftosb tool in Windows.
I want to generate a .bin bootable image (as a precursor to generating the sb file) using elftosb for the Hello World SDK demo project on MIMXRT1060-EVK.
From the flashloader documentation, I have tried executing the following command, but the size of output.bin is always 0.
elftosb -f imx -V -c imx-flexspinor-normal-unsigned.bd -o output.bin evkmimxrt1060_hello_world.elf
And here's the bd file I am using. It came with the flashloader release files.
Since this is a program file (and not flashloader), it needs to be loaded into Flash whose address is 0x60000000. Also NOR FlexSPI offset is 0x1000 according to the reference documentation.
I am using QSPI Flash.
options { flags = 0x00; startAddress = 0x60000000; ivtOffset = 0x1000; initialLoadSize = 0x2000; //DCDFilePath = "dcd.bin"; # Note: This is required if the default entrypoint is not the Reset_Handler # Please set the entryPointAddress to the base address of vector table // entryPointAddress = 0x60002000; } sources { elfFile = extern(0); } section (0) { }
The .elf file (attached) was generating in MCUXpressor by changing the artifact extension from 'axf' to 'elf'.
What am I doing wrong here?
I am also attaching the evkmimxrt1060_hello_world.elf.
Hi Arpit Arora
This happens because the project already has a Boot header, you have to disable this with the Preprocessor symbol XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE in the project settings, please change it to 0.
Hope this helps
Best regards
Jorge Alcala
Thanks Jorge, that helped. I can see both output.bin and output_nopadding.bin being generated now.