RT1064 RTWDOG, register CS, bit UPDATE has reset value of 0. How do I then disable it?
I've tried what's in the Reference Manual:
DisableInterrupts; // disable global interrupt
WDOG_CNT = 0xD928C520; //unlock watchdog
WDOG_CS &= ~WDOG_CS_EN_MASK; //disable watchdog
EnableInterrupts; //enable global interrupt
Which seems to set EN to 0 but it does continue counting.
I also tried this:
DisableInterrupts; // disable global interrupt
WDOG_CNT = 0xD928C520; //unlock watchdog
while(WDOG_CS[ULK]==0); //wait until registers are unlocked
But ULK never seem to become 1.
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
To provide the fastest possible support, I'd highly recommend you to refer to the rtwdog demo in the SDK library (~\SDK_2.5.0_EVK-MIMXRT1064\boards\evkmimxrt1064\driver_examples\rtwdog), in the demo, it shows to the developer how to reconfigure Watchdog.
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