I am using the I.MXRT1050 Dev board for a protoype project and I have a question about the pin muxing capabilities. We are utilizing all of the ardiuno header GPIO and I am curious if I change the functionality of a single pin of a predefined port. So for example, one of the GPIO on the Arduino header is utilized as a USB_OTG1 pin (USB_OTG1_OC) and I need to use it as a GPIO. I would still like to use the USB_OTG1 peripheral however I just want to change this one pin to GPIO because it is not needed for the USB_OTG1 to function. Can you individually change the muxed output of a signal pin in the situation described above?
It is possible to configure i.MX RT pins separately, assuming power supply voltage
for the selected pin is proper for needed configuration. Use Table 9-1 (Muxing Options)
of i.MX RT1050 Reference Manual, Rev. 2, 11/2018. Also the i.MX Pins tool may be helpful.
Pins Tool for i.MX Application Processors | NXP
Have a great day,
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