We are looking at migrating our design from the RT1052 processor to the RT1064 version, in part because of the additional RAM, but also to make use of the onchip flash.
Is there any hardware reason why we can't fit the RT1064 chips to our existing RT1054 design, at least, to get our software guys working on utilising the additional RAM?
Our current design uses hyperflash (XIP), so I do appreciate that we will need to change some BOOT_CFG pin options in order to get the board to boot from the onchip flash instead.
Thanks and best regards,
There is no any contraindication to use the i.MX RT1064 part in existing i.MX RT1052 design since both parts are pin-to-pin compatible. You can easily migrate the part.
Best Regards,
I have fitted a RT1064 to one of our prototypes that was designed for the RT1052, and can report that there are no hardware issues with doing this. There are software changes required to utilise the additional features of the chip, which is totally expected and something that we are yet to address, but I was able to get the board booting from SD card without any problem.