Link Server in WSL

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Link Server in WSL

Contributor II


I am currently using the mimxrt1160_evk, I am trying to get the LinkServer working inside of WSL 2.

I have installed LinkServer into my WSL 2 instance also installed a bridge tool for USB to allow me to connect the NXP Semiconductors LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP v5.361 to my WSL 2 instance and I can detect it within WSL 2 via a "LinkServer probes" and lsusb .

The issue arises when I use any of the tools in LinkServer trying to flash a binary onto my mimxrt1160_evk fails, Erasing flash fails, connecting gdbserver fails. 

I would appreciate any advice or help with this thanks in advance. 


error log:


> /usr/local/LinkServer_24.12.21/LinkServer flash --probe DSASCQDQ MIMXRT1166xxxxx:MIMXRT1160-EVK-CM7-ONLY erase
Ns: LinkServer RedlinkMulti Driver v24.12 (Dec 18 2024 18:40:01 - crt_emu_cm_redlink build 869)
Pc: ( 0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Nc: Found generic directory XML file in /tmp/tmphxxe6reb/crt_directory.xml
Pc: ( 5) Remote configuration complete
Nc: Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Nc: Connecting to probe 1 core 0 (using server started externally) reports:
'Ee(42). Could not connect to core.'
Nc: Retrying...
Nc: Connecting to probe serial 'DSASCQDQ' core 0 - Ee(FF). Redlink interface error 255.
Nc: Connecting to probe serial 'DSASCQDQ' core 0 - Ee(FF). Redlink interface error 255.
Nc: Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Nc: Connecting to probe serial 'DSASCQDQ' core 0 - Ee(FF). Redlink interface error 255.
Nc: Server OK but no connection to probe 0 core 0 (after 3 attempts) - Ee(FF). Redlink interface error 255.
Ed:02: Failed on connect: Ee(FF). Redlink interface error 255.
Et:31: No connection to chip's debug port
Pc: (100) Target Operation Failed


Other error log from terminal:

Ns: redlink server client - failed to receive response (to op 61) from server after 2000ms - Connection timed out (rc 110)

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4 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, I'm afraid the WSL is not supported by NXP, but I did try on my side, however I got the next error "usbipd: warning: A firewall appears to be blocking the connection; ensure TCP port 3240 is allowed" I added the rule but the error still there.

Could you let me know what you want to achieve using WSL instead of Win? I could help you if you got an error in win in the future.

Best regards,

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Contributor II

I would like to use the linkserver in my wsl install, as prefer development in a linux environment. I dont want to create a dual boot nor change my system to linux entirely. So i was hoping there was a way to use LinkServer in WSL and JLink is not an option as i am using octal flash memory which is not supported by jlink...

The end goal would be to use this from a docker container where I do all my development.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, I download the WSL but could you let me know your steps to replay this issue?

Best regards,

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Contributor II

So after downloading WSL 2 and installing Ubuntu 22.04, you will need to install usbipd tool which allows usb connections to WLS 2. You will have to bin the usb device to wsl then attach it following the instructions in this article  Connect USB devices | Microsoft Learn

When all of this is complete download linkserver for mcus from nxps website and copy this into the wsl folders in which you have to run the deb.bin file. 

When everything is installed run the linkserver exe with this command linkserver gui flash and try to flash any binary from the gui to the device and the same errors should show.

Thanks Rafal.

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