I'm working on the SLN-VIZN-IOT face recognition kit, I want to add a riverdi and a FT80x on the kit to have a video output. But my question is it possible to use the riverdi like an input and to control the SLN-VIZN-IOT face recognition kit thanks to this input ?
I have already see that it is possible to use the riverdi like an output, but I don't find information if it is possible to use a riverdi with a FT80x like an input to control the face recognition system.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Kevin,
I am sorry for the late reply. Please check the below feedback from internal team.
I'm not clear about your question. SLN-VIZN-IOT was designed for the applications you mentioned - face recognition. Also FTDI has a refernece design to use FT80X with USB<->SPI board, check this VM801B – FT801 Capacitive Touch Development Platform – Bridgetek and https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/880/DS_VM801B-1317509.pdf
Best regards,
Hello Kevin,
I have asked this internally to our AE team. I will provide more information as soon as I receive any feedback.
Best regards,