How can I test Bluetooth in MIMXRT1176 EVKB using 1ZM M.2 module with chipset NXP 88W8987, I couldn't find any program for Bluetooth in SDK 2_14_0.
Are you providing any separate example for Bluetooth in SDK? If not please tell me how to test it.
I recommend you to download the latest SDK in this webpage. I recommend you to select all the packages.
In MCUXpresso IDE, import the SDK bundle and then import one of the edgefast_bluetooth_examples. I.e. peripheral_ht.
Once in the project, change the macro in the app_bluetooth_config.h to WIFI_88W8987_BOARD_MURATA_1ZM_M2.
There is a HW rework needed in order to run the example as stated in the SDK_2_15_000_MIMXRT1170-EVKB\docs\wireless\bluetooth\edgefast_bluetooth\Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL.pdf
Please use external power.