HI experts,
I try to setup the yocto environment on ubuntu16.04 for my custom I.MX6 Solo board.
Following the i.mx_yocto_project_user's_guide.pdf,
$ mkdir fsl-release-bsp
$ cd fsl-release-bsp
$ repo init -u git://git.freescale.com/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-morty
$ repo sync
after this step is successful, I found there is only "sources" and ".repo" folder in the fsl-release-bsp/ , there is no "fsl-setup-release.sh" and the readme .
Similar steps to repo the L4.9.88 BSP, the result is same. Only "sources" and ".repo" folder exists.
But Then I use similar steps to repo the L4.1.15 BSP. It has the "fsl-setup-release.sh" script.
So I want to know , how can I start to build L4.9.11/L4.9.88 BSP ?
repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-morty -m imx-4.9.51-8mq_ga.xml
repo sync
ln -s sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/tools/fsl-setup-release.sh fsl-setup-release.sh
ln -s sources/base/setup-environment setup-environment
在repo 目录下做两个链接试试!
anybody can help on this ?
rm ~/.gitconfig and rm /fsl-release-bsp/.repo
and do again
I couldn't reproduce this for you, I can build 4.9.11 and 4.9.51 successfully, you can clean the build, then build again.