I tried to replace the DRAM of imx8mqevk board with a 8Gb (1GB) DRAM, which is a 2 die package with 32Mb x 16Dqs x 8 banks x 2 channel. I used the attached *.ds file to test it with the DDR tool v3, then the DDR tool shows the configuration is correct. The log file is attached as the test_result**.log file. Then I generated the ddr_init.c and ddrphy_train.c and modified imx8mq_evk.h for 1GB. I followed all the flow described in the document and successfully bitbake core-image-minimal. However, when I boot up with the image, I got error. The u-boot log is attached as the "outofmem.log". Please help see what's wrong.
Hi Ka-Yi
from log: linux version 4.9.88 is very old, please try latest L4.19.35 or L4.14.98
described on documentation link: i.MX Software and Development Tools | NXP
Best regards
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Dear Igor,
Thank you for your help. However, I took your advice and change to 4.19.35.
I download the source, and replace lpddr4_timing.c which is generated by ddr tool. I also change the imx8mq_evk.h file for the total size of DRAM to 1GB. However, it become worse that the u-boot fail to train the DRAM PHY.
I attached the ddr tool log and u-boot log, please help.
Hi Ka-Yi
what board version used in the case, for old recommended to use lpddr4_timing_b0.
Best regards
Hi Ka-Yi
below link has info about both EVK versions
For lpddr4_timing_b0.c please recheck Chapter 4 How to bring up
a new MX8MSCALE board MSCALE_DDR_Tool_User_Guide.pdf
included in ddr test package.
Best regards