We are using iMX6ULL processors on our custom board with 5.4.70 Yocto kernel and U-boot. We are able to boot the board with the same kernel and U-boot but, when we put the board into sleep after configuring a wakeup alarm duration for the RTC the board goes into SLEEP / SUSPEND state but the system gets stuck which in-turn triggers a WATCHDOG reboot. SLEEP-WAKEUP has been working fine with the 4.14 Yocto kernel and U-boot in the same processor. Are there any kernel related changes for the same in the 5.4 kernel ? We have already tried to replicate all the RTC related changes from the old kernel (4.14) in the new kernel (5.4). Kindly guide us on how to configure the same in the new kernel.
Thanks in advance
Hi, I have the same issue with kernel 5.4.142
"standby" suspend works fine but "mem" suspend does not wakeup.
It works fine with kernel 4.14
It is maybe worth to notice that with mainline kernel(6.0), neither "standby" nor "mem" wakeup at all.
Thank for any advice !
best regards
Hi Nitin
one can test wake on NXP i.MX6ULL EVK reference board with Demo Image
i.MX 6UltraLite, i.MX 6ULL, i.MX 7Dual Boards
rtc wake test
configuration is described in sect. Menu Configuration Options
Best regards