i.MX8M MINI not listed as Right i.MX Applications Processor for Your Embedded Linux Design

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i.MX8M MINI not listed as Right i.MX Applications Processor for Your Embedded Linux Design

Contributor II

The NXP document INDIOTAPPSMCBR , "Essential NXP Platforms For Linux:Choosing the Right i.MX Applications Processor for Your Embedded Linux Design" located at web URL: https://contact.nxp.com/IMXFORLINUXDESIGN

listed the i.MX8 family processors: i.MX8 ULP and  i.MX8M Nano Ultralite processors.

However, it does not list other much more capable i.MX8 family processors: i.M8M Mini or i.M8M Plus.  I understand that not all processors may not be able to make the list and this document may be more for marketing flair to highlight select processors. However, I find it potentially misleading, especially the fact that evaluation kits are not available for 3 of the 6 processors. I would not consider that a good recommendation!

Here are my questions:

1. Can you please explain why the i.M8M Mini and i.M8M Plus did not make the list?

2. Why are the i.M8M Mini and i.M8M Plus not considered the "Right i.MX Applications Processor for Your Embedded Linux Design" ?

3. Are there plans to have update the i.M8M Mini and i.M8M Plus to fix numerous documented errata issues? If so, when?

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