Use link.
Currently, I have tried the mcuxpresso config tool to build the freertos compilation environment of GCC ARM Embedded 10-2021.10, which can be compiled normally, but I don't know how to download the program to the development board.
The official tutorial only has the part of debugging with gdb, so can you provide relevant scripts to help me quickly download the program to the development board to complete the verification?
How about use J-link command to download image?
sorry I haven't used this, how about check whether there is GDB download command from GDB website?
In the mcuxpresso ide, if I want to burn the program, I choose the first step to flash the program through jlink.
The information displayed in the console is also burned through the jlink script, that is, the "script.jlink" file of mcupresso.
And through the mcuxpresso config tool to generate the gcc compilation project, how do I burn through this command. In the official tutorial, there is only the part of gdb debugging.
Can communicate in Chinese
How about use command LoadFile with j-link commander: