There are 2 version of DDR3 Script Aid(excel file, for i.MX6DQ)
"I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.10.xlsx" and "I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.11.xlsx"
What's the difference between the two?
0.11 version add note for duty cycle consideration.
I set the same DDR parameters in each document(I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.10.xlsx,I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.11.xlsx)
However, there are differenct value of the output as shown below.
*I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.10.xlsx
setmem /32 0x021b0008 = 0x09444040 // MMDC0_MDOTC
*I.MX6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid V0.11.xlsx
setmem /32 0x021b0008 = 0x24444040 // MMDC0_MDOTC
I set the same DDR parameter, but I don't know why this value is different.
What is the correct value of MMDC0_MDOTC register?
pls refer to the link as below, what's the difference about tAOFPD and tAONPD, you can check your DDR's data sheet