I am using an i.MX6 DualLite Sabre SD board here. It runs with a kernel configuration that limits the max CPU frequency to 792 MHz.
From what I saw, NXP rated the DualLite to a maximum frequency of 1.2 GHz.
Is it then possible to raise the CPU frequency on my Sabre SD board to 1 GHz? This should be within the stable range, shouldn't it? If so, what do I have to configure / patch to get 1 GHz?
Hi Carlos
>Is it then possible to raise the CPU frequency on my Sabre SD board to 1 GHz?
it is supported in nxp linux releases, one can look at dts file:
cpu0: cpu@0 {
operating-points = <
/* kHz uV */
996000 1250000..
Usage can be found in AN4576 sect.5.4.3 how to set cpu frequency
i.MX 6DualLite Power Consumption Measurement
and sect.2.5.3 CPU Frequency Scaling (CPUFREQ) i.MX Linux Reference Manual
Best regards