Anyone could support the patch files for ds90ub962 with imx8 ? the patch suit with mipi-csi part.
unfortunately, don't find such patch for imx8
Thanks I have linked to imx8.
Now, display is unnormal, such as following, sensor output format is RAW10 .
Could you help me?
what imx8 product do you use? imx8qm?
Yes, I used imx8qm-mek board!
Kernel is "imx_4.14.98_2.3.0"
for raw data capture, maybe you can refer to my another case:
I have read the case, but I don't know how to do the following operate " for capturing raw 10bits data, you need to set RAW16 in ISI , and right shift 4bits to get the correct data. " , which file and whitch function?
you need to do this job by yourself, when the data to the memory, you need to shift the bits by your own software, we don't have such sample code, for ISI settings, you can set the CHNL_IMG_CTRL, one also can refer to the document as below: