Marshmallow BT Bringup In EVK6SL Board

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Marshmallow BT Bringup In EVK6SL Board

Contributor III

Hi All,

   Now We started to bringup the Marshmallow in Evk6sl board.We are getting the BT issue and not able to update the BT GUI.

   Actually for Kitkat we used external/bluetooth/bluedroid folder.But For marshmallow there is no external/bluetooth folder.

   Now we are using system/bt folder for Bluetooth Bringup.Is that one is correct or not ?.

   Using system/bt folder,we were able to create HCI interface.But every time BT is getting restarted.

LOG ::

01-01 01:45:00.199 430 447 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
01-01 01:45:00.202 154 352 W audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters routing=2, ret 0, out -1242503424
01-01 01:45:00.212 154 351 W audio_hw_primary: ret -32, pcm write 768 error wait error: hw 0x61980 app 0x61f80 avail 0x0
01-01 01:45:00.212 154 351 W audio_hw_primary: : Unknown error -32
01-01 01:45:00.764 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
01-01 01:45:00.765 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
01-01 01:45:00.766 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidService
01-01 01:45:00.766 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HealthService
01-01 01:45:00.766 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
01-01 01:45:00.766 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
01-01 01:45:00.766 1001 1001 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
01-01 01:45:00.848 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@a4eca42:true
01-01 01:45:00.849 1001 1001 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
01-01 01:45:00.861 1001 1013 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
01-01 01:45:00.871 1001 1001 I bt_bluedroid: init
01-01 01:45:00.880 430 439 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9085(578KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(100KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 4MB/7MB, paused 5.434ms total 149.082ms
01-01 01:45:00.909 1001 1014 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
01-01 01:45:00.911 1001 1014 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
01-01 01:45:00.911 1001 1014 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
01-01 01:45:00.911 1001 1014 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
01-01 01:45:00.914 1001 1001 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface socket
01-01 01:45:00.925 1001 1017 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Address is:22:22:B2:97:60:D9
01-01 01:45:00.929 1001 1017 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: EVK_MX6SL
01-01 01:45:00.945 1001 1001 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface sdp
01-01 01:45:00.954 1001 1012 I bt_bluedroid: config_hci_snoop_log
01-01 01:45:00.955 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 5 receivers.
01-01 01:45:00.966 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: OFF, message: 0
01-01 01:45:00.972 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 14
01-01 01:45:00.973 1001 1013 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
01-01 01:45:00.976 1001 1013 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
01-01 01:45:00.986 1001 1001 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L912): classInitNative: Success!
01-01 01:45:00.989 1001 1013 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering PendingCommandState
01-01 01:45:00.994 1001 1001 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
01-01 01:45:00.998 1001 1018 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
01-01 01:45:00.999 1001 1001 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
01-01 01In onebox_ioctl function
:45:01.000 1001 1001 D BtGatt.Gbt_insert: Initialization function called
attService: Received start requessize of onebox bt_adapter is not 32 byte aligned
t. Starting profile...
01-01 01:bt_insert: Mutex init successfull
45:01.000 1001 1001 D BtGatt.GaInitialising the event cd354894 addr
ttService: start()
01-01 01:45:0In bt_read_reg_params 75 Line
1.006 1001 1001 I bt_bluedroid:02 get_profile_interface gatt
01-060 1 01:45:01.007 1001 1001 D Blue23 toothAdapterService: getAdapterSe32 rvice() - returning luetooth.btservice.AdapterService0b @48d449f
01-01 01:45:01.007 10054 1 1001 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager53 : advertise manager created
01-0f6 1 01:45:01.017 1001 1001 V Blue0d toothAdapterState: isTurningOff()4d =false
01-01 01:45:01.017 1001 03 1001 V BluetoothAdapterState: is02 TurningOn()=false
01-01 01:45:0104 .017 1001 1001 V BluetoothAdapt55 erState: isBleTurningOn()=true
000 1-01 01:45:01.026 1001 1001 V B
luetoothAdapterState: isBleTurnin00 gOff()=false
01-01 01:45:01.028 00 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterSta
te: Current state: PENDING_COMMAN
HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 1
D, message: 4
01-01 01:45:01.028bluez_init: registering with `hci'
1001 1013 I bt_bluedroid: enabWaiting for tx_acces from common hal
01-01 01:45:01.029 1001 101bluez_init: done registering `hci0'
4 D bt_stack_manager: event_startonebox_hdev_open: `hci0' open
_up_stack is bringing up the stacusb_host_intf_write_pkt:Successfully written onto card
01-01 01:45:01.045 1001 101In onebox_hdev_send_frame No sufficient head room
4 I bt_hci : start_up
01-01 01:
45:01.058 1001 1014 I bt_vendorTX PACKET LENGTH = 19
: alloc value 0xaf760935
1:45:01.058 1001 1014 I bt_vend03 or: Redpine vendor init got calle70 d here!!!
a6 2a 0a 00 0c 06 1b 07 a4 1a 00 00 01 00
03 0c 00

Register usb char device interface for BT driverFinished bt char device initialization

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 1
genl-register: nl_family `Obx-BTgenl' asset `bluetooth_asset'
Waiting for tx_acces from common hal
HAS tx_acces from common hal
01-01 01:45:01.283 1001 1014 I usb_host_intf_write_pkt:Successfully written onto card
bt_vendor: Mutyam****protocol ena-process_unaggregated_pkt()
01-01 01:45:01.283 1001 10-process_usb_rcv_pkt()
14 I bt_vendor:
bt_adapter = cd354000
###Received in QNumber:7 Len=6###!!!
06 70 1a 5c bb 4b fa a4 80 00 f8 66 ae 55 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

06 70 1a 5c bb 4b fa a4 80 00 f8 66 ae 55 04 00

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 255

0e 04 01 03 0c 00


HAL CORE_MSG: qos_pro: No More Pkt Due to invalid queueno
@@@ Indicating packet to core:
0e 04

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 255
01 03 0c 00
bt_core_pkt_recv: sending to APP len 6, pkttype 4

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_pro: No More Pkt Due to invalid queueno
onebox_hdev_open: `hci0' open
onebox_hdev_open: device `hci0' already running
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
*************RSI BT READ*********************: 1026
rsi_btchr_read: BT usb char device is readingQueue front value is: 0
Trying to dequeue pkt here: 1026
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: -1
Queue front value is: -1
01-01 01:45:02.283 1001 1014 I bt_vendor: ===================>>>>Userial Redpine bluetooth vendor init /dev/rsi
01-01 01:45:02.283 1001 1014 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:02.283 1001 1014 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP POWER 0
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1014 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1014 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP POWER 0
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1014 D bt_hci : start_up starting async portion
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1021 I bt_hci : event_finish_startup
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1021 I bt_hci_h4: hal_open
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1021 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:02.284 1001 1021 E bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP S_OPEN 3
01-01 01:45:02.293 1001 1021 I bt_vendor: device fd = 48 open
01-01 01:45:02.306 1001 1021 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:02.306 1001 1021 E bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP code Default
01-01 01:45:02.324 1001 1021 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 0
01-01 01:45:02.324 1001 1021 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 1
01-01 01:45:02.324 1001 1021 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 2
01-01 01:45:02.325 1001 1021 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ===========================>>>>>>FINISHED STATE IF CASE
01-01 01:45:02.325 1001 1021 W bt_hci : filter_incoming_event ===============CRDGFGYTFRTDCGFCKJH>VR^YFGJHYV KJ^&R==================>>>>>>. opcode: 0xc03.
01-01 01:45:02.325 1001 1021 W bt_hci : filter_incoming_event command complete event with no matching command. opcode: 0xc03.
01-01 01:45:03.299 154 352 W audio_hw_primary: no standby
01-01 01:45:09.049 1001 1016 E bt_hci : startup_timer_expired
01-01 01:45:09.049 1001 1014 E bt_core_module: module_start_up failed to start up "hci_module"
01-01 01:45:09.070 1001 1029 I bt_btu : btu_task pending for preload complete event
01-01 01:45:09.070 1001 1029 I bt_btu_task: Bluetooth chip preload is complete
01-01 01:45:09.070 1001 1029 I bt_btu : btu_task rec*************RSI BT WRITE*********************
eived preload complete event
rsi_btchr_write: BT usb char device is writingSending pkt through HCI device
In onebox_hdev_send_frame No sufficient head room

03 70 58 02 6e 20 5d 06 21 00 0e 00 02 00 01 00
03 0c 00


HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 1
Waiting for tx_acces from common hal
usb_host_intf_write_pkt:Successfully written onto card
bt_adapter = cd354000
###Received in QNumber:7 Len=6###!!!
06 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I
HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 255
: BTE_InitTraceLevels --
HAL CORE_MSG: qos_pro: No More Pkt Due to invalid queueno
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

06 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I 00 : BTE_InitTraceLevels --
01-01 01:45:09.086 10
01 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM
01-01 01:@@@ Indicating packet to core:
04 09.086 1001 1029 I :0e BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I01 : BTE_InitTraceLevels --03 TRC_AVRC
01-01 01:45:09.086 100c 01 1029 I : BTE_InitTrac00 eLevels -- TRC_A2D
01-01 01:45:0
9.086 1001 1029 I : BTEbt_core_pkt_recv: sending to APP len 6, pkttype 4
_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GAP
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GATT
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP
01-01 01:45:09.086 1001 1029 I : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF
01-01 01:45:09.089 1001 1021 E bt_hci : ==================================>>>>>> Adding the Wait entry opcode 0xc03
onebox_hdev_flush: `hci0' flush
onebox_hdev_close: `hci0' close
01-01 01:45:13.031 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 101
01-01 01:45:13.032 1001 1013 E BluetoothAdapterState: Error enabling Bluetooth (enable timeout)
01-01 01:45:13.032 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 10
01-01 01:45:13.032 1001 1013 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 14-> 10
01-01 01:45:13.034 430 447 E BluetoothManagerService: recoverBluetoothServiceFromError
01-01 01:45:13.049 1001 1013 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
01-01 01:45:13.060 883 883 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 and
01-01 01:45:13.098 883 997 D Index : Deleting data for locale 'en_US' took 2 millis
01-01 01:45:13.113 883 883 D DockEventReceiver: finishStartingService: stopping service
01-01 01:45:13.161 883 997 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_US' took 63 millis
01-01 01:45:13.552 1001 1013 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: OFF, message: 23
01-01 01:45:13.554 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 5 receivers.
01-01 01:45:13.567 1001 1001 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
01-01 01:45:13.567 1001 1001 W BluetoothSdpJni: Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
01-01 01:45:13.567 1001 1001 I BluetoothServiceJni: cleanupNative: return from cleanup
01-01rsi_btchr_close: BT usb char device is closing 01:45:13.572 1001 1001 I art onebox_hdev_flush: `hci0' flush
: System.exit called, status: onebox_hdev_close: `hci0' close
01-01 01:45:13.572 1001 1001onebox_hdev_close: device `hci0' not running
I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
01-01 01:45:13.633 430 859 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 1001) has died
01-01 01:45:13.633 430 859 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
01-01 01:45:16.566 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE: Restart IBluetooth service
01-01 01:45:16.592 430 447 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
01-01 01:45:16.735 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HeadsetService
01-01 01:45:16.735 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding A2dpService
01-01 01:45:16.735 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HidService
01-01 01:45:16.735 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding HealthService
01-01 01:45:16.736 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding PanService
01-01 01:45:16.736 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding GattService
01-01 01:45:16.736 1033 1033 D AdapterServiceConfig: Adding BluetoothMapService
01-01 01:45:16.753 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@4f1aea7:true
01-01 01:45:16.754 1033 1033 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
01-01 01:45:16.758 1033 1033 I bt_bluedroid: init
01-01 01:45:16.759 1033 1045 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
01-01 01:45:16.762 1033 1046 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf aIn onebox_ioctl function
ttempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
01-01 01:45:16.762 1033 1046 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
01-01 01:45:16.762 1033 1046 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
01-01 01:45:16.762 1033 1046 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
01-01 01:45:16.763 1033 1033 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface socket
01-01 01:45:16.765 1033 1033 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface sdp
01-01 01:45:16.771 1033 1043 I bt_bluedroid: config_hci_snoop_log
01-01 01:45:16.772 430 447 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 5 receivers.
01-01 01:45:16.776 1033 1045 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: OFF, message: 0
01-01 01:45:16.776 1033 1045 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 14
01-01 01:45:16.776 1033 1045 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
01-01 01:45:16.778 1033 1045 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
01-01 01:45:16.781 1033 1049 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Address is:22:22:B2:97:60:D9
01-01 01:45:16.786 1033 1049 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: EVK_MX6SL
01-01 01:45:16.792 1033 1033 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L912): classInitNative: Success!
01-01 01:45:16.795 1033 1033 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
01-01 01:45:16.795 1033 1050 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
01-01 01:45:16.796 1033 1045 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering PendingCommandState
01-01 01:45:16.797 1033 1033 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
01-01 01:45:16.798 1033 1033 D BtGatt.GattService: Received start request. Starting profile...
01-01 01:45:16.798 1033 1033 D BtGatt.GattService: start()
01-01 01:45:16.798 1033 1033 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface gatt
01-01 01:45:16.800 1033 1033 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning
01-01 01:45:16.800 1033 1033 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager: advertise manager created
01-01 01:45:16.807 1033 1033 V BluetoothAdapterState: isTurningOff()=false
01-01 01:45:16.808 1033 1033 V BluetoothAdapterState: isTurningOn()=false
01-01 01:45:16.808 1033 1033 V BluetoothAdapterState: isBleTurningOn()=true
01-01 01:45:16.808 1033 1033 V BluetoothAdapterState: isBleTurningOff()=false
01-01 01:45:16.809 1033 1045 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 4
01-01 01:45:16.809 1033 1045 I bt_bluedroid: enable
01-01 01:45:16.809 1033 1046 D bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack.
01-01 01:45:16.809 1033 1046 I bt_hci : start_up
01-01 01:45:16.816 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: alloc value 0xaf760935
01-01 01:45:16.817 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: Redpine vendor init got called here!!!
01-01 01:45:16.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: Mutyam****protocol enable
01-01 01:45:16.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor:
01-01 01:45:17.549 430 443 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
01-01 01:45:17.552 430 859 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$3@faf61c0
01-01 01:45:17.655 1055 1055 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MusicFX/lib/arm
01-01 01:45:17.658 1055 1055 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive
01-01 01:45:17.658 1055 1055 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action:
01-01 01:45:17.658 1055 1055 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name:
01-01 01:45:17.659 1055 1055 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 8
01-01 01:45:17.660 1055 1055 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: closeSession(,, 8)
onebox_hdev_open: `hci0' open
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
*************RSI BT READ*********************: 1026
rsi_btchr_read: BT usb char device is readingQueue front value is: 0
Trying to dequeue pkt here: 1026
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: -1
Queue front value is: -1
01-01 01:45:17.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: ===================>>>>Userial Redpine bluetooth vendor init /dev/rsi
01-01 01:45:17.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:17.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP POWER 0
01-01 01:45:17.838 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1046 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP POWER 0
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1046 D bt_hci : start_up starting async portion
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1053 I bt_hci : event_finish_startup
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1053 I bt_hci_h4: hal_open
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1053 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:17.839 1033 1053 E bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP S_OPEN 3
01-01 01:45:17.842 1033 1053 I bt_vendor: device fd = 48 open
01-01 01:45:17.862 1033 1053 I bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP Code 111111111111111111
01-01 01:45:17.862 1033 1053 E bt_vendor: ==================>>>> Redpine Vendor OP code Default
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 0
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 1
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ======================================>>>>>>>INCOMING STATE 2
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 E bt_hci : hal_says_data_ready ===========================>>>>>>FINISHED STATE IF CASE
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 W bt_hci : filter_incoming_event ===============CRDGFGYTFRTDCGFCKJH>VR^YFGJHYV KJ^&R==================>>>>>>. opcode: 0xc03.
01-01 01:45:17.872 1033 1053 W bt_hci : filter_incoming_event command complete event with no matching command. opcode: 0xc03.
130|root@evk_6sl:/ # *************RSI BT WRITE*********************
rsi_btchr_write: BT usb char device is writingSending pkt through HCI device
In onebox_hdev_send_frame No sufficient head room

03 70 00 00 f6 03 1d 00 3b 00 00 00 71 10 01 00
03 0c 00


HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 1
Waiting for tx_acces from common hal
usb_host_intf_write_pkt:Successfully written onto card
bt_adapter = cd354000
###Received in QNumber:7 Len=6###!!!
06 70 00 00

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 255

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_pro: No More Pkt Due to invalid queueno
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

06 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

@@@ Indicating packet to core:
0e 04 01 03 0c 00
bt_core_pkt_recv: sending to APP len 6, pkttype 4
rsi_btchr_close: BT usb char device is closingonebox_hdev_flush: `hci0' flush
onebox_hdev_close: `hci0' close
In onebox_ioctl function
onebox_hdev_open: `hci0' open
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
*************RSI BT READ*********************: 1026
rsi_btchr_read: BT usb char device is readingQueue front value is: 0
Trying to dequeue pkt here: 1026
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: -1
Queue front value is: -1
*************RSI BT WRITE*********************
rsi_btchr_write: BT usb char device is writingSending pkt through HCI device
In onebox_hdev_send_frame No sufficient head room

03 70 15 00 72 20 78 42 05 00 0c 16 1f 16 01 00
03 0c 00


HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 1
Waiting for tx_acces from common hal
usb_host_intf_write_pkt:Successfully written onto card
bt_adapter = cd354000
###Received in QNumber:7 Len=6###!!!
06 70 00 00

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_processor: Queue number = 255

HAL CORE_MSG: qos_pro: No More Pkt Due to invalid queueno
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

06 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00
0e 04 01 03 0c 00

@@@ Indicating packet to core:
0e 04 01 03 0c 00
bt_core_pkt_recv: sending to APP len 6, pkttype 4
rsi_btchr_close: BT usb char device is closingonebox_hdev_flush: `hci0' flush
onebox_hdev_close: `hci0' close
In onebox_ioctl function
onebox_hdev_open: `hci0' open
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: 0
*************RSI BT READ*********************: 1026
rsi_btchr_read: BT usb char device is readingQueue front value is: 0
Trying to dequeue pkt here: 1026
rsi_btchr_poll: BT usb char device is pollingQueue front value is: -1
Queue front value is: -1

How to solve this issue and how to update the android GUI.

Any Solution ?

Thanks in Advance.

Thanaraj Subramani
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