I have successfully tested GPIO1: 21 pin for event notification by doing following steps:
->irq = gpio_to_irq(21)
->devm_request_irq(p_dev, irq, irq_handler....)
For DTS changes:
I have commneted all functions for this particular pin and did following steps:
$ /unit_tests/memtool IOMUXC.SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_UART2_RX_DATA.SION=1 SOC: i.MX6UL
Here When I ever I provide signal on this pin, irq handler will get triggered.
Now I want to test the same handler using same pin but as GPT capture pin.
Could anybody suggest how to do this? It will be really helpfull if somebody share some example
Phani Movva
Hi Phani
for gpt capture example one can look at sdk examples (i.MX6ULL has the same gpt module)
which can be found on SMP Enable in IMX6
Best regards
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Thanks Igor for your quick response. I will go through the sdk section and try to reuse them.
Could you please correct me for the following points:
1.For imx6 ull, are we using gpt1 to calculate system ticks?
2. If yes for my first question, can we use gpt2.capture2 for notifying the falling/raising edge events?
3. If no for my second question, could you please suggest how to make it possible
Also please confirm, the provided sdk supports mx6dq, mx6sdl and mx6sl. Could you please let us know which one is similar or same as imx6 ull
Phani Movva
Hi Phani
for linux timers (system ticks) one can refer to sect.3.3 Timer attached Linux Manual.
In general if GPIO1: 21 pin event notification works fine, one can reuse its codes
to create similar handler for gpt2.capture2 event.
Regarding " provided sdk supports mx6dq, mx6sdl and mx6sl", supported features and platforms
are described in Release Notes document included in each software package on below link,
please check under "Documentation.
Best regards