Hello NXP,
I recently start teting CTS with Android 6.0 R28 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) - ARM
And I've got some issues below, could you check these issues for me and give me some feedback, thanks a lot.
Test Report for -
com.android.cts.appsecurity.ExternalStorageHostTest | ||
-- testExternalStorageNone | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: com.android.cts.externalstorageapp.ExternalStorageTest#testDownloadManagerPackage: |
-- testExternalStorageRead | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: com.android.cts.readexternalstorageapp.ReadExternalStorageTest#testMountPointsNotWritable: |
-- testExternalStorageWrite | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: com.android.cts.writeexternalstorageapp.WriteExternalStorageTest#testSecondaryMountPointsNotWritable: |
-- testMultiUserStorageIsolated | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: com.android.cts.multiuserstorageapp.MultiUserStorageTest#testMediaProviderUserIsolation: |
According to ExternalStorageHostTest, I can 100 percent to confirm testExternalStorageRead and testExternalStorageWrite are caused by Adoptable Storage. But I don't understand why testExternalStorageNone nad testMultiUserStorageIsolated are still FAIL. On the Internet, there is some one told me, remove the STORAGE_PRIMARY := internal then you might get pass. But I can't find this keywords so far.
Test Report for -
com.android.cts.appsecurity.PermissionsHostTest | ||
-- testInteractiveGrant | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: Failed to successfully run device tests for com.android.cts.usepermission: Instrumentation run failed due to 'Process crashed.' at com.android.cts.appsecurity.Utils.runDeviceTests(Utils.java:85) |
-- testNoPermissionEscalation | fail | java.lang.AssertionError: on-device tests failed: com.android.cts.escalatepermission.PermissionEscalationTest#testCannotEscalateNonRuntimePermissionsToRuntime: |
According to PermissionsHostTest, I have no idea what happended. Because I think this issue is caused by user mode. How do you think on it?
Test Report for -
com.android.cts.appsecurity.PkgInstallSignatureVerificationTest | ||
-- testInstallApkWhichDoesNotStartWithZipLocalFileHeaderMagic | fail | junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Install of v1-only-starts-with-00000000-magic.apk succeeded but was expected to fail with "INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK" at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:50) |
The final issue is about PkgInstallSignatureVerificationTest, actually, I think this issue is caused by my source code. Our source is not the lastest version. Is there any latest source code that we could combine it with our source code? And maybe the CTS issues would be reduced.
Hello everyone,
Due to my BSP version is too old. There are many test items from CTS have been updated. So I need to upgrade my source by merging Google's patch for some testing.
Here are some testing items has been fixed after merging Google's patch. Please check these items if you have these issues as well.
- android.tests.appsecurity
1. com.android.cts.appsecurity.PkgInstallSignatureVerificationTest -testInstallApkWhichDoesNotStartWithZipLocalFileHeaderMagic
2. com.android.cts.appsecurity.ExternalStorageHostTest - testMultiUserStorageIsolated
3. com.android.cts.appsecurity.PermissionsHostTest
- testNoPermissionEscalation
1. android.host.multiuser.CreateUsersPermissionTes - testCantSetUserRestriction
And one thing is com.android.cts.appsecurity.ExternalStorageHostTest - testExternalStorageNon, regarding this one, you need to make sure your device is able to connect to the Internet. Then this testing item would be passed.
About testCantSetUserRestriction test, do you have any patchs files for it? I have problem with this test.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Hello Thien,
Sorry, there. I can't share these patches with you due to some business concerned. Maybe you can clone AOSP of IMX6 again. And check-out to the latest node. Compare it with your source code to find out the patches you want. Hope this message can help you. :smileyhappy: