How to get protobufs and zeromq included in Yocto image

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How to get protobufs and zeromq included in Yocto image

4,280 次查看
Contributor III

I want to use zeromq and google protobuf for my application. From what I can tell, it looks like the 4.14.78_1.0.0 sumo Yocto build should have a version of zeromq included as part of meta-oe, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the image. (No library, no files with zeromq or zmq in the name.) I’m wondering if the default build somehow removed it, or if I need to do something else to ensure that it’s included in the image.


For protobufs, it looks like it’s not there at all… I tried to use devtool to create a ‘protobuf’ recipe, but it fails to build.


Is there another way of adding protobufs to my project?


I’m just going for the fastest path forward. If there’s already a layer that exists for one or both of these components, or a recipe, or something… I would appreciate that.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport
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Contributor III

Just to check that I understand you.

I would have to add the devtools recipe from the meta-virtualization layer to my image, and make sure those 3 things build?

Is there a spot for zeromq as well? (I plan to use it with Python, if that helps narrow what I need to incorporate.)

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, There is no Spot for zeromq you have to change all the register to support it.


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4,127 次查看
Contributor III

It looks like I have zeromq support via Python. (python-pyzmq package is available) I was able to add it to my image, and verify that it connects to my host machine.

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