GPU on i.MX53

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GPU on i.MX53

2,598 次查看
Contributor III

Hi All.

I try build system i.MX53 ( qsb-board) with GPU.

I build BSP with Yocto - Rocko , Sumo , Thud , Warrior , Zeus.

I see GPU does not work.


After that I build kernel 5.4 with Yocto - Rocko , Sumo , Thud , Warrior , Zeus.

GPU does not work.

In addition, I see , we have problem with  X11.

I see xorg.conf file ,


Section "Device"
Identifier "i.MX Accelerated Framebuffer Device"
Driver "imx"
Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
# This option only recognized when "mxc_epdc_fb" frame buffer driver in
# use. Values are "RGB565" (default, 16-bit RGB), "Y8" (8-bit gray),
# and "Y8INV" (8-bit gray inverted).
Option "FormatEPDC" "Y8INV"

, we have problem.


If we change  : Driver "imx" to Driver "fbdev" , Xort is working.


Section "Device"
Identifier "i.MX Accelerated Framebuffer Device"
Driver "fbdev"
Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
# This option only recognized when "mxc_epdc_fb" frame buffer driver in
# use. Values are "RGB565" (default, 16-bit RGB), "Y8" (8-bit gray),
# and "Y8INV" (8-bit gray inverted).
Option "FormatEPDC" "Y8INV"


I think no work GPU accelerator.

Maybe someone launched the GPU on i.MX53.

Best regards. 

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3 回复数

2,268 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Alex

>build system i.MX53 ( qsb-board) with GPU. I build BSP with Yocto - Rocko , Sumo , Thud , Warrior , Zeus.
>I see GPU does not work.
>After that I build kernel 5.4 with Yocto - Rocko , Sumo , Thud , Warrior , Zeus.
>GPU does not work.

supported platfroms for latest kernels are described in official nxp linux documentation

(Release Notes) on link:  i.MX Software and Development Tools | NXP 

seems there is no i.MX5x platforms. Latest attached Release Notes from official Linux Documentation Bundle

on i.MX53 Software and Development Tool Resources | NXP 

describes Linux 2.6.35 kernel. Also may be useful : Submit i.MX53 & i.MX28 Linux kernel patches 

Best regards
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2,268 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Igor,

There is an activity in the Linux Kernel 5.x, we see that adreno a200 gpu drivers and dts configurations are added with the following patches:

Adreno A200 driver:

GPU DTS addition for IMX53:

A200 firmware:

[PATCH] qcom: Add firmware files for Adreno A200 - Fabio Estevam 

And FSL community zeus branch provides 5.1.15-fslc+gcd1d083 which has these patches for imx53. Do you think is there a possibility to have GPU runnning with 5.x kernels?

Also Mr. Chris Healey is mentioning that this is possible in some threads (i.MX53, Linux 4.9 and Etnaviv ). But there is nobody from NXP saying that this is available.

Please kindly advise,

Best Regards,


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2,268 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Burak 

you are right, nxp does not "officially" supports Etnaviv and

i.MX53 is supported in community kernels ("-fslc"). Difference between comunity "-fslc"

and nxp official "linux-imx" (on  repository)
is described on

difference between Yocto Community BSP and Freescale BSP Release 

Best regards