Distorted Video on LVDS i.MX6 gStreamer

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Distorted Video on LVDS i.MX6 gStreamer

Contributor II

Hello Community,

I recently upgrade my linux to 3.10.17_1.0.1 and I am having an issues with video output of the gstreamer-0.10 on LVDS. I have also played the video on the other devices such as HDMI and LCD and the video output looks fine. The distorted video can be seen in the attachment. I am wondering if anyone has similar issue and has the solution for it. More detail information of the system and testing are described as follows. 

root@bcr:/etc/init.d# uname -a

Linux bcr 3.10.17-7869 #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 14:56:37 EDT 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux

root@bcr:/etc/init.d# cat /proc/cmdline

enable_wait_mode=off console=ttymxc1,115200 vmalloc=400M consoleblank=0 rootwait video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,800x480@60,if=RGB24 video=mxcfb1:dev=ldb,BCRx-LVDS,if=RGB24 video=mxcfb2:dev=hdmi,1280x720M@60,if=RGB24 fbmem=10M,28M,28M video=mxcfb3:off root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 mxc_hdmi.only_cea=1

root@bcr:/etc/init.d# cat /sys/class/graphics/fb2/mode


root@bcr:/etc/init.d# cat /sys/class/graphics/fb2/modes


root@bcr:/etc/init.d# gst-inspect | grep imx

ipucsc.imx:  mfw_ipucsc: IPU-based video converter

beep.imx: ac3: ac3

beep.imx: 3ca: ac3

beep.imx:  beepdec: beep audio decoder

beep.imx:  beepdec.vorbis: Vorbis decoder

beep.imx:  beepdec.mp3: MP3 decoder

beep.imx:  beepdec.aac: AAC LC decoder

tvsrc.imx:  tvsrc: v4l2 based tv src

mpeg4dec.imx:  mfw_mpeg4aspdecoder: mpeg4 video decoder

aiur.imx: webm: webm

aiur.imx:  aiurdemux: aiur universal demuxer

isink.imx:  mfw_isink: IPU-based video sink

v4lsink.imx:  mfw_v4lsink: v4l2 video sink

h264.imx:  mfw_h264decoder: h264 video decoder

mpeg2dec.imx:  mfw_mpeg2decoder: mpeg2 video decoder

amrdec.imx:  mfw_amrdecoder: amr audio decoder

audiopeq.imx:  mfw_audio_pp: audio post equalizer

v4lsrc.imx:  mfw_v4lsrc: v4l2 based camera src

vpu.imx:  vpudec: VPU-based video decoder

vpu.imx:  vpuenc: VPU-based video encoder

mp3enc.imx:  mfw_mp3encoder: mp3 audio encoder

root@bcr:/etc/init.d# gst-launch filesrc location=/media/sda4/test_new.mp4 typefind=true ! decodebin ! mfw_v4lsink device=/dev/video18

MFW_GST_V4LSINK_PLUGIN 3.0.11 build on Oct  2 2014 17:53:23.

Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...

Pipeline is PREROLLING ...

Aiur: 3.0.11

Core: MPEG4PARSER_06.07.04  build on Dec  5 2013 11:41:38

  mime: video/quicktime; audio/x-m4a; application/x-3gp

  file: /usr/lib/imx-mm/parser/lib_mp4_parser_arm11_elinux.so.3.2

Content Info:



        Idx File:


        Seekable  : Yes

        Size(byte): 66141220

Movie Info:

        Seekable  : Yes

        Live      : No

        Duration  : 0:01:23.000000000

        ReadMode  : Track

        Track     : 3

Track 00 [video_000000] Enabled

        Duration: 0:01:22.899496000

        Language: und


              video/x-h264, parsed=(boolean)true, width=(int)720, height=(int)480, framerate=(


[INFO]  Product Info: i.MX6Q/D/S

vpudec versions :smileyhappy:

        plugin: 3.0.11

        wrapper: 1.0.46(VPUWRAPPER_ARM_LINUX Build on Oct  2 2014 17:41:53)

        vpulib: 5.4.23


Track 01 [audio_000000] Enabled

        Duration: 0:01:22.824000000

        Language: und


              audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, framed=(boolean)true, channels=(int)2, rate=(int

              )90000, bitrate=(int)0

Track 02 [subtitle]: Disabled

        Codec: 1, SubCodec: 0

[INFO]  bitstreamMode 1, chromaInterleave 1, mapType 0, tiled2LinearEnable 0

Beep: 3.0.11

Core: MP3 decoder Wrapper  build on Dec 25 2013 23:51:27

  mime: audio/mpeg, mpegversion = (int)1

  file: /usr/lib/imx-mm/audio-codec/wrap/lib_mp3d_wrap_arm12_elinux.so.3

CODEC: BLN_MAD-MMCODECS_MP3D_ARM_02.13.00_CORTEX-A8  build on Dec  5 2012 09:45:19.

>>V4L_SINK: Actually buffer status:

        hardware buffer : 12

        software buffer : 0

Pipeline is PREROLLED ...

Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...

full screen size:800x480

[V4L Update Display]: left=0, top=0, width=800, height=480

set v4l display crop sucessfully

New clock: GstSystemClock

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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

We are in the process of reproducing your issue in a i.MX6 SABRE Board,  as soon as we have an update we will get back to you.

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Hi Jamesbone,

I found that there is an issue in my side. Basically, some of LVDS setting isn't properly set. Thank you for your help and support.


Ronny Lim

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