Hi All,
We have doubt that, can we use latest Marshmallow android bug fix source code commit TAG for android 6.0.1 setup ?... In android Marshmallow user guide they have mentioned below link for repo init,
$ ~/bin/repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-6.0.1_r22
Please let us know, can we use updated Tag for Android 6.0.1 ? if yes please tell latest tag number.
Hello Thanaraj ,
Yes, you can use the bug fix source code commit TAG for Android 6.0.1 we have tested to
https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av/+/refs/tags/android-6.0.1_r58, which is on marshmallow-mr2-release. It's also newer than our android_M6.0.1_2.1.0 release.
But I do not see a problem to use the latest R8.
Have a great day,
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I have same issue qemu-kernel.
fatal: bad object f7cfc2cca15736862e45ebef54776e0dfdffeb16
Error! Base version commit f7cfc2cca15736862e45ebef54776e0dfdffeb16 doesn't exist in git /home/<user>/myandroid/prebuilts/qemu-kernel. Stop
I an working on M6.0.1_2.1.0 R3 Please Help me what I'm Missing or did wrong.
I already spend too much time on this.
Hi Jamesbone,
Thanks for reply.
As you said we have tried Tag r58 and r8, after repo sync whlie running c_patch for the android source bsp(android_M6.0.1_2.1.0), we are getting the following error.
Checking KEEP project - prebuilts/qemu-kernel ...
fatal: bad object f7cfc2cca15736862e45ebef54776e0dfdffeb16
Error! Base version commit f7cfc2cca15736862e45ebef54776e0dfdffeb16 doesn't exist in git /work/myandroid/prebuilts/qemu-kernel. Stop
Did you get any error like this while testing tag r58. can you please provide suggestion to solve the above error ?