i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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This document shows the steps for the creation of Archlinux and kernel 4.18.5 on the UDOO board. Required material: UDOO board, Ubuntu 16.04 and SD card. Firts we need u-boot (universal bootloader), for that reason we need update the host. $ sudo apt-get update Then we need the file *.img and SPL for the file system $ wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/imx6/boot/udoo/SPL $ wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/imx6/boot/udoo/u-boot.img Kernel 4.18.5 and file system: $ sudo mkdir archlinux $ wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz $ sudo tar -xzvf  ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz $ sudo rm -rf *.tar.gz You must have the following files Now  We are going to burn the memory, we need a 16Gb of space: We need to make sure it is empty Then partitions: $ sudo fdisk /dev/sdc O, P, N, P, 1 space, 8192 default, W At the end the sdc is partition, then create the filesystem partition $ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1 The working directory $ sudo mkdir mnt mount the partition 1 $ sudo mount /devsdc1 mtn/ Now we where the kernel and filesystem are and copy all the file in mnt: $ sudo cp -vr * ~/mnt/ Once it finish we execute $ sync then unmount the partition of sdc1: $ sudo umount mnt/ Now is moment to load the SPL and u-boot: and $ sync we retire the sd and turn on the board. Now you are on ArchLinux. user: alarm                  root: Root Pass: alarm                 pass: root Now the firts thing we must do it is upgrade the keys: $ pacman -key --init $ pacman -key --populate archlinuxarm $ pacman -Syyuu We can add another user: $ useradd - m -g user  -s /bin/bash user_name $ passwd user_name $ paman -S sudo $ visudo Root ALL= (ALL) ALL user_name ALL=(ALL) ALL $ exit For the graphic we are going to install the xorg: $ sudo pacman -S xorg-server $ sudo pacman -S xorg-apps Now we can execute startx and observe the windows of xorg $ startx To have a windows gestor: $ sudo pacman -S sddm $ sudo pacman -S plasma kde-applications $ sudo systemctl enable sddm Reboot and you are ArchLinux graphics windows
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Some Chinese customers using i.MX series SoC maybe encounter some issues when they download android , u-boot & kernel source code by 'git' command, the following steps will show customer how to get them: 1. Getting repo --No.1 methord # cd ~ # mkdir myandroid # mkdir bin # cd bin # git clone git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/git-repo.git/ <if git failed, use : git clone https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/git-repo.git/> # cd git-repo # cp ./repo ../ --No.2 methord # cd ~ # mkdir bin # curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo # chmod a+x ~/bin/repo [Note]Customers can select one of above to get "repo" 2. Modifying repo File Open ~/bin/repo file with 'gedit' and Change google address From        REPO_URL = 'https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo' To        REPO_URL = 'git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/git-repo'        like following: ## repo default configuration ## REPO_URL = 'git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/git-repo' REPO_REV = 'stable' 3、Setting email address # cd ~/myandroid # git config --global user.email "weidong.sun@nxp.com" # git config --global user.name "weidong.sun" [ Email & Name should be yours] 4、Getting manifest # ~/bin/repo init -u https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/platform/manifest -b android-5.1.1_r1 # cd ~/myandroid/.repo # gedit manifest.xml        Then change the value of fetch to " git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/ ", like following: <manifest>   <remote name="aosp"            fetch="git://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/" />   <default revision="refs/tags/android-5.1.1_r1" ...... [Note] android-5.1.1_r1 is version of branch,customer can change it to another. 5、# ~/bin/repo sync          [Note] During runing repo sync, maybe errors will occur like the following: ...... * [new tag]         studio-1.4 -> studio-1.4 error: Exited sync due to fetch errors          Then 'repo sync' exits. But don't worry about it, continue to run the command please ! " ~/bin/repo sync", downloading source code will be continous. 6、Getting Cross Compiler # cd ~/myandroid/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm # git clone https://aosp.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/android/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6 # cd arm-eabi-4.6 # git checkout android-4.4.3_r1 7、Getting linux kernel source code        Probably, customer can't normally get linux kernel by using "git clone" command, she can download it directly from the following weblink:        http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-2.6-imx.git/        At first, create a temperary directory, then download kernel into the directory. see following steps: # cd ~ /Downloads # mkdir linux-kernel   Atfer downloading l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga.tar.gz, use 'tar zxvf l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga.tar.gz' command to decompress it.        Then you can find a subdirectory name " l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga" is created, linux source code is in the directory, we should copy all files in the directory to ~/myandroid/kernel_imx/ # cd ~/myandroid # mkdir kernel_imx # cd kernel_imx # cp -a ~ /Downloads/linux-kernel/l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga ./ 8、Getting uboot source code               Probably, customer can't normally get linux kernel by using "git clone" command, she can download it directly from the following weblink:       http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.git/        We can use similar way to that of linux kernel to get u-boot source code: # cd ~ /Downloads # mkdir u-boot        Download l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga.tar.gz file, and save it in ~ /Downloads/ u-boot, then decompress it, then u-boot source code will be in ~ /Downloads/ u-boot / l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga/, we should copy all file in the path to ~/myandroid/bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/ # cd ~/myandroid/bootable/bootloader # mkdir uboot-imx # cd uboot-imx # cp -a ~ /Downloads/u-boot/l5.1.1_2.1.0-ga/* ./ 9、Patch android BSP source code        android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source.gz is the name of patch. Run following command to patch android. # copy android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source.gz /opt/ # tar zxvf android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source.gz # cd /opt/ android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source/code/ # tar zxvf L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga.tar.gz # cd ~/myandroid # source /opt/ android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source/code/ L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga/ and_patch.sh # help # c_patch /opt/ android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_core_source/code/ L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga/ imx_L5.1.1_2.1.0-ga        If everything is OK, the following logs will display on console:               **************************************************************        Success: Now you can build the Android code for FSL i.MX platform               ************************************************************** 10、Patch Freescale extended feathures code        Please refer to chapter 3.3 of Android_User's_Guide.pdf to patch another 2 files:        (1) android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_omxplayer_source.gz        (2) android_L5.1.1_2.1.0_consolidated-ga_wfdsink_source.gz [Note]       As for other steps, such as compiling etc, please refer to Android_User's_Guide.pdf that released by NXP. TICS team Weidong Sun 04/01/2016
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A new version of the Pins Tool for i.MX Application Processors has been released and is available for download as desktop tool from Pins Tool for i.MX Application Processors|NXP. The pins Tool for i.MX Application Processors is used for pin routing configuration, validation and code generation, including pin functional/electrical properties, power rails, run-time configurations, with the following main features: Desktop application Muxing and pin configuration with consistency checking Multicore support ANSI-C initialization code Graphical processor package view Multiple configuration blocks/functions Easy-to-use device configuration Selection of Pins and Peripherals Package with IP blocks Routed pins with electrical characteristics Registers with configured and reset values Power Groups with assigned voltage levels Source code for C/C++ applications Documented and easy to understand source code CSV Report and Device Tree File Localized for English and Simplified Chinese Mostly Connected: On-Demand device data download Integrates with any compiler and IDE What's New Added Label support to give signals a name Added ‘Log’ and ‘Problems’ view to report conflicts between settings Added support for templates to store user configurations as starting point for new configurations Added ability to download and share data for devices, especially for off-network host machines i.MX header files are now automatically part of the device data Import of legacy Processor Expert .pe files Export of register defines Various bug fixes and documentation improvements The release notes of the desktop application are attached to this article. Import Processor Expert Files A new importer has been added to import legacy Processor Expert for i.MX files: Labels Signals can now have user defined labels: Templates, Kits, Boards and Processors When creating a new configuration, it offers Templates, Boards and Processors. Custom configurations can be stored as templates and then used for new configurations. Board Specific Functions With the provided board and kit configurations, there are now pre-configured initialization functions for major blocks on the board: Export Data To simplify downloading the device specific data for the desktop tool, the 'Export' function can be used to download and export the data. The data can be copied that way to another machine or all data for a set of devices can be loaded. Export Registers With the Export command the registers can be exported as text/source: This is used to store the register values: /*FUNCTION********************************************************************** * * Function Name : init_audmux_pins * Description   : Configures pin routing and optionally pin electrical features. * *END**************************************************************************/ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_DA_AMX_SELECT_INPUT_VALUE            0x00000000   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_DA_AMX_SELECT_INPUT */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_TXCLK_AMX_SELECT_INPUT_VALUE         0x00000000   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_TXCLK_AMX_SELECT_INPUT */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_TXFS_AMX_SELECT_INPUT_VALUE          0x00000000   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_AUD5_INPUT_TXFS_AMX_SELECT_INPUT */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN02_VALUE                  0x00000002   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN02 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN03_VALUE                  0x00000002   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN03 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN04_VALUE                  0x00000002   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN04 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN15_VALUE                  0x00000002   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DI0_PIN15 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA16_VALUE               0x00000003   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA16 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA18_VALUE               0x00000003   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA18 */ #define INIT_AUDMUX_PINS_IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA19_VALUE               0x00000003   /*!< Register name: IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_DISP0_DATA19 */ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ We hope you will find this new release useful. Thanks for designing with NXP! 
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1. Description     These patches are used to support MPU 8080 LCD on L3.14.52_1.1.0_GA BSP.     They are based on ELCDIF hardware module, iMX6UL and iMX7D is the reference platform.   2. File List -- 0001-Add-ST7789S-MPU-LCD-support-for-iMX6UL-board.patch    Patch to support MPU display for iMX6UL, ST7789S 240*320 panel is the example.   -- 0002-Add-ST7735R-MPU-LCD-support-for-iMX7D-board.patch    Patch to support MPU display for iMX7D, ST7735R 128*128 panel is the example.   -- readme.txt    this file, please refer to it before use the patches   3. Requirement - iMX6UL EVK board or iMX7D SabreSD board. - L3.14.52_1.1.0_GA kernel.   4. How to use -- Copy the patch files to kernel folder.     $ cd ~/L3.14.52_GA1.1.0/build-imx7dsabresd-X11/tmp/work/imx7dsabresd-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-imx/3.14.52-r0/git     $ git apply ./0001-Add-ST7789S-MPU-LCD-support-for-iMX6UL-board.patch     $ git apply ./0002-Add-ST7735R-MPU-LCD-support-for-iMX7D-board.patch   -- Build the new kernel image:     $ cd ~/L3.14.52_GA1.1.0/build-imx7dsabresd-X11/tmp/work/imx7dsabresd-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-imx/3.14.52-r0/git     $ export CROSS_COMPILE=~/L3.14.52_GA1.1.0/build-imx7dsabresd-X11/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-     $ export ARCH=arm     $ make imx_v7_defconfig     $ make zImage     $ make dtbs   5. How to add a new MPU panel     1) in dts file, such as imx6ul-14x14-evk-i80lcd.dts, update the panel name "lcd_panel",        update the PINs in "pinctrl_lcdif_dat" and "pinctrl_lcdif_ctrl" for the new panel,        the reset and rs PINs can be from GPIO pin, lcd_reset_gpio and lcd_rs_gpio. &lcdif { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_lcdif_dat        &pinctrl_lcdif_ctrl>; display = <&display0>; status = "okay"; display0: display {   mpu-mode;   lcd_reset_gpio = <&gpio3 14 0>;   lcd_panel = "ST7789S-QVGA"; }; };       2) Reference to "mxsfb_st7789s_qvga.c", add a new panel driver code.       3) Add the new panel support in Makefile and Kconfig under "drivers/video/mxc/"       4) Add the new panel support in file "mxsfb.c" and "mxsfb.h"       5) Add the new panel support in default kernel config file "imx_v7_defconfig"   Note: mpu_lcd_fb_test.tar.gz is the test application, for 8080 display, it is not sync display, so software need call ioctl to refresh the LCD.     2016-08-02: Add the uboot reference patch for iMX7D. File: L3.14.52_Uboot_mpu_display.patch  
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The document descript how to use the win32diskimager to create bootable sdcard.  How to resize sdcard mirror rootfs partition. Ex: fsl-image-validation-imx-imx6qpdlsolox.sdcard
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The Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 Rocko, i.MX7ULP Linux/SDK2.4 RFP(GA) release files are now available. Linux on IMX_SW web page, Overview -> BSP Updates and Releases ->Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 SDK on https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/ web page.   Files available: Linux:  # Name Description 1 imx-yocto-L4.9.88_2.0.0.tar.gz L4.9.88_2.0.0 for Linux BSP Documentation. Includes Release Notes, User Guide. 2 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6QPDLSOLOX.tar.gz i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo, i.MX 6Solox Linux Binary Demo Files 3 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6SLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6Sololite EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 4 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6UL7D.tar.gz i.MX 6UltraLite EVK, 7Dual SABRESD, 6ULL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 5 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX6SLLEVK.tar.gz i.MX 6SLL EVK Linux Binary Demo Files 6 L4.9.88_2.0.0_images_MX8MQ.tar.gz i.MX 8MQuad EVK Linux Binary Demo files 7 L4.9.88_images_MX7ULPEVK.tar.gz i.MX 7ULP EVK Linux Binary Demo Files  8 L4.9.88_2.0.0-ga_mfg-tools.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 iMX6,7 BSP 9 L4.9.88_2.0.0_mfg-tool_MX8MQ.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux L4.9.88_2.0.0 i.MX8MQ BSP 10 imx-aacpcodec-4.3.5.tar.gz Linux AAC Plus Codec for L4.9.88_2.0.0   SDK:   On https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/, click the Select Development Board to customize the SDK based on your configuration then download the SDK package.    Target board: i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6QuadPlus SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-SD Board and Platform i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6Quad SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-AI Board i.MX 6SoloLite EVK Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-AI Board i.MX 7Dual SABRE-SD Board i.MX 6UltraLite EVK Board i.MX 6ULL EVK Board i.MX 6SLL EVK Board i.MX 7ULP EVK Board i.MX 8MQ EVK Board   What’s New/Features: Please consult the Release Notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.   More information on changes of Yocto, see: README: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/README?h=imx-linux-rocko ChangeLog: https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest/tree/ChangeLog?h=imx-linux-rocko
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The i.MX Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 GA release is now available from IMX_SW page. Overview -> BSP Updates and Releases -> Android 8.0.0 Oreo (O8.0.0_1.0.0, 4.9 kernel)   Files available: # Name Description 1 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_docs.tar.gz i.MX Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP Documentation 2 imx-o8.0.0_1.0.0_ga.tar.gz i.MX Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 proprietary surce code for i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo  i.MX 6Sololite, i.MX6SX and i.MX7D 3 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_6dqpsabreauto.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, and i.MX 6DualLite 4 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_6dqpsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Platform and SABRE Board based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad and i.MX 6DualLite. 5 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_6slevk.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - i.MX 6Sololite evaluation kit. 6 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_6sxsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 6SoloX 7 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_6sxsabreauto.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive infotainment based on i.MX 6SoloX 8 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_image_7dsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android O8.0.0_1.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 7Dual 9 fsl_aacp_dec_O8.0.0_1.0.0.tar.gz AAC Plus Codec for O8.0.0_1.0.0 10 android_O8.0.0_1.0.0_tools.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit and VivanteVTK for O8.0.0_1.0.0   Supported Hardware SoC/Boards: i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6QuadPlus, and i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-SD board and platform i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6QuadPlus, and i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-AI board and platform i.MX 6SoloLite EVK platform i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD board and platforms i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-AI board and platforms i.MX 7Dual SABRE-SD board and platform   Changes: Compared to the N7.1.2_2.0.0 release, this release has the following major changes: Upgraded the Android code base from android-7.1.2_r9 to android-8.0.0_r25. Removed the device partition and added the vendor partition. Enabled ION-based gralloc and EGL. Feature: For features please consult the release notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341566 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: i.MX Create Android SDCard Mirror 
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Design Check Lists: HW Design Checking List for i.MX6DQSDL HW Design Checking List for i.Mx53 Hardware Design Checklist for i.MX28 HW_Design_Checking_List_for_i.MX6SoloX i.MX6UL Hardware design checklist   DDR Design Tool: I.MX53 DDR3 Script Aid imx53 DDR stress tester V0.042 i.Mx6DQSDL DDR3 Script Aid MX6DQP DDR3 Script Aid i.Mx6DQSDL LPDDR2 Script Aid i.Mx6SL LPDDR2 Script Aid i.MX6SX DDR3 Script Aid I.MX6UL DDR3 Script Aid i.MX6UL_LPDDR2_Script_Aid i.MX6ULL_DDR3_Script_Aid  i.MX6ULL_LPDDR2_Script_Aid  MX6SLL_LPDDR2_Script_Aid  MX6SLL_LPDDR3_Script_Aid  i.MX6 DDR Stress Test Tool V1.0.3 i.MX6/7 DDR Stress Test Tool V3.00 i.MX8MSCALE DDR Tool Release  i.MX8M DDR3L register programming aid  i.MX 8/8X Family DDR Tools Release   Application Notes: MX_Design_Validation_Guide I.MX6 series USB Certification Guides
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as we known, mx6sx doesn’t have IPU, if we need to resize, rotation or blending…., we can use pxp module, this part, we talk about rotation for example. We also can use GPU for rotation, but in imx6sx, the number after 6sx in the part number stands for the chip including gpu or not, the number 4 and 3 mean mx6sx has gpu, like MCIMX6X3EVN10AB. and 1,2 and 3 mean mx6sx doesn’t have gpu, like MCIMX6X2EVN10AB for gpu, we know we can use xrander to rotate ,in this part, we focus on pxp rotation the stesp: enable pxp in the kernel:               $ bitbake -c menuconfig linux-imx, then choose Device Drivers ---> DMA Engine support ---> [*] MXC PxP support [*] MXC PxP Client Device 2) download the built image from tmp/deploy/images/imx6sxsabresd 3) boot up the board, then you can find the pxp_v4l2_test.out in the unit test 4) use the command as below to test the rotation: ./pxp_v4l2_test.out -sx 480 -sy 272 -res 352:240 -a 100  -r 90 fb-352x240.yuv BLANK   Sx and sy is resolution for display, -res is resolution for image or video. -r is for rotaion, you can set 0,90,180 and 270 for it. I attach the fb-352x240.yuv for testing
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The LMEM Base address is 0xE0082000u rather than 0xE0002000u.So please apply the patch to FreeRTOS_BSP_1.0.0_iMX6SX to enable the M4 cache, or the cache was not be enabled by default.It may have the big impact to your product performance. diff --git a/platform/devices/MCIMX6X/include/MCIMX6X_M4.h b/platform/devices/MCIMX6X/include/MCIMX6X_M4.h index 31d6eb2..3b9d240 100644 --- a/platform/devices/MCIMX6X/include/MCIMX6X_M4.h +++ b/platform/devices/MCIMX6X/include/MCIMX6X_M4.h @@ -25584,7 +25584,7 @@ typedef struct { /* LMEM - Peripheral instance base addresses */ /** Peripheral LMEM base address */ -#define LMEM_BASE                                (0xE0002000u) +#define LMEM_BASE                                (0xE0082000u) /** Peripheral LMEM base pointer */ #define LMEM                                   ((LMEM_Type *)LMEM_BASE) #define LMEM_BASE_PTR                            (LMEM)
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The i.MX Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 GA release is now available on IMX_SW page.   Files available: # Name Description 1 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_docs.tar.gz i.MX Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP Documentation 2 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_source.tar.gz Source Code of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP (4.1 kernel) for i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6DualPlus, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo i.MX 6Sololite, i.MX6SX and i.MX7D 3 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_6dqpsabreauto.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive Infotainment based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad, and i.MX 6DualLite 4 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_6dqpsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - SABRE Platform and SABRE Board based on i.MX 6QuadPlus, i.MX 6Quad and i.MX 6DualLite. 5 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_6slevk.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - i.MX 6Sololite evaluation kit. 6 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_6sxsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 6SoloX 7 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_6sxsabreauto.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - SABRE for Automotive infotainment based on i.MX 6SoloX 8 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_image_7dsabresd.tar.gz Binary Demo Files of Android N7.1.2_2.0.0 BSP - SABRE Board based on i.MX 7Dual 9 fsl_aacp_dec.tar.gz AAC Plus Codec for N7.1.2_2.0.0 10 android_N7.1.2_2.0.0_tools.tar.gz Manufacturing Toolkit and VivanteVTK for N7.1.2_2.0.0   Supported Hardware SoC/Boards: i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6QuadPlus, and i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-SD board and platform i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6QuadPlus, and i.MX 6DualLite SABRE-AI board and platform i.MX 6SoloLite EVK platform i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-SD board and platforms i.MX 6SoloX SABRE-AI board and platforms i.MX 7Dual SABRE-SD board and platform   Changes: Compared to the N7.1.1_1.0.0 release, this release has the following major changes: Upgraded the Android code base from android-7.1.1_r13 to android-7.1.2_r9. Upgraded U-Boot from v2015.04 to v2017.03. Upgraded the kernel from v4.1.15 to v4.9.17. Upgraded the GPU driver from 6.2.0.p2 to 6.2.2.p1. Upgraded the Wi-Fi BCMDHD release version to Refine the Gralloc and HWC HAL. Enable the GPT partition to replace the MBR partition.   Feature: For features please consult the release notes.   Known issues For known issues and more details please consult the Release Notes.
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Using a RAW NAND is more difficult compared to eMMC, but for lower capacity it is still cheaper. Even with the ONFI (Open NAND Flash Interface) you can face initialization issue you can find by measure performance. I will take example of a non-well supported flash, I have installed on my evaluation board (SABRE AI). I wanted to do a simple performance test, to check roughly the MB/s I can expected with this NAND. One of a simplest test is to use the dd command: root@imx6qdlsolo:~# time dd if=/dev/mtd4 of=/dev/null 851968+0 records in 851968+0 records out 436207616 bytes (436 MB, 416 MiB) copied, 131.8884 s, 3.3 MB/s ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ As my RAW was supposed to work in EDO Mode 5, I could expect more than 20MB/s. To check what was wrong, read you kernel startup log: Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 Linux version 4.1.15-2.0.0+gb63f3f5 (bamboo@yb6) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 16 15:02:15 CDT 2016 CPU: ARMv7 Processor [412fc09a] revision 10 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7d CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache Machine model: Freescale i.MX6 DualLite/Solo SABRE Automotive Board [...] Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query Table at 0x0040 Amd/Fujitsu Extended Query version 1.3. number of CFI chips: 1 nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0xc2, Chip ID: 0xdc nand: Macronix MX30LF4G18AC nand: 512 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64 gpmi-nand 112000.gpmi-nand: mode:5 ,failed in set feature. Bad block table found at page 262080, version 0x01 Bad block table found at page 262016, version 0x01 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x00000a7e0000 nand_read_bbt: bad block at 0x00000dc80000 4 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device gpmi-nand Creating 4 MTD partitions on "gpmi-nand":‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ On line 13 you can read "mode:5, failed in set feature", meaning you are not in mode 5... so you have the "relaxed" timing you have at boot. After debuging your code (I have just remove the NAND back reading security check), you can redo the test: root@imx6qdlsolo:~# time dd if=/dev/mtd4 of=/dev/null 851968+0 records in 851968+0 records out 436207616 bytes (436 MB, 416 MiB) copied, 32.9721 s, 13.2 MB/s‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ So you multiplied the performances by 4! Anyway, you have a better tool to measure your NAND performance, it is mtd_speedtest, but you have to rebuild your kernel. In Yocto, reconfigure your kernel (on your PC of couse!): bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig‍‍‍ Choose in the menu "Device Drivers" -> "Memory Technology Device (MTD) support" -> "MTD tests support", even it it not recommended! bitbake virtual/kernel -f -c compile bitbake virtual/kernel -f -c build bitbake virtual/kernel -f -c deploy‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Then reflash you board (kernel + rootfs as tests are .ko files): Then you can do more accurate performance test: insmod /lib/modules/4.1.29-fslc+g59b38c3/kernel/drivers/mtd/tests/mtd_speedtest.ko dev=2 ================================================= mtd_speedtest: MTD device: 2 mtd_speedtest: MTD device size 16777216, eraseblock size 131072, page size 2048, count of eraseblocks 128, pages per eraseblock 64, OOB size 64 mtd_test: scanning for bad eraseblocks mtd_test: scanned 128 eraseblocks, 0 are bad mtd_speedtest: testing eraseblock write speed mtd_speedtest: eraseblock write speed is 4537 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: testing eraseblock read speed mtd_speedtest: eraseblock read speed is 16384 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: testing page write speed mtd_speedtest: page write speed is 4250 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: testing page read speed mtd_speedtest: page read speed is 15784 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: testing 2 page write speed mtd_speedtest: 2 page write speed is 4426 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: testing 2 page read speed mtd_speedtest: 2 page read speed is 16047 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing erase speed mtd_speedtest: erase speed is 244537 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 2x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 2x multi-block erase speed is 252061 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 4x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 4x multi-block erase speed is 256000 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 8x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 8x multi-block erase speed is 260063 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 16x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 16x multi-block erase speed is 260063 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 32x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 32x multi-block erase speed is 256000 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: Testing 64x multi-block erase speed mtd_speedtest: 64x multi-block erase speed is 260063 KiB/s mtd_speedtest: finished =================================================‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ You can now achieve almost 16MB/s, better than the dd test. Of course you cannot achieve more than 20MB/s, but you are not that far, and the NAND driver need optimizations. To redo the test: rmmod /lib/modules/4.1.29-fslc+g59b38c3/kernel/drivers/mtd/tests/mtd_speedtest.ko insmod /lib/modules/4.1.29-fslc+g59b38c3/kernel/drivers/mtd/tests/mtd_speedtest.ko dev=2 To check your NAND is in EDO mode 5, you can check your clock tree: /unit_tests/dump-clocks.sh clock          parent   flags    en_cnt pre_cnt      rate [...] gpmi_bch_apb   ---      00000005   0       0       198000000 gpmi_bch       ---      00000005   0       0       198000000 gpmi_io        ---      00000005   0       0        99000000 gpmi_apb       ---      00000005   0       0       198000000‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ The IO are clocked now at 99MHz, thus you can read at 49.5MHz (20ns in EDO mode 5 definition).
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Purpose:  Introduce how to debug M4 using trace32 and the difference with general debug case.If you are using other jtag debug tools, maybe you need to do the similar configuration. Debug tools: Trace32 – you can refer to http://www.lauterbach.cn/ for more information about this tool. Firmware: Here we using Freertos as the example, but not limited to this. There is one small difference with general debug case to M4 in 6sx, which when you attach M4 and break M4, it may impact the peripheral that A9 is using. You may have found when you break M4, A9 uart console also was frozen at the same time. This is caused by that when M4 enter debug mode, the debug_req will also assert in the peripherals which you are using on the A9 system. So,need configure the peripherals to keep running when the debug_req is assert when do the M4/A9 debug separately. Need configure the DBGEN (*) register in the related peripherals to allow the eripherals not going into debug mode and keep running even if debug_req is HIGH. The peripherals we need take care are: CAN, UART, EPIT,GPT, ENET, PWM. Note: For the CAN, the register bit is called FRZ Here is the details of uart dbgen in the RM: So if we want debug M4 separately,we should disable this bit, as A9 was using this peripheral. Here we take Freertos as the example to illuminate how to debug M4 step by step: Enable DBGEN case: Load M4 image into memory and kick off M4. (You can refer to  for the details)           =>fatload mmc 2:1 0x9ff00000 hello_world_ddr.bin                reading hello_world_ddr.bin 18748 bytes read in 30 ms (609.4 KiB/s)           =>dcache flush           =>bootaux 0x9ff00000               ##Starting auxiliary core at 0x9FF00000                ... Attach M4 using the m4.cmm file(attached): Note:  You can find the elf file at the same folder of binary: So now you can debug your code step by step.If you go back to A9 side uart console, you would find the console have been frozen. Disable DBGEN case at A9 side: Load M4 image into memory and kick off M4. (You can refer to  for imx6sx user guide  the details)           =>mm 0x20200b4                              020200b4:00000020 ? 0x820           =>fatload mmc 2:1 0x9ff00000 hello_world_ddr.bin                reading hello_world_ddr.bin 18748 bytes read in 30 ms (609.4 KiB/s)           =>dcache flush           =>bootaux 0x9ff00000                ##Starting auxiliary core at 0x9FF00000                ... Attach M4 using the m4.cmm file(attached) In this case you will the A9 uart console still can work, after you break M4. Disable DBGEN case at M4 side: Load M4 image into memory and kick off M4.   =>fatload mmc 2:1 0x9ff00000 hello_world_ddr.bin                     reading hello_world_ddr.bin 18748 bytes read in 30 ms (609.4 KiB/s)           =>dcache flush           =>bootaux 0x9ff00000          ##Starting auxiliary core at 0x9FF00000 Attach M4 using the m4_disable_dbgen.cmm  file(attached) In this case you will the A9 uart console still can work, after you break M4.   Notes: For more trace32 usage, please refer to http://www.lauterbach.cn/           For more imx6sx information, please refer to i.MX 6SoloX Family of Applications Processors|NXP.
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Most common issues with bringup and memory stability come down to memory/system setup during startup phase of i.MX device.   This Python script allows you to dump IVT/DCD tables and data from a i.MX binary (either generated as result of build process or a simple dump of SD/NOR/NAND... content) and analyze them in an easier way. Should work with i.MX 6 and i.MX53 binaries.   Parser for i.MX 6 will also try to print out register values it recognizes, and also parse specific register fields, helping to analyze the data faster. This can be extended if needed to other registers/values.   imxbin.py works with Python3.x and imxbin_2x.py with Python 2.x, so choose appropriate version.   Vladan
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When you do long test (days or weeks) test on i.MX board and your test fails, you often wants to know what has happen with a JTAG probe. The problem is when you have 50 boards running in parallel, you don't have the budget to have 50 JTAG debug probe. If you do a "hot plug" of your JTAG probe, you have roughly one chance out 2 to reset your board... so you'll have to wait another couple of hour to resee the problem. Anyway to have a reliable JTAG plug with no reset, it is really simple... cut the RESET line on your cable! then you'll still be able to "attach" to your i.MX. On the MEK board, with a 10-pin JTAG connector, you have the cut the cable line 10 of the ribbon cable: On the cable, cut the reset line like this: With my Lauterbach JTAG  probe, when I do a "hot plug" I never have a reset of my i.MX. BR Vincent
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NOTE: Always de-power the target board and the aggregator when plugging or unplugging smart sensors from the aggregator. NOTE: See this link to instrument a board with a Smart Sensor. Overview The i.MX Power Profiler system consists of one to fourteen "smart" current sensors, an aggregator shield, and a Kinetis FRDM board (the FRDM-KL25 has been used in prototyping but the FRDM-K64F and FRDM-K66F should also be fully compatible). One of the biggest improvements of this system over its preceeding dual-range measurement system is that the microcontroller on each sensor board allows near-simultaneous measurement of all instrumented rails on a board. The dual range profiler has only a single MCU for all sensors, so only one measurement can be made at a time.  It is intended to be used to instrument one to fourteen rails of a target i.MX appliation board. Ideally, the target board will have been designed with a matching/mating power sense footprint for each rail to be measured.  Each smart sensor can sense current in three ranges with three current sense amplifiers. They are "smart" because each sensor board has a Kinetis KL05Z on it to control the switching FETs and to digitize the analog signals (the sense amplifier outputs and the target's power supply rail voltage). A 1% voltage regulator on each smart sensor provides a good voltage reference right next to the KL05Z to ensure better ADC accuracy. Each smart sensor board communicates via I2C. The aggregator shield has three I2C bus extenders (PCA9518) which essentially provide a dedicated I2C bus for each of the connected smart sensors. The FRDM board's I2C is also connected to one of the bus extenders ports. Individual GPIO lines are routed to each smart sensor's connected along with a ganged reset and trigger line for all of the connected smart sensors. A boost regulator generates almost 12V from the FRDM board's 5V supply, which is used for all the switching FETs on the smart sensor boards. The FRDM board's 5V rail is also routed to each smart sensor, which is regulated down to 3.3V locally on each connected smart sensor. Here is a photo of the very first prototypes after moving to 10-pin 0.05" spaced headers and ribbon cables instead of FFC: The smart sensor is intended to mate with through-hole current sense tap points on the target i.MX application board. Three holes spaced at 0.05" each. When not instrumented with sensor, a short needs to be placed across the outer two pins so that the board will function normally. The through hole connections provide physical protection to the target board, keeping traces from getting ripped off. The ground connection in the center provides a reference for meauring the rail voltage on the target board. A partial layout example of the implementation of the current sense footprint is below, where two 0805 shorting resistors in parallel are placed on each side of the holes. The top trace connects to the regulator output and the bottom to the load, usually an i.MX power supply rail. To include the current sense footprint into a board during the design phase, it should be configured as in the following partial schematic:  Every effort should be made to place the feedback on the i.MX side of the sense points so that the regulator compensates for the additional series resistance of the smart sensor, which effectively eliminates the additional series resistance the smart sensor adds. The Feedback should be before the smart sensor if the switching supply won't tolerate the additional series resistance (i.e., output becomes unstable).
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