i.MX Processors Knowledge Base

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i.MX Processors Knowledge Base


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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: Enable GmSSL which supports OSCCA Algorithm Toolbox on i.MX 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343777 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343242 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343017 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342719 
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The IOMUX module on i.MX 8M enables flexible I/O multiplexing, allowing users to configure each IO pad as one of selectable functions. The CSU (Central Security Unit) module on i.MX 8M can be used to configure some devices as secure only accessible to protect the security of these devices. But as the IOMUX is Non-Secure accessilbe and thus the pad function can be configured dynamicaly, there is one risk if hackers reconfigure the IO pad to make the device connected to other controller which is accessible to Non-Secure world. One solution for this issue is configuring the CSU to limit Non-Secure access to IOMUX, all IOMUX registers write operations are routed to Trusty OS. In the Trusty OS, add all sensitive IO resources to one blacklist, the IOMUX driver in Trusty OS should check and deny any write attemption to sensitive registers from Non-Secure world. One example patch set is attached to show how to assign the IOMUX to secure world and how to route the IOMUX write operations to Trusty OS. In this example, the USB Host pinctrl PAD on i.MX8MP EVK was assigned to secure world. The layout of the example codes are:     . ├── atf │ └── 0001-config-iomux-to-secure-write.patch --> ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/arm-trusted-firmware ├── kernel │ └── 0001-Use-Trusty-OS-to-handle-iomux-registers-written-oper.patch --> ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx/ ├── trusty │ └── 0001-Add-iomux-pinctrl-TEE-handler.patch --> ${MY_TRUSTY}/trusty/hardware/nxp └── u-boot └── 0001-Use-Trusty-OS-to-handle-IOMUX-operation.patch --> ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/uboot-imx      
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This is a summary for the software lockup issue found in the following platform: −i.MX8/8X −Linux 4.14.98_2.3.3   Issue description: •Issue happens during the boot procedure, at the systemd stage. •The symptom of the issue: −From user perspective, the symptom varies, but mainly fall into several types: §At the console, there may be login prompt, but no response (only echo) when input user/password. Unable to login. §Some user service in systemd failed to start. E.g. weston. −When checking the task status using sysrq (w/t), many tasks, including some kernel core tasks stays in “D” (uninterruptable sleep) state. E.g. agetty, login, chvt, etc. •Kernel itself is still alive. This can be verified by triggering some drivers, such as plugin a USB device. Issue can be reproduced on MEK through long time stress.   Please refer to the doc/patch attached for details.
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The HSM Coding-Signing is new. When we follow the instructions in Code-Signing Tool User’s Guide , still has something to overcome, most of them are related to the OS. Actually, Code-Signing Tool User’s Guide  can not give detail every “obvious” step. The purpose of this document is to share the experiences on my system. Hope those experience can give you some clues on your system.     25JUL2024 - add pkcs11 proxy                         HSM Code-Signing Journey_25JUL2024.pdf                          HSM Code-Signing Journey_25JUL2024.txt  
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-341996 
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What is LGVL? LVGL is a graphics library to run on devices with limited resources. LVGL is fully open-source and has no external dependencies, works with any modern MCU or MPU, and can be used with any (RT)OS or bare metal setup. https://lvgl.io/   What is Framebuffer? The Linux framebuffer (fbdev) is a Linux subsystem used to show graphics on a display, typically manipulated on the system console   How to write on the frame buffer? The device is listed on de device list typically "fb0" on iMX.   1. Stop the window manager (Weston in our BSP) $ systemctl stop weston   2. Write random data on the frame buffer with the next command: $ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0   You should see colored pixels on the screen   3. Restart the window manager. $ systemctl start weston     Cross-compiling the application   1. On the host computer we will clone the LGVL repo: $ git clone https://github.com/lvgl/lv_port_linux_frame_buffer.git -b release/v8.2 $ cd lv_port_linux_frame_buffer $ git submodule update --init --recursive 2. Configure the screen resolution, rotation, and the touch input.       2.1 The resolution is configured in lines 33 and 34 of the main.c disp_drv.hor_res = 1080; disp_drv.ver_res = 1920;           2.2 Rotation configured is on lines 32 and 57 of main.c. disp_drv.sw_rotate = 3; lv_disp_set_rotation(NULL, LV_DISP_ROT_270);     2.3 The touch input is configured on line 450 of lv_drv_conf.h # define EVDEV_NAME "/dev/input/event2"   Note: In my case is on /dev/input/event2 to check the inputs use the command "evtest"   3. Compile the application using the command "make"   Note: To compile the application on your host computer you have to set the environment.   4. Share the file called "demo" with your board and execute it on the board with the command $ ./demo   Note: You have to stop the weston service to run the application.     Notes: Tested on iMX8MN EVK with BSP 6.1.36 Works on Multimedia and Full image.
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This is a simple document for recording some known-how and tips for building up the Windows 10 IoT development environment for i.MX platform. It can only be used as a complement for official document in BSP package (Guide/Release Note/etc.). Applicable for: Windows 10 IoT, i.MX BSP v1.4.1 (date to Nov/2023) Please refer to the PDF attached.
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Following OTA in Android User Guide would have HASH verification error: update_engine: [0913/085233.421711:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1140)] Expected: sha256|hex = 685B998E4308F20FEA83D97E60222121FFE27983F013AED5C203709E139AE9DB update_engine: [0913/085233.421760:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1143)] Calculated: sha256|hex = B1025634138BF2B5378196E364350E1E5FCA126DEE0990A592290CEBFADC3F8B The OTA process that produced the error: * After compiling the images according to the user guide, burn the images in the /out directory into the board * Then build the first target file according to 7.1.1 Building target files, such as PREVIOUS-target_files.zip * Modify part of the code to build the second target file, such as NEW-target_files.zip: * Make a differential upgrade package and perform differential OTA The root cause of the error caused by the above steps: Differential OTA requires that the onboard system.img must be the system.img generated when the target files are created for the first time. Only in this way can the correct hash value be calculated. When we execute the following command to make target files make target-files-package -j4 Will repackage a copy of system.img in the /out directory and this system.img does not meet the requirements. The system.img used by the differential package must be system.img in out/target/product/evk_8mm/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/. Therefore, the system.img we burned in the first step did not meet the requirements, resulting in hash verification errors. Solution 1: After the first step of programming, do a full update. When using the make otapackage -j4 command, a target_files.zip file will also be generated, which we will regard as PREVIOUS-target_files.zip. Modify part of the code and make NEW-target_files.zip. Finally, the differential upgrade can be successful. Solution 2: After finishing the first target_files.zip, copy the system.img in out/target/product/evk_8mm/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/ to the out/target/product/evk_8mm directory, and then use uuu Perform programming. After burning and writing, make the second target_files.zip, and finally you can upgrade by differential.
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343007 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-342420 
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-345680 
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After rework the board, enable two OTG controllers in Linux DTB file and disable VBUS valid comparator when in suspend mode by clear USB_OTGx_PHY_CTL2 bit 16.  Then we get the following power data on suspend mode  Suspend Mode     ****  The page is under internal check ****
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[中文翻译版] 见附件   原文链接: eIQ Machine Learning Software for i.MX Linux 4.14.y 
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This guide is a continuation from our latest Debian 12 Installation Guide for iMX8MM, iMX8MP, iMX8MN and iMX93. Here we will describe the process to install the multimedia and hardware acceleration packages, specifically GPU, VPU and Gstreamer on i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Plus and i.MX8M Nano. The guide is based on the one provided by our colleague Build Ubuntu For i.MX8 Series Platform - NXP Community, which requires to previously build an image using Yocto Project with the following distro and image name. Distro name - fsl-imx-wayland Image name – imx-image-multimedia For more information please check our BSP documentation i.MX Yocto Project User’s Guide.   Hardware Requirements Linux Host Computer (Ubuntu 20.04 or later) USB Card reader or Micro SD to SD adapter SD Card Evaluation Kit Board for the i.MX8M Nano, i.MX8M Mini, i.MX8M Plus   Software Requirements Linux Ubuntu (20.04 tested) or Debian for Host Computer BSP version 6.1.55 built with Yocto Project   After built the image we can start the installation by following the steps below:   GPU Installation The GPU Installation consists of copy the files from packages imx-gpu-g2d, imx-gpu-viv, libdrm to the Debian system. As our latest installation guide, we will continue naming “mountpoint” to the directory where Debian system is mounted on our host machine. Regarding the path provided on each step, we put labels <build-path> and <machine> that you will need to change based on your environment. These are the paths that Yocto Project uses to save the packages. However, this could change on your environment and you can find the work directory from each package using the following command: bitbake -e <package-name> | grep ^WORKDIR= This command will show you the absolute path of the package work directory. 1. Install GPU Packages $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-gpu-g2d/6.4.11.p2.2-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-gpu-viv/1_6.4.11.p2.2-aarch64-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/libdrm/2.4.115.imx-r0/image/* mountpoint   2. Install Linux IMX Headers and IMX Parser $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/linux-imx-headers/6.1-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-poky-linux/imx-parser/4.8.2-r0/image/* mountpoint   3. Use chroot $ sudo LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot mountpoint/ qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash   4. Install Dependencies $ apt install libudev-dev libinput-dev libxkbcommon-dev libpam0g-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcursor-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libsystemd-dev libpixman-1-dev libcairo2-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev kbd libexpat1-dev autoconf automake libtool meson cmake ssh net-tools network-manager iputils-ping rsyslog bash-completion htop resolvconf dialog vim udhcpc udhcpd git v4l-utils alsa-utils git gcc less autoconf autopoint libtool bison flex gtk-doc-tools libglib2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libatk1.0-dev kmod pciutils libjpeg-dev   5. Create a folder for Multimedia Installation. Here we will clone all the multimedia repositories.  $ mkdir multimedia_packages $ cd multimedia_packages   6. Build Wayland $ git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland.git $ cd wayland $ git checkout 1.22.0 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Ddocumentation=false -Ddtd_validation=true $ cd build $ ninja install   7. Build Wayland Protocols IMX $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/wayland-protocols-imx.git $ cd wayland-protocols-imx $ git checkout wayland-protocols-imx-1.32 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dtests=false $ cd build $ ninja install   8. Build Weston $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/weston-imx.git $ cd weston-imx $ git checkout weston-imx-11.0.3 $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dpipewire=false -Dsimple-clients=all -Ddemo-clients=true -Ddeprecated-color-management-colord=false -Drenderer-gl=true -Dbackend-headless=false -Dimage-jpeg=true -Drenderer-g2d=true -Dbackend-drm=true -Dlauncher-libseat=false -Dcolor-management-lcms=false -Dbackend-rdp=false -Dremoting=false -Dscreenshare=true -Dshell-desktop=true -Dshell-fullscreen=true -Dshell-ivi=true -Dshell-kiosk=true -Dsystemd=true -Dlauncher-logind=true -Dbackend-drm-screencast-vaapi=false -Dbackend-wayland=false -Dimage-webp=false -Dbackend-x11=false -Dxwayland=false $ cd build $ ninja install   VPU Installation To install VPU and Gstreamer please follow the steps below: 1. Install firmware-imx $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/all-poky-linux/firmware-imx/1_8.22-r0/image/lib/* mountpoint/lib/   2. Install VPU Driver $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-vpu-hantro/1.31.0-r0/image/* mountpoint $ sudo cp -Pra <build-path>/tmp/work/armv8a-<machine>-poky-linux/imx-vpuwrap/git-r0/image/* mountpoint   3. Use chroot $ sudo LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot mountpoint/ qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash   4. Install dependencies for Gstreamer Plugins $ apt install libgirepository1.0-dev gettext liborc-0.4-dev libasound2-dev libogg-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libbz2-dev libflac-dev libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-dev libmp3lame-dev libmpg123-dev libpulse-dev libspeex-dev libtag1-dev libbluetooth-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev librsvg2-dev libsbc-dev libsndfile1-dev   5. Change directory to multimedia packages. $ cd multimedia-packages   6. Build gstreamer $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gstreamer -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gstreamer $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dintrospection=enabled -Ddoc=disabled -Dexamples=disabled -Ddbghelp=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Dbash-completion=disabled -Dcheck=enabled -Dcoretracers=disabled -Dgst_debug=true -Dlibdw=disabled -Dtests=enabled -Dtools=enabled -Dtracer_hooks=true -Dlibunwind=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   7. Build gst-plugins-base $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-base -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-base $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dalsa=enabled -Dcdparanoia=disabled -Dgl-graphene=disabled -Dgl-jpeg=disabled -Dopus=disabled -Dogg=enabled -Dorc=enabled -Dpango=enabled -Dgl-png=enabled -Dqt5=disabled -Dtheora=enabled -Dtremor=disabled -Dvorbis=enabled -Dlibvisual=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dxvideo=disabled -Dxshm=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   8. Build gst-plugins-good $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-good -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-good $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dexamples=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Ddoc=disabled -Daalib=disabled -Ddirectsound=disabled -Ddv=disabled -Dlibcaca=disabled -Doss=enabled -Doss4=disabled -Dosxaudio=disabled -Dosxvideo=disabled -Dshout2=disabled -Dtwolame=disabled -Dwaveform=disabled -Dasm=disabled -Dbz2=enabled -Dcairo=enabled -Ddv1394=disabled -Dflac=enabled -Dgdk-pixbuf=enabled -Dgtk3=disabled -Dv4l2-gudev=enabled -Djack=disabled -Djpeg=enabled -Dlame=enabled -Dpng=enabled -Dv4l2-libv4l2=disabled -Dmpg123=enabled -Dorc=enabled -Dpulse=enabled -Dqt5=disabled -Drpicamsrc=disabled -Dsoup=enabled -Dspeex=enabled -Dtaglib=enabled -Dv4l2=enabled -Dv4l2-probe=true -Dvpx=disabled -Dwavpack=disabled -Dximagesrc=disabled -Dximagesrc-xshm=disabled -Dximagesrc-xfixes=disabled -Dximagesrc-xdamage=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   9. Build gst-plugins-bad $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/gst-plugins-bad -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd gst-plugins-bad $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dintrospection=enabled -Dexamples=disabled -Dnls=enabled -Dgpl=disabled -Ddoc=disabled -Daes=enabled -Dcodecalpha=enabled -Ddecklink=enabled -Ddvb=enabled -Dfbdev=enabled -Dipcpipeline=enabled -Dshm=enabled -Dtranscode=enabled -Dandroidmedia=disabled -Dapplemedia=disabled -Dasio=disabled -Dbs2b=disabled -Dchromaprint=disabled -Dd3dvideosink=disabled -Dd3d11=disabled -Ddirectsound=disabled -Ddts=disabled -Dfdkaac=disabled -Dflite=disabled -Dgme=disabled -Dgs=disabled -Dgsm=disabled -Diqa=disabled -Dkate=disabled -Dladspa=disabled -Dldac=disabled -Dlv2=disabled -Dmagicleap=disabled -Dmediafoundation=disabled -Dmicrodns=disabled -Dmpeg2enc=disabled -Dmplex=disabled -Dmusepack=disabled -Dnvcodec=disabled -Dopenexr=disabled -Dopenni2=disabled -Dopenaptx=disabled -Dopensles=disabled -Donnx=disabled -Dqroverlay=disabled -Dsoundtouch=disabled -Dspandsp=disabled -Dsvthevcenc=disabled -Dteletext=disabled -Dwasapi=disabled -Dwasapi2=disabled -Dwildmidi=disabled -Dwinks=disabled -Dwinscreencap=disabled -Dwpe=disabled -Dzxing=disabled -Daom=disabled -Dassrender=disabled -Davtp=disabled -Dbluez=enabled -Dbz2=enabled -Dclosedcaption=enabled -Dcurl=enabled -Ddash=enabled -Ddc1394=disabled -Ddirectfb=disabled -Ddtls=disabled -Dfaac=disabled -Dfaad=disabled -Dfluidsynth=disabled -Dgl=enabled -Dhls=enabled -Dkms=enabled -Dcolormanagement=disabled -Dlibde265=disabled -Dcurl-ssh2=disabled -Dmodplug=disabled -Dmsdk=disabled -Dneon=disabled -Dopenal=disabled -Dopencv=disabled -Dopenh264=disabled -Dopenjpeg=disabled -Dopenmpt=disabled -Dhls-crypto=openssl -Dopus=disabled -Dorc=enabled -Dresindvd=disabled -Drsvg=enabled -Drtmp=disabled -Dsbc=enabled -Dsctp=disabled -Dsmoothstreaming=enabled -Dsndfile=enabled -Dsrt=disabled -Dsrtp=disabled -Dtinyalsa=disabled -Dtinycompress=enabled -Dttml=enabled -Duvch264=enabled -Dv4l2codecs=disabled -Dva=disabled -Dvoaacenc=disabled -Dvoamrwbenc=disabled -Dvulkan=disabled -Dwayland=enabled -Dwebp=enabled -Dwebrtc=disabled -Dwebrtcdsp=disabled -Dx11=disabled -Dx265=disabled -Dzbar=disabled -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   10. Build imx-gst1.0-plugin $ git clone https://github.com/nxp-imx/imx-gst1.0-plugin -b lf-6.1.55-2.2.0 $ cd imx-gst1.0-plugin $ meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dplatform=MX8 -Dc_args=-I/usr/include/imx $ cd build $ ninja install   11. Exit chroot $ exit   Verify Installation For verification process, boot your target from the SD Card. (Review your specific target documentation) 1. Verify Weston For this verification you will need to be root user. # export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 # weston   2. Verify VPU and Gstreamer Use the following Gstreamer pipeline for Hardware Accelerated VPU Encode. # gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw, format=I420, width=640, height=480 ! vpuenc_h264 ! filesink location=test.mp4   Then you can reproduce the file with this command: # gplay-1.0 test.mp4   Finally, you have installed and verified the GPU, VPU and Multimedia packages. Now, you can start testing audio and video applications.
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Overview The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on how to enable Dual Ethernet with the GKI Development. Reference: How to enable dual ethernet on Android 11 For a better reference how to build Android i.MX image please look at the next chapter 3 Building the Android Platform for i.MX in the Android User's Guide 1. Build the Android Image with the next modifications The 2nd ethernet port is DWMAC from synopsys and phy used is realtek RTL8211F. To add them into the SharedBoardConfig.mk and remove the camera drivers. diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk b/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk index f68eb49e..3e95708e 100644 --- a/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk +++ b/imx8m/evk_8mp/SharedBoardConfig.mk @@ -82,7 +82,12 @@ BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/rtc/rtc-snvs.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pci-imx6.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/phy/realtek.ko \ - $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.ko + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/freescale/fec.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/phy/micrel.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/pcs/pcs_xpcs.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/dwmac-imx.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac.ko \ + $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/net/ethernet/stmicro/stmmac/stmmac-platform.ko ifeq ($(POWERSAVE),true) BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/soc/imx/lpa_ctrl.ko \ @@ -219,15 +224,12 @@ BOARD_VENDOR_RAMDISK_KERNEL_MODULES += \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/perf/fsl_imx8_ddr_perf.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq-dt.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/cpufreq/imx-cpufreq-dt.ko \ - $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/media/i2c/ov5640.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-capture.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-capture.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-hw.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-isi-mem2mem.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-mipi-csi2-sam.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/dma/imx-sdma.ko \ - $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/basler-camera-driver-vvcam.ko \ - $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/os08a20.ko \ $(KERNEL_OUT)/drivers/staging/media/imx/imx8-media-dev.ko \ $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/vvcam-dwe.ko \ $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/VVCAM_OBJ/vvcam-isp.ko \​ To let the Android framework's EthernetTracker and EthernetNetworkFactory know which interfaces to manage, the framework level configure config_ethernet_iface_regex config_ethernet_interfaces must be overlay in device/nxp/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml: diff --git a/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml index 298d50cc..63f6787e 100644 --- a/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml +++ b/imx8m/evk_8mp/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml @@ -22,7 +22,12 @@ <resources> <!--For Android we support eth0 now --> - <string translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_iface_regex">eth0</string> + <string translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_iface_regex">eth\\d</string> + + <string-array translatable="false" name="config_ethernet_interfaces"> + <item>eth0;12,13,14,15,16,18,19</item> + <item>eth1;12,13,14,15,16,18,19</item> + </string-array> <!-- List of regexpressions describing the interface (if any) that represent tetherable USB interfaces. If the device doesn't want to support tething over USB this should -- Apply the patch 0001-PATCH-Add-defines-for-ETH-support-drivers.patch Build the Android Image # Change to the MY_ANDROID Directory $ source build/envsetup.sh $ lunch evk_8mp-userdebug $ ./imx-make.sh -j4 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt​   GKI Development Follow and apply the next community post: Export new symbols of GKI development Android 14 Set the GKI repo $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b common-android14-6.1 $ repo sync $ git remote add device https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx.git $ git remote update $ git fetch device --tags $ git checkout android-14.0.0_1.2.0 $ cd .. #Be sure that symbolic links are created correctly $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam verisilicon_sw_isp_vvcam $ ln -s ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp-opensource/nxp-mwifiex nxp-mwifiex $ BUILD_FOR_GKI=yes $ BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.imx $ tools/bazel run //common:imx_abi_update_symbol_list Apply the following changes in the GKI Kernel tree: gki/common: Patch: 0001-PATCH-GKI-Kernel-tree-Drivers-for-the-ETH1-Interface.patch Build the GKI Image tools/bazel run //common:kernel_aarch64_dist​ Follow the build android boot.img and system_dlkm.img $ cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/boot.img ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/ gki/boot.img $ cd ${MY_ANDROID} $ TARGET_IMX_KERNEL=true make bootimage # Change directory to the gki folder $ cp out/kernel_aarch64/dist/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki/system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz $ cd ${MY_ANDROID}/vendor/nxp/fsl-proprietary/gki $ tar -xzf system_dlkm_staging_archive.tar.gz -C system_dlkm_staging $ cd ${MY_ANDROID} $ make system_dlkmimag​e Create the tar.gz file for flash the android image (*.img, *.bat, *.sh, *.bin, *.imx) Boot the image and type lsmod to ensure the drivers are installed. Regards, Mario    
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P3T1755DP is a ±0.5°C accurate temperature-to-digital converter with a -40 °C to +125 °C range. It uses an on-chip band gap temperature sensor and an A-to-D conversion technique with overtemperature detection. The temperature register always stores a 12-bit two's complement data, giving a temperature resolution of 0.0625 °C P3T1755DP which can be configured for different operation conditions: continuous conversion, one-shot mode, or shutdown mode.   The device has very good features but, unfortunately, is not supported by Linux yet!   The P31755 works very similarly to LM75, pct2075, and other compatibles.   We can add support to P3T1755 in the LM75.c program due to the process to communicate with the device is the same as LM75 and equivalents.   https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/lf-6.1.55-2.2.0/drivers/hwmon/lm75.c route: drivers/hwmon/lm75.c   The modifications that we have to do are the next:    1. We have to add the configurations to the kernel on the imx_v8_defconfig file CONFIG_SENSORS_ARM_SCMI=y CONFIG_SENSORS_ARM_SCPI=y CONFIG_SENSORS_FP9931=y +CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75=m +CONFIG_HWMON=y +CONFIG_I2C=y +CONFIG_REGMAP_I2C=y CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90=m CONFIG_SENSORS_PWM_FAN=m CONFIG_SENSORS_SL28CPLD=m    2. Add the part on the list of parts compatible with the driver LM75.c enum lm75_type { /* keep sorted in alphabetical order */ max6626, max31725, mcp980x, + p3t1755, pct2075, stds75, stlm75,   3. Add the configuration in the structure lm75_params device_params[]. .default_resolution = 9, .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 18, }, + [p3t1755] = { + .default_resolution = 12, + .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 10, + }, [pct2075] = { .default_resolution = 11, .default_sample_time = MSEC_PER_SEC / 10,   Notes: You can change the configuration of the device using .set_mask and .clear_mask, see more details on LM75.c lines 57 to 78   4. Add the ID to the list in the structure i2c_device_id lm75_ids and of_device_id __maybe_unused lm75_of_match    { "max31725", max31725, }, { "max31726", max31725, }, { "mcp980x", mcp980x, }, + { "p3t1755", p3t1755, }, { "pct2075", pct2075, }, { "stds75", stds75, }, { "stlm75", stlm75, },   + { + .compatible = "nxp,p3t1755", + .data = (void *)p3t1755 + },   5. In addition to all modifications, I modify the device tree of my iMX8MP-EVK to connect the Sensor in I2C3 of the board.  https://github.com/nxp-imx/linux-imx/blob/lf-6.1.55-2.2.0/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx8mp-evk.dts   }; }; + + p3t1755: p3t1755@48 { + compatible = "nxp,p3t1755"; + reg = <0x48>; + }; + };   Connections: We will use the expansion connector of the iMX8MP-EVK and J9 of the P3T1755DP-ARD board.   P3T1755DP-ARD board   iMX8MP-EVK   P3T1755DP-ARD ----> iMX8MP-EVK J9              ---------->            J21 +3v3 (Pin 9) ---> +3v3 (Pin 1) GND(Pin 7) ---> GND (PIN 9) SCL (Pin 4) ---> SCL (Pin 5) SDA (Pin 3) ---> SDA (Pin 3)     Reading the Sensor We can read the sensor using the next commands:   Read Temperature: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input Reading maximum temperature: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_max Reading hysteresis: $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_max_hyst   https://www.nxp.com/design/design-center/development-boards-and-designs/analog-toolbox/arduino-shields-solutions/p3t1755dp-arduino-shield-evaluation-board:P3T1755DP-ARD    
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