While Programming OL-2385 through JN5169 getting Error(MtG Communication failed).
Please find the debug logs of JN5169.
MisMatch in firmware version found
MisMatch in firmware version found
MisMatch : Info:r1893, 06.10.17 16:59:50V5Ê
Reset Low ::
Reset High ::
Waiting for MSCL high ::
eMDI_EnterMonitorMode :: eStatus = 3
Reset Low ::
Reset High ::
Waiting for MSCL high ::
eMDI_EnterMonitorMode :: eStatus = 3
Reset Low ::
Reset High ::
Waiting for MSCL high ::
eMDI_EnterMonitorMode :: eStatus = 3
MtG Communication failed .... Fatal Error !!!
Also, find the source code images.
Please feel free to ask for more information.
Thanks and regards,
Hiren Virapara
Does anyone have any idea?
Hi Hiren,
What are the SDK and AN version that you are working on?