QN9080 UART Receive 

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QN9080 UART Receive 

1,892 次查看
Contributor V

In the example Private profile client (PPC), I want to add the function of a uart receiver.

In short, after entering a string on the terminal, PPC can parse the data anytime,
I try to refer to the example of  UART interrupt as follow.

Or there are other better examples I can use for reference

On the PPC, how do I add the receiving part, and where is it appropriate to add it?




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  • QN

3 回复数

1,687 次查看
Contributor V

Dear Sebastian:

After I researched the I2C you provided, I still can't understand whether there are other ways for me to refer to.


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1,687 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Daniel,


The process described in the document can work to enable different kinds of serial interfaces. It shows how to configure a KW41Z's Serial Manager to enable an I2C interface, but the same applies to the QN9080, as both devices implement the Serial Manager APIs into their connectivity stacks.


The serial manager can enable a reception callback by using generic functions, but it will work with the specific serial interface defined by the programmer.


Please let me know if you need any more information.


Best regards,


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1,687 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Daniel, I hope you're doing well!


The USART interrupt example you took for reference should be able to help you get an idea on how to implement a USART module to communicate with your QN9080. The implementation can be integrated into the private_profile_client.c source file.


An alternative way of setting up an UART module for projects using the BLE stack is with the Serial Manager API. The Private Profile Client SDK example already uses the Serial Manager to set-up a UART in this example.


A guide on how to enable an additional Serial Manager instance can be found here. The example uses an I2C interface instead of UART, and it uses KW41Z, but the process is more or less the same.


Please let me know if you need any more information.


Best regards,
