PN7642 C101 Debug mode entering error

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PN7642 C101 Debug mode entering error

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Contributor II


I`m using PN7642EV/C101. On my custom board (I haven`t found DevKit for this version of IC) I can not enter debug mode. I`m using MCU Link to load and debug FW. During the connection sequence I have next log: 

Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
============= SCRIPT: PN7642_connect.scp =============
PN7642 Connect Script
Connecting to Probe Index = 1
This probe = 1
This TAP = 0
This core = 0
DpID = 6BA02477
Breakpoints before reset
Number of FPBs: 8
FPB:0 COMP: 0x00208131 (0x00208130)
FPB:1 COMP: 0x20003003 (0x20003002)
FPB:2 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:3 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:4 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:5 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:6 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:7 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
DpID = 6BA02477
Registers after reset
R0 : 00000000
R1 : 00208130
R2 : 00208130
R3 : 00208130
R4 : 00208130
R5 : 00208130
R6 : 00208130
R7 : 00208130
R8 : 00208130
R9 : 00208130
R10 : 00208130
R11 : 00208130
R12 : 00208130
SP : 20008000
PC : 00208130
PSR : 01000000
MSP : 20008000
PSP : 00000000
CFBP: 00000000
============= END SCRIPT =============================
Probe Firmware: MCU-LINK r0FF CMSIS-DAP V0.078 (NXP Semiconductors)
Serial Number: KJKL4QM3ADBKP
VID:PID: 1FC9:0143
USB Path: \\?\hid#vid_1fc9&pid_0143&mi_00#7&1db5e7dc&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Using memory from core 0 after searching for a good core
debug interface type = CoreSight DP (DAP DP ID 6BA02477) over SWD TAP 0
processor type = Cortex-M33 (CPU ID 00000D21) on DAP AP 0
number of h/w breakpoints = 8
number of flash patches = 0
number of h/w watchpoints = 4
Probe(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 6BA02477. CpuID: 00000D21. Info: <None>
Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
Content of CoreSight Debug ROM(s):
RBASE E00FE000: CID B105100D PID 0000080000 ROM (type 0x1)
ROM 1 E00FF000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C9 ROM (type 0x1)
ROM 2 E000E000: CID B105900D PID 04000BBD21 CSt ARM ARMv8-M type 0x0 Misc - Undefined
ROM 2 E0001000: CID B105900D PID 04000BBD21 CSt ARM DWTv2 type 0x0 Misc - Undefined
ROM 2 E0002000: CID B105900D PID 04000BBD21 CSt ARM FPBv2 type 0x0 Misc - Undefined
ROM 2 E0000000: CID B105900D PID 04000BBD21 CSt ARM ITMv2 type 0x43 Trace Source - Bus
ROM 2 E0041000: CID B105900D PID 04002BBD21 CSt ARM ETMv4.0 type 0x13 Trace Source - Core
ROM 2 E0042000: CID B105900D PID 04000BBD21 CSt ARM CTIv2 type 0x14 Debug Control - Trigger, e.g. ECT
ROM 1 E0045000: CID B105900D PID 04004BB907 CSt ETB type 0x21 Trace Sink - ETB
ROM 1 E0045000: CID B105900D PID 04004BB907 CSt ETB type 0x21 Trace Sink - ETB
ROM 1 E0044000: CID B105900D PID 04002BB909 CSt type 0x22 Trace Link - Filter
ROM 1 E0046000: CID B105900D PID 04005BB906 CSt type 0x14 Debug Control - Trigger, e.g. ECT
NXP: PN7642
DAP stride is 1024 bytes (256 words)
Inspected v.2 On-chip Flash Memory PN7642.cfx
Image 'PN7642 Flash Apr 5 2024 18:22:54'
( 65) Chip Setup Complete
Connected: was_reset=false. was_stopped=true
Awaiting telnet connection to port 3330 ...
GDB nonstop mode enabled
FreeRTOS stack backtrace is disabled
Opening flash driver PN7642.cfx
VECTRESET requested, but not supported on ARMv8-M CPUs. Using SOFTRESET instead.
Using SOFT reset to run the flash driver
Flash device supported (180KB = 360*512 at 0x208000)
Writing 150608 bytes to address 0x00208000 in Flash
Sectors written: 0, unchanged: 295, total: 295
Erased/Wrote sector 0-294 with 150608 bytes in 155msec
Closing flash driver PN7642.cfx
Flash Write Done
Opening flash driver PN7642.cfx (already resident)
VECTRESET requested, but not supported on ARMv8-M CPUs. Using SOFTRESET instead.
Using SOFT reset to run the flash driver
Flash device supported (180KB = 360*512 at 0x208000)
Writing 1540 bytes to address 0x00233000 in Flash
Sectors written: 0, unchanged: 4, total: 4
Erased/Wrote sector 344-347 with 1540 bytes in 26msec
Closing flash driver PN7642.cfx
Flash Write Done
Flash Program Summary: 152146 bytes in 0.18 seconds (816.37 KB/sec)
============= SCRIPT: PN7642_reset.scp =============
PN7642 Reset Script
Breakpoints before reset
Number of FPBs: 8
FPB:0 COMP: 0x00208131 (0x00208130)
FPB:1 COMP: 0x20003003 (0x20003002)
FPB:2 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:3 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:4 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:5 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:6 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
FPB:7 COMP: 0x00000000 (not in use)
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
DpID = 6BA02477
Registers after CMSYSRESETREQ
R0 : 00000000
R1 : 00208130
R2 : 00208130
R3 : 00208130
R4 : 00208130
R5 : 00208130
R6 : 00208130
R7 : 00208130
R8 : 00208130
R9 : 00208130
R10 : 00208130
R11 : 00208130
R12 : 00208130
SP : 20008000
PC : 00208130
PSR : 01000000
MSP : 20008000
PSP : 00000000
CFBP: 00000000
DpID = 6BA02477
After PN76_Sys_Hal_SoftReset(1)
Error: Could not read registers (0x05)
============= END SCRIPT ===========================
state - running or following reset request - re-read of state failed - rc Nn(05). Wire ACK Fault in DAP access
state - running or following reset request - re-read of state failed - rc Nn(05). Wire ACK Fault in DAP access
state - running or following reset request - re-read of state failed - rc Nn(05). Wire ACK Fault in DAP access
following reset read of core registers failed - Ep(08). Cannot access core regs when target running.
Target error from Commit Flash write: Ep(08). Cannot access core regs when target running.
GDB stub (C:\nxp\LinkServer_1.5.30\binaries\crt_emu_cm_redlink) terminating - GDB protocol problem: Pipe has been closed by GDB.
state - running or following reset request - re-read of state failed - rc Nn(05). Wire ACK Fault in DAP access

What can be the reason of such behavior?

Thanks in advance!



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1 Solution
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Artem:


The error message is : Target marked as not debuggable.    I would suggest you refer to below link,  this issue was discussed.

02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable - NXP Community


you can try other debug probe, like MCU link pro.  







View solution in original post

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4 Replies
Contributor II

Hi Daniel, thank you for response. I updated version of my MCU Link (not pro), anyway it is useful but unfortunately didn`t help. Another bad symptom is that when I configure debugger in such a way 


and trying to to run debug sequence, I got this message:


Is there something you know can be the possible reason?

Thanks in advance! 


0 Kudos
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Artem:


The error message is : Target marked as not debuggable.    I would suggest you refer to below link,  this issue was discussed.

02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable - NXP Community


you can try other debug probe, like MCU link pro.  







0 Kudos
Contributor II

Thank you, Daniel! 

Best regards, 



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Are you using MCU Link pro?

I would suggest you update the firmware for the MCU LINK pro and try it again.

Getting Started with the MCU-Link Pro | NXP Semiconductors




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