JN-AN-1171 doesn't give the proper includes

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JN-AN-1171 doesn't give the proper includes

Contributor I


I have an issue, I'm trying to program a JN5168 to work with ZLL but after installing BeyondStudio, the JN-SW-4168 SDK and JN-AN-1171 for ZLL examples i get an error that the includes aren't correct, as you can see in the Attachment, the file has include JN-SW-4166 instead of the supposed JN-SW-4168, I tried searching for the 4166 version but that doesn't exist or i couldn't find it. I also tried adding the include from JN-SW-4168 but even then i'm still missing includes mainly from ZLL libraries. So i was wondering if this is the only examples there are for ZLL or if there are others somewhere which i could use to test out the JN5168 with. 


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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Guillaume,

As far as I can see, the problem comes from the properties of the project for the Light_ExtendedColorLight_1 target.

In the project properties for this target you can see that these pathes have been defined (manaully I think (bold)) in "C/C++ General/Paths  and Symbols" in the Include tab for GNU C


I think that these définitions are not needed. I tried to delete them and was able to build the target.

I addition, take care to use version 1470 of JN-SW-4168 SDK. It seems that the AN does not build with some newer versions of the SDK...

Best regards


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Guillaume,

Could you please delete and import the project again? 

Also, could you please check the Console and looking for some errors.

The errors you are seeing in Eclipse are due to the indexer. 

It sometimes resolves itself if you rebuild the indexer by

right clicking on the project -> Index -> refresh all files then

right clicking on the project -> Index -> Rebuild


The errors you are seeing is Eclipse not being able to resolve various variable and functions within the SDK.

Please let me know your findings,

Best Regards,


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