Clarification on Zigbee license requirments for Kinetis KW2xD

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Clarification on Zigbee license requirments for Kinetis KW2xD

Senior Contributor II

I'm a little concerned about having to pay an IAR license ($5000?) on top of our Codewarrior license that is around $2000.

From the KZASAUG.pdf 2.Introduction

The Kinetis BeeStack includes a set of example applications for the ZigBee Pro Feature Set using the Home Automation or ZigBee Light Link supplemented by a generic application. These applications require you to install IAR Embedded WorkBench version 7.4 or later

I read this as (you're going to be paying $5000 for an IAR license)? Am I wrong?

I have to make a small FOB/Remote control that will arm/disarm an exsisting Zigbee alarm system (I have their support for any integration questions). My plan was to buy two FRDM-KW24D512, have one that will act as a remote to arm disarm the other board (turn an LED on/off). Seems very simple, but I have never had to deal with Zigbee (I have done Z Wave).

If I am reading this correctly, if i need to use the Zigbee Light Link or Home automation application than I am up for the IAR license? 

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2 Replies

Contributor II

Good Evening Carl, there's a way to develop Zigbee Projects with beestack 4.x and Codewarrior / KDS2.0 without having to use the IAR EWARM. The good beekit software (BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit|NXP )

Take a look at this thread: How to build a BeeKit exported CodeWarrior 10.6 project using Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) 2.0.0 

With some patience you can also export your beekit projects from Codewarrior 10.6 to KDS3.2

Personally it helped me a lot and actually i am using it to develop zigbee applications.

It is a shame that mario_castaneda doesn't point to this solution, being at NXP.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Carl,

These applications require you to install IAR Embedded WorkBench version 7.4 or later.

Unfortunately, this stack is only supported  by IAR, but If you want to work with Zigbee.

You can take a look to JN5169 ZigBee and IEEE802.15.4 wireless microcontroller with 512 kB Flash, 32 kB RAM|NXP 

ZigBee Home Automation|NXP 

Hope it helps.

Best Regards,


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