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Wireless Connectivity Knowledge Base


All FSCI packets contain a checksum field to verify data integrity. Every time a FSCI packet is created (by the Host or a Kinetis device) a new CRC is calculated based on every data byte in the FSCI frame. Compute CRC for TX packet The CRC field is calculated by XORing each byte contained in the FSCI command (opcode group, opcode, payload length and payload data). Checksum field then, accumulates the result of every XOR instruction.    In the firmware, the CRC is calculated in the 'FSCI_transmitPayload()' function wich is located in '<HSDK project>/framework/FSCI/Source/FsciCommunication.c' file. See FSCI_computeChecksum(). Example: TX: AspSetXtalTrim.Request 02 95 0A 01 30 AE    Sync            [1 byte] = 02    OpGroup     [1 byte] = 95    OpCode      [1 byte] = 0A    Length         [1 byte] = 01    trimValue     [1 byte] = 30    CRC            [1 byte] = AE     <------- (0x95) XOR (0A) XOR (0x01) XOR (0x30) = 0xAE Disable CRC field validation Every time a FSCI packet is received, the device verifies the checksum value.  The next changes will allow the board to receive FSCI packets without verifying the CRC field. However, the board will send the FSCI responses to the Host with this CRC field. Go to 'FsciCommunication.c' file. Search for 'fsci_packetStatus_t FSCI_checkPacket( clientPacket_t *pData, uint16_t bytes, uint8_t* pVIntf )' function. Comment all line codes related to checksum verifying. The image below shows what has to be commented. Compile project and load it to the board. Verify functionality with Test Tool. Select any command and check Raw Data checkbox. Delete the CRC data field and send the FSCI message pressing Send Raw. The loaded command set will vary depending on the demo you are using (Thread, ZigBee, BLE, etc.). The FSCI message is sent without a CRC field and the board responses to the command successfully.
General summary MCUBOOT, fsci_bootloader and otap_bootloader are 3 different bootloader applications that can be used depending on the use case. The MCU Flashloader is a separate implementation but it's also mentioned to avoid misunderstanding.   MCUBOOT The MCU bootloader provides support for multiple communication protocols (UART, SPI, I2C, CAN) and multiple applications to interface with it. Summary: - It's a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a serial connection on several Kinetis MCUs. - Host-side command line (blhost) and GUI tools are available to communicate with the bootloader.  -  By default, application starts at address 0xa000. - MCU Bootloader|NXP website - MCU Bootloader Reference Manual - MCU Bootloader Demo Application User's Guide   fsci_bootloader Framework Serial Connectivity Interface (FSCI) is an NXP propietary protocol that allows interfacing the Kinetis protocol stack with a host system or PC tool using a serial communication interface. The FSCI bootloader enables the FSCI module to communicate with the PC and transfer the image using the FSCI protocol. Summary: - It relies on the FSCI protocol to transfer the binary from a PC connected via UART, using a python and C applications. - To enter into bootloader mode (in FRDM-KW41Z), hold SW1 (Reset) and press SW4, then release SW1 first and SW4 second. Please refer to demo user's guide to get the specific steps for your platform. - By default, application starts at 0x4000. - FSCI Bootloader Manual   otap_bootloader The Connectivity SDK contains Over-the-Air firmware upgrade examples. The OTAP bootloader loads an image obtained from wireless communication, the OTAP bootloader only enters after an image was successfully transferred to the client device (internal or external flash). Summary: - It's used by over the air programmed devices. - The bootloader mode only enters if a flag is set after reset triggered by a successful reception of an image over the air. - By default, application starts at 0x4000. - Kinetis Thread Stack Over-the-Air (OTA) Firmware Update User’s Guide   mcu_flashloader The MCU flashloader is a specific implementation of the MCU bootloader. For the flashloader implementation, the MCU bootloader command interface is packaged as an executable that is loaded from flash and executed from RAM. This configuration allows the user application to be placed at the beginning of the on-chip flash where it is automatically launched upon boot from flash. Using the MCU flashloader to program a user application to the beginning of the flash makes this implementation of the bootloader a one-time programming aid. The MCU flashloader doesn't allow to jump to a different section after a timeout or button press like the other bootloaders, it's main purpose is to flash an application without the need of an external debugger, mainly used for factory programming. Summary: - It is pre-programmed into many Kinetis flash devices during manufacturing and enables flash programming without the need for a debugger. - After the user application is programmed into flash memory, the Kinetis flashloader is no longer available. - Documentation: Getting Started with the MCU Flashloader   You can select from the MCU Bootloader, FSCI_Bootloader and OTAP Bootloader, depending on your needs. JC
QTool is a PC software tool that works with QN9080 USB dongle to assist in the development of BLE projects with the QN9080. You control the dongle via the QTool software, which issues and receives FSCI (Framework Serial Communication Interface) formatted commands over a virtual COM port. The dongle can then act either as a master or a slave to a QN9080DK board over BLE.  Before using the BLE dongle with QTool though, the firmware on the QN9080 Dongle must be updated. The updated firmware can be found inside the QTool installation directory, and you will need to put the dongle into bootloader mode to drag-and-drop new firmware on it. Updating the Firmware on the QN9080 Dongle. 1. Install QTool: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/sps/download/license.jsp?colCode=Connectivity-QTool-Setup   2. Plug the QN9080 Dongle into a USB port on your computer 3. Using a wire, connect TP5 to ground. You can use either TP4 or the USB shield for GND. 4. While that wire is connected, press the reset button on the dongle. This will now put the dongle into bootloader mode. 5. A drive will enumerate on your computer named “CRP_DISABLD”     6. You can now remove the wire 7. Delete the firmware.bin file found in that drive 8. Drag-and-drop the firmware.bin file found in C:\NXP\Connectivity QTool\bin files into that enumerated drive. 9. Once done copying, unplug and replug in the USB Dongle, and the new firmware will now be running.  Installing the QN9080 Dongle Driver The dongle will enumerate as a USB CDC COM device. If the CDC driver is not automatically detected, you will need to manually install the driver. 1. Right-click Computer and choose Properties, the System Management window appears. 2. Click Device Manager and navigate to MCU VIRTUAL COM DEMO      3. Right-click the device MCU VIRTUAL COM DEMO and choose Update Driver Software 4. Click the  Browse my computer for driver software option in the window. 5. Click Browse button to go to the folder  C:\NXP\Connectivity QTool\drivers 6. Click the Next button at the bottom to install the driver.  7. After the driver is installed you will see the Virtual Com Port device under the Ports category    Using QTool: Now that the QN9080 dongle has the updated firmware and has the correct driver installed, you can follow the instructions in the QTool documentation found at C:\NXP\Connectivity QTool\UM11085.pdf Related documentation: QN908x Quick Start Guide QN908x DK User's Guide
This Document describes the additional changes needed for JN-AN-1229 ZigBee PRO Application Template for ZigBee version 1002 to be able to compile correctly with the latest update SDK JN-SW-4170 Version 1745 and JN-SW-4270 Version 1746. Note:  These modifications can be also found in the JN516x ZigBee 3.0 SDK Release Notes v1745 (Chapter 4.3 Modifications Required) Tool modifications The .zpscfg file contains all the information available of the setup of the ZigBee network, this file it’s located in C:\...\...\workspace\ JN-AN-1229\Common The first step is to add the MAC Interface List to The ZigBee devices (Co-ordinator, Router, and Sleeping End Device) in the .zpscfg file. Then, add the MAC Interface selecting the New Child option. In the Properties tab, the Co-ordinator and the Router should have the Router Allowed option set to True. Stack modifications The new stack has support for better throughput and automatic buffering of data packets during route discovery. This requires the addition of a new queue in the application. Open the app_common.h file which it’s located in the Common folder. This queue should be tied to the stack definition: extern PUBLIC tszQueue zps_msgMcpsDcfm; After that, open the app_router.c and app_sleeping_enddevice.c. The ZPS_tsAplAib structure has been changed, so, the vStartup function should be modified Old version /* Set channel to scan and start stack */ ZPS_psAplAibGetAib()->apsChannelMask = 1 << u8Channel; Update needed /* Set channel to scan and start stack */ ZPS_psAplAibGetAib()->pau32ApsChannelMask[0] = 1 << u8Channel; Add the next code to the app_start.c(Coordinator and Router) and app_start_SED.c(Sleeping End Device) The buffer of the Router device should be modified. The size of the queue is defined as: #define MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE 5 The storage of the queue must be defined: PRIVATE MAC_tsMcpsVsCfmData asMacMcpsDcfm[MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE]; In the APP_vInitResources function an additional queue must be added: ZQ_vQueueCreate(&zps_msgMcpsDcfm, MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE,  sizeof(MAC_tsMcpsVsCfmData),(uint8*)asMacMcpsDcfm);  
The “BeyondStudio for NXP” Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a platform for the development of wireless network applications to be run on NXP’s JN516x family of wireless microcontrollers. For more details and installation guide.  JN-UG-3098 (BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide). This document explains the common issues that the user will face when trying to develop a new application using BeyondStudio IDE.   First of all, be sure that you are working with the latest SDK version and application note.    Import Problems After you import some application note that you want to take as reference. 2.2 Importing a Project. BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide.     1. Wrong Path A  common issue is a user uses another path for the installation of the SDK than the default one (C:\nxp\bstudio_nxp\workspace). When trying to find the Makefile ("SDK/JN-SW-4168/Stack/Common/Build/config.mk"), the IDE uses a relative path, for that reason it assumes that the file is in the correct directory. As the path was changed, the file can’t be found.   2.Project Directory After you select the Application Note (AN) you want to import remember that there will be an option for the JN517x as most of the projects are compatible between them (Zigbee 3.0, ZigBee Link Light). Nonetheless, BeyondStudio is not compatible with the JN517x.  While importing the project you only must select the JN516x project and none of the options must not be selected.     Linking Errors Open a source file (.c) or a header file (.h),  you will notice that the IDE shows a lot of errors even though the project has not been compiled yet. The errors you are seeing is Eclipse not being able to resolve various variables and functions within the SDK. You might see some errors like: Symbol “xxx” could not be resolved for example. After starting the compilation process, look at the console log and notice that the bin file is being generated correctly. Do not try to add another file in the path and Symbols trying to avoid all those errors; the IDE will look for the includes that the project needs. If you used the default path location, it will not have any problem with the compilation. The OS_Gen, ZPS_Gen, and PDUM_Gen, for example, are all files automatically generated based on the configuration files, performing a clean will remove those files but will be created again after a new compilation. File app.zpscfg Problems Encountered The next error will appear if the Zigbee Plug-in is not installed. Follow the installation procedure for the plug-ins 1.2.3 Installing the ZigBee Plug-ins BeyondStudio for NXP Installation and User Guide. Look at the installation folder that is included in the SDK. C:\NXP\bstudio_nxp\sdk\JN-SW-41xx\Tools\Eclipse_plugins\com.nxp.sdk.update_site For a better reference the ZPS Configuration Editor provides a convenient way to set ZigBee network parameters ZigBee PRO Stack User Guide I hope it helps. Regards, Mario
Hello all, let me share a video demonstration of the Thread Smart Home model. See the link below: Thread Smart Home model Best regards, Karel
This document describes how to add additional cluster to the Router application in the JN-AN-1217 ZigBee 3.0 Base Device Application Note. The Router application's main endpoint contains Basic, Groups, Identify and OnOff server. The steps below describe how to add two clusters to Router: Temperature Measurement server and OnOff client. Note that these changes only go as far as making the new clusters added and discoverable, no functionality has been added to these clusters.  Common/Source/app.zpscfg The first step is to update the ZigBee PRO Stack Configuration file to add the new clusters (OnOff Client, Temperature Measurement Server) to the Router application endpoint. The HA profile already contains few clusters but Temperature Measurement cluster was added:   The OnOff client was already present in Router endpoint but the Temperature Measurement cluster was then added into Router application endpoint:   Router/Build/Makefile For cluster belonging to General domain, the cluster code is automatically build and linked but for other domains, the compiling and linking needs to be enabled. As Temperature Measurement belongs to Measurement and Sensing domain, enable the cluster code in Makefile: Router/Source/zcl_options.h This file is used to set the options used by the ZCL. Enable Clusters The cluster functionality for the router endpoint was enabled:   Enable any optional Attributes and Commands for the clusters  Add the cluster creation and initialization into ZigBee Base device definitions The cluster functionality for some of the clusters is already present on ZigBee Base Device. For Temperature Measurement cluster the functionality was added into ZigBee Base Device. <Path to JN-SW-4x70 SDK>/ Components/ZCL/Devices/ZHA/Generic/Include/base_device.h The first step was including the Temperature Measurement header files into base device header file as shown below:   The second step was adding cluster instance into base device Instance as shown below: The next step was to define the cluster into the base device structure as below: <Path to JN-SW-4x70 SDK>/ Components/ZCL/Devices/ZHA/Generic/Include/base_device.c The cluster create function for Temperature Measurement cluster for server was called in ZigBee base device registration function:   Router/Source/app_zcl_task.c Temperature Measurement Server Cluster Data Initialization - APP_vZCL_DeviceSpecific_Init() The default attribute values for the Temperature Measurement clusters are initialized:
802.15.4 wireless sniffers like the USB-KW41Z are capable of capturing over-the-air traffic. The captured packets are passed to a network protocol decoder like Wireshark over a network interface tunnel built by the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer.   Hardware  One USB-KW41Z preloaded with sniffer firmware ( instructions found at www.nxp.com/usb-kw41z )  Software Download & Install Thread Wireshark from wireshark.org which is an open-source network protocol analyzer capable of debugging over the air communication between Thread devices. Kinetis Protocol Analyzer is a software that provides a bridge between the USB-KW41 and Wireshark.  Wireshark Configuration  Open Wireshark from the Program Files Click Edit and select Preferences  Click Protocols to expand a list of protocols Select IEEE 802.15.4, click the Decryption Keys Edit... button Create a new key entry by pressing the plus button, then set the following values and click OK       Decryption key = 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff      Decryption key index = 1      Key hash = Thread hash Find CoAP and configure it with CoAP UDP port number = 5683 Click Thread and select Decode CoAP for Thread  with Thread sequence counter = 00000000 as shown below At the 6LoWPAN preferences, add the Context 0 value of fd00:0db8::/64 Click OK and close Wireshark Configure Kinetis Protocol Analyzer  Connect the USB-KW41Z to one of the USB ports on your computer Open the device manager and look for the device connected port Open the "Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter" program Make sure, you have a USB-KW41Z connected to your PC when opening the program because the Kinetis Protocol Adapter will start looking for kinetis sniffer hardware. Once the USB-KW41Z is detected, the previously identify COM port will be displayed Select the desired IEEE 802.15.4 channel to scan in the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer window. This guide selects channel 12 as an example  Click on the Wireshark icon to open Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer An error may appear while opening Wireshark, click OK and continue Wireshark Sniffing Wireshark Network Analyzer will be opened. On the "Capture" option of the main window, select the Local Area Connection that was created by the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer, in this example, Kinetis Protocol Analyzer created "Local Area Connection 2", then click "Start" button. USB-KW41Z will start to sniff and upcoming data will be displayed in the "Capture" window of the Wireshark Network Protocol Analyzer.
High level description to enable a Linux + KW41Z Border Router. Similar to how it’s shown for the K64 solution in the Kinetis Thread Stack Application Development Guide.   Configure the OpenWrt router to assign the IPv6 ULA prefix 2001:2002:2003::/48. On the LAN network, the router distributes addresses from range 2001:2002:2003::/60 Plug an Ethernet cable between the OpenWrt router and the Linux box. Before creating the Thread network, the Linux box has a global address on its eth interface from range 2001:2002:2003::/60. After creating the Thread network, the BR configures on its Serial TAP interface an address from range 2001:2002:2003::/60. On its 6LoWPAN interface, the BR configures an address from range 2001:2002:2003:c::/64. This is achieved with DHCPv6 prefix delegation - the router is requested to assign a new prefix space to be used by the Thread network. The forth segment in the IPv6 range might be 2, 4, 8 or c, depending of the number of DHCP-PD requests made to the router. After 4 attempts, the router will not lease any other prefixes for some time. In order to force that, you'd require to restart the odhcpd deamon in the OpenWrt router with the following command: /etc/init.d/odhcpd restart . Join the router eligible device, which configures an address in 2001:2002:2003::1/60. We then ping the "Internet" (the LAN interface on the OpenWrt router) and it works. “threadtap0” interface must be bridged with an uplink interface connected to an OpenWrt DHCPv6-PD enabled router; it will act identically as the K64F solution.   Setup Linux PC (Ubuntu) OpenWrt AP/Router with DHCPv6-PD support (OpenWrt version used in this guide: OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1) For reference, hardware used on this guide: TP-Link Model TL-WR741ND 150Mbps Wireless N Router OpenWRT firmware supports multiple hardware available at https://openwrt.org/ 1 FRDM-KW41Z (Host Controlled Device, connected to Linux) 1 FRDM-KW41Z (Router Eligible Device or any joiner device) Thread version (from SDK builder at mcuxpresso.nxp.com)   Host Controlled Device firmware, make sure the following macros are enabled: THR_SERIAL_TUN_ROUTER                       /source/config.h     -> Enables TAP interface by default (not TUN) THR_SERIAL_TUN_ENABLE_ND_HOST     /app/common/app_serial_tun.h   OpenWRT router Configure IPv6 ULA-Prefix:   Linux Copy HSDK folder Create 'threadtap0' TAP interface: …/host_sdk/hsdk/demo#   sudo bash make_tap.sh Use "Thread_Shell" or modify “Thread_KW_Tun” demo to enable the SERIAL_TAP macro …/host_sdk/hsdk/demo#   nano Thread_KW_Tun.c #define SERIAL_TAP 0   modify to:  #define SERIAL_TAP  1        Note: For demo purposes, the "Thread_Shell" demo is recommended, it already uses TAP by default and allows input commands. If this is not required and only the TAP bridge is to be used, use the Thread_KW_Tun demo. Bridge the interfaces; assuming eno1 is the interface connected directly to OpenWrt: # brctl addbr br0 # brctl addif br0 eno1 # brctl addif br0 threadtap0 # ifconfig br0 up Note: (Optional) Addresses on the bridged interfaces are lost and need to be reconfigured on the actual bridge. In this example, after bridging eno1 (interface to OpenWrt router), you’d have to run #dhclient br0 to get an IPv4 address on br0 for SSH to the router and/or #dhclient -6 br0 to get an IPv6 address to the br0 interface. There's a note here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_bridge#With_bridge-utils  about this.   Build C demos …/host_sdk/hsdk/demo#   make Run Thread_Shell or Thread_KW_Tun demo. …/host_sdk/hsdk/demo#   sudo ./bin/Thread_Shell /dev/ttyACM0 threadtap0 25 or …/host_sdk/hsdk/demo#   sudo ./bin/Thread_KW_Tun /dev/ttyACM0 threadtap0         Note: Try to run the demo without parameters to get some help on the input parameters   ifconfig Thread_Shell demo Thread_KW_Tun demo Joiner FRDM-KW41Z (shell) Join the Thread network Verify IP addresses Ping Eth LAN interface on OpenWrt router to verify “Internet” connectivity  Regards, JC
The attached PDF file contains two A3 format "posters". The first one summarize the contents of the SMP Pairing Request and SMP Pairing Response packets (BLE 4.2). It shows how are the sub-fields of these packets set and what do they represent. The second one contains a diagram which summarizes how the pairing method and it's properties are determined during the SMP Pairing procedure for both BLE Legacy Pairing (BLE4.0 and BLE 4.1) and BLE Secure Connections Pairing with ECDH (BLE 4.2). Some of the tables in the diagram are taken from the BLE Specification. If you find any errors or have any suggestions of improvement please leave a comment or send me a message. Preview:
This patch fixes some minor issues with the Connectivity Software v1.0.2 when working with the Kinetis BLE Toolbox application for smartphones. Following issues are fixed. BLE OTAP Application: Fixes application failing to download the new image when the previous image upload has been interrupted due a disconnection. BLE Wireless UART: Fixes MTU exchange issue causing some characters not bein shown in the smartphone application in iOS and Android. Hybrid BLE + Thread console: Fixes MTU exchange issue causing some characters not bein shown in the smartphone application console in iOS and Android. Make sure the Connectivity Software version 1.0.2 is installed in your computer before proceeding to install this application.
The purpose of this document is to communicate known issues with the FRDM-KW41Z development platform.  This document applies to all revisions of the FRDM-KW41Z development platform.  However, items are divided among their respective revisions and each item may or may not apply to all revisions.  Revision A The known issues, which may cause confusion for new customers, for revision A are as follows: 1) Incorrect default jumper configuration Issue:  Jumper, J24, shunt connector does not shunt pins 1 and 2, as noted in the schematic notes.   Impact:  Customers will not, by default, be able to put the OpenSDA circuit into bootloader mode.   Workaround:  There is currently only one workaround for this issue. Move shunt connector on jumper, J24, to shunt pins 1 and 2.   2) Default OpenSDA application may lose serial data Issue:  In certain situations, the serial to USB bridge portion of the default OpenSDA application may not correctly forward serial data. This problem typically only occurs after a POR of a development platform.   Impact: Customers may experience data loss when using the serial to USB converter functionality in their application.  Workaround:  There is currently one workaround for this issue.   Update to the latest JLink OpenSDA firmware.  To update to this firmware, consult sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the OpenSDA User Guide (found here:  http://cache.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/user_guide/OPENSDAUG.pdf ).  The latest JLink OpenSDA firmware can be found here:  SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace .  (Note:  Be sure to select the correct development platform.)                                                             3) Unable to measure correct IDD current when operating in buck mode and P3V3_BRD is disconnected Issue:  When configured for buck mode operation and J8 does not have a shunt connector, it is expected that P3V3_BRD will not be powered and thus, board peripherals will not be powered (thermistor, I2C line pull-ups, SPI Flash, Accelerometer, etc,).  However it should be noted that in this configuration, P3V3_BRD will be back-powered through resistor R90.  R90 is a 180kOhm resistor that connects directly to the MCU reset pin.  This R90 also connects to V_TGTMCU which is directly connected to P3V3_BRD through shorting trace SH500.  The internal pull-up on the reset pin will, in this case, power P3V3_BRD.      Impact:  Customers will not be able to isolate the MCU IDD current from the board peripherals when measuring current in the buck mode configuration.  This is a problem mostly when attempting to achieve datasheet IDD current numbers for low power modes in buck mode.   Workaround:  There are currently three (3) workarounds for this issue. Remove resistor R90. Cut shorting trace SH500. Customers should exercise caution when using this workaround.  After cutting this short trace, the OpenSDA interface buffers would no longer be powered.  Therefore, OpenSDA programming and serial communication will not be possible even when J8 shorting jumper is placed.   Disable the reset pin in the FOPT field then configure the pin, PTA2, for GPIO output functionality driven low.  Customers should exercise caution when implementing this option.  The pin, PTA2, could be used as a GPIO in the end application in this configuration, but you would not want to drive PTA2 high while SW1 was directly connected to PTA2 through pins 2 and 3 of jumper J24.  In this situation, you potentially short VDD and VSS inadvertently by pressing SW1.  If using this workaround, it is recommended to ensure the shorting jumper of J24 is either removed or connected to pins 1 and 2.    4) Incorrect routing of SWD clock for stand-alone debugger configuration Issue:  The signal SWD_CLK_TGTMCU  is incorrectly routed to pin 1 of connector J12 instead of pin 4 of the SWD connector, J9.     Impact:  With this routing, when the OpenSDA circuit is configured as a stand-alone debugger for debugging other targets (i.e., when J12's shorting trace is cut), the OpenSDA SWD clock will not be able to be present on pin 4 of connector J9. Therefore, the FRDM-KW41Z cannot act as a stand-alone debugger to facilitate debugging other systems.   Workaround:  There is currently only one workaround for this issue.  The workaround is a hardware workaround that requires a cutting tool (such as a modeler's knife), soldering iron, solder, and a spare wire.  To implement the workaround, follow these instructions.   Cut trace J12.                                                                                                                                                                            Cut the trace next to pin 2 and 4 of J9 that connects J9, pin 4 to J12, pin 2. Once this is done, be sure to use a multimeter and ensure there is no electrical connection between J12, pin 2, and J9, pin 4.                                                                                                          Solder one end of a spare wire to J9, pin 4, and the other end of the spare wire to J12, pin 1.  This should be done on the bottom of the board.  
As know, FSK and OOK are the modulation types that can be configured in the radio by setting the bits 4-3 from the RegDataModul register, as shown in below picture taken from Reference Manual:                                                          A common inquire you could have is: what modulation should I use? Let's first understand how these modulations work. FSK: Frequency Shift Keying is a modulation type that uses two frequencies, for 0 and 1. In a spectrum analyzer we can see a spectrum similar to the next picture, where the frequency for 0's is separated from the central frequency with FDev, and same case for the frequency for the 1's: OOK: On Off Keying is a modulation type that represents a logic 1 with the presence of the carrier frequency and a logic 0 with the absence of it. In a spectrum analyzer we can see a spectrum similar to the next picture, where the central frequency represents a logic 1. We can not see a logic 0 in the spectrum due to it's represented as the absence of power. Then what modulation should I use? FSK is most commonly used because is more spectral efficient so has better sensitivity. In the other hand, OOK modulation is commonly used in applications where the frequency accuracy can not be guaranteed. It also helps in conserving battery power due to the power absence for the logic 0's. Regards, Luis Burgos.
The RF parameters for KW01 can be changed by firmware using the KW01 connectivity software. Frequency band: The operational frequency band can be changed in app_preinclude.h file stored in Source folder. You can select the operational frequency band for your application only setting "1" to the desired band and "0" for the unused bands. In the same file also the default phy mode can be selected: Center frequency, channel spacing, number of channels, bit rate, frequency deviation, filter bandwidth, and other RF parameters: Most common RF parameters can be changed in declaration of "phyPibRFConstants" on PhyPib.c file. Search for your operational band and phy mode. For example for US ISM band in phy mode 1: Then change the desired parameters. If you want to change, for example, FDev: select "Fdev_25000", then go to declaration and change it from one of the predefined list of values: Regards, Luis Burgos.
By default the clock configuration on the KW2xD demos is set to PLL Engaged External (PEE). In this mode the system clock is derived from the output of the PLL and controlled by an external reference clock. The modem provides a programmable clock source output CLK_OUT that can be used as the external reference clock for the PLL. In the Figure 1 we can see that the CLK_OUT modem signal is internally connected to EXTAL0 in the MCU.   The CLK_OUT output frequency is controlled by programming the modem 3-bit field CLK_OUT_DIV [2:0] in the CLK_OUT_CTRL Register. The default frequency is either 32.787 kHz or 4 MHz depending on the state of the modem GPIO5 at reset determined by the MCU. See section 4.4.2 and 5.6.2 from the MKW2xD Reference Manual for more information on the clock output feature. If the GPIO5 modem pin is low upon POR, then the frequency will be 4 MHz. If this GPIO5 modem pin is high upon POR, then the frequency will be 32.78689 kHz.   In the KW2xD demos, the GPIO5 (PTC0) is held low during the modem reset so the CLK_OUT has a frequency of 4MHz. The clock configuration structure g_defaultClockConfigRun is defined in board.c. Figure 1. Internal Functional Interconnects   In this example project, another clock configuration will be added to the Connectivity Test Project: FLL Engaged Internal (FEI). In this mode, the system clock is derived from the FLL clock that is controlled by the 32kHz Internal reference clock.   In FEI mode the MCU doesn’t need the clock source output CLK_OUT from the modem, so we can disable the radio’s clock output and then set the radio to Hibernate to save power when we are not using the radio.   If the low-power module from the connectivity framework is used to go to a low-power mode, the clock configuration is changed automatically when entering a sleep mode (See the Connectivity Framework Reference Manual for more information about the low-power library).   System Requirements Kinetis MKW2xD and MCR20A Connectivity Software (REV 1.0.0) TWR-KW24D512 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.60.1 or later Attached project files Application Description The clock configuration can be changed with shortcuts on the serial console: Press “c” to use the PEE clock configuration (default). Press “v” to use the FEI clock configuration and set the radio to Autodoze. Press “b” to use the FEI clock configuration and set the radio to Hibernate.   You must be in the main menu in order to change the radio mode, the mode automatically changes to Autodoze when entering a test menu.   Hibernate mode can only be changed when in FEI mode. This is because in hibernate the radio disables the CLK_OUT and the PEE configuration needs this clock.   Current Measurements The following measurements were done in a TWR-KW24D256 through J2 5-6 to measure the radio current. Table 1. Radio Current Measurements Clock mode/Radio mode Radio Current PEE/Autodoze 615µA FEI/Autodoze 417µA FEI/Hibernate 0.3µA   Code Modifications The following modifications to the source files were made: \boards\twrkw24d512\Board.c Added clock user configuration Added array of clock configs and configuration struct for clock callback   \boards\twrkw24d512\Board.h Include for fsl_clock_manager.h Declaration of clock callback and configuration array used in CLOCK_SYS_Init() function.   \boards\twrkw24d512\Hardware_init.c Added calibration code after BOARD_ClockInit(), this is to calibrate internal clock using the bus clock.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\common\Connectivity_TestApp.c Initialize the clock manager. Disable PTC0 because it is only used at modem reset to select the CLK_OUT default frequency (4MHz). Return clock configuration on idle state. Prepare radio to go to Autodoze when entering a test menu.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\Connectivity_Test_Platform.c Changed length of the lines to be erased in PrintTestParameters() from 65 to 80 Added clock config and radio mode to be printed in the test parameters. Added the cases in the shortcut parser to change the clock and radio configuration with the keys “c”, “v” and “b”. Added functions at end of file (Explained in the next section).   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\Connectivity_Test_Platform.h Macros for the clock and radio modes. Function prototypes from the source file.   \examples\smac\Connectivity_Test\twrkw24d512\common\ConnectivityMenus.c Shortcuts descriptions.   The modified source files can be found attached to this document.   Functions added The functions PWRLib_Radio_Enter_Hibernate() and PWRLib_Radio_Enter_AutoDoze() were taken from the file PWRLib.c located at <Connectivity_Software_Path>\ConnSw\framework\LowPower\Source\KW2xD. The PWRLib.c file is part of the low-power library from the connectivity framework.   The Clock_Callback() function was implemented to handle when the clock configuration is updated. Inside the function there is a case to handle before and after the clock configuration is changed. Before the clock configuration is changed, the UART clock is disabled and if the clock configuration is PEE, the radio is set to AutoDoze and the CLK_OUT is enabled. After the clock configuration has changed, the Timer module is notified that the clock has changed, the UART is re-initialized and if the clock configuration is FEI, the CLK_OUT is disabled. This behavior is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Clock callback diagram   The prepareRadio() function is used when entering a test mode to make sure the radio is set to AutoDoze in case it was in hibernate. The restoreRadio() function is used when leaving the test menu and going to hibernate if it was previously set.
The KW41Z has support for an external 26 MHz or 32 MHz reference oscillator. This oscillator is used, among other things, as the clock for the RF operation. This means that the oscillator plays an important role in the RF operation and must be tuned properly to meet wireless protocol standards. The KW41Z has adjustable internal load capacitors to support crystals with different load capacitance needs. For proper oscillator function, it is important that these load capacitors be adjusted such that the oscillator frequency is as close to the center frequency of the connected crystal (either 26 MHz or 32 MHz in this case). The load capacitance is adjusted via the BB_XTAL_TRIM bit field in the ANA_TRIM register of the Radio block. The KW41Z comes preprogrammed with a default load capacitance value. However, since there is variance in devices due to device tolerances, the correct load capacitance should be verified by verifying that the optimal central frequency is attained.  You will need a spectrum analyzer to verify the central frequency. To find the most accurate value for the load capacitance, it is recommended to use the Connectivity Test demo application. This post is aimed at showing you just how to do that.   In this case, the Agilent Technologies N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer was used to measure, configured with the following parameters: FREQ (central frequency): 2405 MHz (test will be conducted on channel 11) SPAN (x-axis): 100 KHz AMPTD (amplitude, y-axis): 5 dBm To perform the test, program the KW41Z with the Connectivity Test application. The project, for both IAR and KDS, for this demo application can be found in the following folder: <KW41Z_connSw_1.0.2_install_dir>\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\smac\connectivity_test\FreeRTOS NOTE:  If you need help programming this application onto your board, consult your Getting Started material for the SMAC applications.  For the FRDM-KW41Z, it is located here. Once the device is programmed, make sure the device is connected to a terminal application in your PC. When you start the application, you're greeted by this screen: Press 'ENTER' to start the application. Press '1' to select the continuous tests mode. Press '4' to start a continuous unmodulated transmission. Once the test is running, you should be able to see the unmodulated signal in the spectrum analyzer. Press 'd' and 'f' to change the XTAL trim value, thus changing the central frequency. Now, considering the test in this example is being performed in 802.15.4 channel 11, the central frequency should be centered exactly in 2.405 GHz, but on this board, it is slightly above (2.4050259 GHz) by default. In order to fix this, the XTAL trim value was adjusted to a value that moves the frequency to where it should be centered. Once the adequate XTAL trim value is found, it can be programmed to be used by default. This other post explains how to do this process.
This article will describe in detailed steps how to generate, build and test a Bluetooth low energy Heart Rate Sensor project on the FRDM-KW41Z evaluation board by using the Bluetooth Developer Studio (BDS) and the NXP Kinetis BDS Plug-in. Getting Started To use this plug-in and test its output, the following programs are required:  - Bluetooth Developer Studio v1.1.306 or newer: Bluetooth Developer Studio & Plugins | Bluetooth Technology Website   - NXP Semiconductors Kinetis Plug-in v1.0.0: Link  - Kinetis SDK 2.0 with support for MKW41Z and Bluetooth Stack version 1.2.2: Link  - Kinetis SDK 2.0 add-on for BDS (found in the same package as the plug-in)  - Kinetis BLE Toolbox Android or iOS mobile application To enable the NXP Kinetis BDS Plug-in in the Bluetooth Developer Studio, follow please the installation details in the readme.txt document included in the downloaded plug-in archive. Creating the project with BDS Create a new project by clicking FILE-> NEW PROJECT. Add project location, name and namespace as detailed below: Drag and drop an adopted Heart Rate Profile from the right hand side list. Your device should import the following services:   Next step will be to configure the GAP layer. Click on the GAP button. First tab will be the Advertising Data. Enter desired values and check which AD types you want to include in the advertising packets. A bar below will show you how much bytes your data uses. Make sure you do not use more than the 32 bytes available. Next step is to configure the GAP properties. Make sure you check at least one advertising channel and a reasonable advertising interval range, as presented below:     Click TOOLS->GENERATE CODE. Select Server as GATT side to be generated and NXP Semiconductors Kinetis v1.0.0 as the plug-in. BDS will prompt you to enter a location for the exported files. After generating the files, another window with the results log will appear. If no error messages appear, the generation is successful. Check the “Open output location when finished” box and hit the “Finish” button. A folder with the following content will open: Using the generated code Copy the contents inside the following folder:  "<SDK 2.0 installation folder>\middleware\wireless\bluetooth_1.2.2\examples\bds_template_app". To generate the “bds_template_app” embedded project and test it, follow the instructions detailed in the Bluetooth Quick Start Guide document from the SDK. Seeing the application in action Before compiling the application add the following code snippet in app.c inside BleApp_HandleKeys:         case gKBD_EventPressPB2_c:         {             mUserData.cRrIntervals = 0;             mUserData.expendedEnergy = 100;             Hrs_RecordHeartRateMeasurement(service_heart_rate, 120, &mUserData);             break;         } This will allow the board to send heart rate data of 120 bpm while in a connection and when pressing button SW3 on the FRDM-KW41Z board. The value can be seen when using Kinetis BLE Toolbox, as shown below:
HCI Application is a Host Controller Interface application which provides a serial communication to interface with the KW40/KW41 BLE radio part. It enables the user to have a way to control the radio through serial commands. In this section will be discussed how user could send serial commands to the KW40/KW41 device. “HCI app” file is given to test the BLE functionality. User needs to open the COM port with the configuration 115200 8N1N. Then, it is needed to send commands in Hex format, user can make use of Docklight application. Once HCI application is downloaded to the board, next steps need to be followed:         Open the COM port.       Send the next command in Hex format “01 03 0C 00”. It is to perform a Reset to the radio.       Send the next command in Hex format “01 1E 20 03 26 20 00”. It is to set the radio in Transmit test mode. The number 26 specifies the number of the channel in which user wants to see the signal(valid range is from 0x00 to 0x27, this means from BLE Channel 0 to BLE Channel 39). Number 00 specifies the type of the signal that will be sent, in this case, it is a PBRS9 format. (valid range are from 0x00 to 0x07). Refer to the next table to know the meanings of each type of signal.  Finally, 20 is the number that specifies the length that will be sent in the packet or the payload, in this case, it is configured to 20 (32 bytes), VALID RANGE is from 0x00 to 0x25.       In order to set the radio in Receiver Test Mode. The next command in hex format need to be used "01 1D 20 01 04", this command means that radio would be listening in channel 04. Hence, values "01 1D 20 01" is the command to set the radio in Rx mode, the last value "04' defines the channel in which device is going to listen. As an additional example, if channel 06 is desired, command "01 1D 20 01 06" should be used.     If there is a need to change the output power of the radio. The NXP connectivity software provides the Controller_SetTxPowerLevel() which is called inside of the Controller_TaskInit(). Controller_SetTxPowerLevel() function make use of the following defines to determine the default power output in the application:   mAdvertisingDefaultTxPower_c and mConnectionDefaultTxPower_c. The value range for both is from 0 to 31. The range might be different for each device, so, it needs to be corroborated. This range is applicable only for KW41Z device. For example, for KW40Z, range is from 0 to 15.     The defines are defined in the file ble_controller_task_config.h. Finally, HCI applications can be found in the connectivity software package of your desired device. If the KW40Z is the device under test (DUT), the HCI application is called "hci_app", it can be found in the next path: "<insllation_path>\KW40Z_Connectivity_Software_1.0.1\ConnSw\examples\bluetooth\hci_app"   If the KW41Z is the device under test (DUT), the HCI application is called "hci_black_box", it can be found in the next path: "<insllation_path>\MKW41Z_ConnSw_1.0.2\boards\frdmkw41z\wireless_examples\bluetooth\hci_black_box"
Wireless communication systems require several different components or parts to achieve reliable systems. Components like the antenna, radio and XTAL are all key elements in wireless communication. Here however, the XTAL will be discussed. In the Kinetis W series, for example, the XTAL used for wireless operation is usually the oscillator also used as a core clock. Now, while this external oscillator is connected to the MCU, it is also connected to an internal programmable capacitor bank. What is the purpose of these capacitor banks? To allow frequency trimming. And why would you want to trim the frequency provided by this oscillator? Well, to properly adjust the central frequency to where it should be operating. This option exists because not every design is going to be the same: not the same PCB, not the same components, not the same manufacturing process. Thus, having the option to adjust the frequency provided by the external oscillator allows to any possible device to operate under the same conditions is essential. Let’s say your design is using a 32 MHz external oscillator, but because of the conditions of your whole design, the operating frequency ends up being slightly different. Now, if this design transmits over the air through 802.15.4, there could be some consequences to this slight shift in frequency. This capture shows a transmission made without being centered in the desired channel. This signal should be centered exactly on 2405 MHz, as specified by IEEE 802.15.4 channel 11. As you may see, in this case the frequency is actually centered on 2405.0259 MHz. Trimming these capacitors to change the frequency obtained from the oscillator can help to adjust error. In this case, the frequency was adjusted so that it was centered in the central frequency of the desired channel, to prevent any possible mistakes while transmitting to other devices. Once the XTAL is trimmed, the signal is effectively centered on 802.15.4 channel 11's frequency, 2405 MHz. Both transmit and receive are affected by incorrect frequency trim. Receiver performance is degraded when either (or both) of the transmitting or receiving stations have a frequency offset. And if both transmitting and receiving stations have frequency offsets in opposite directions the result is the receiver experiences the sum of the frequency offsets. Now, when trimming the frequency of a design, there are two possibilities: That the board layout design, board manufacturing and component selection have repeatable values of resistance, capacitance and inductance, resulting in a stable XTAL trim – The components and manufacturing process of the board are reliable enough, allowing you to characterize the XTAL trim during the system development and then use it every board during production. That the design and component selection do not result in a stable XTAL trim – If there is considerable variation between different boards of the same design or components used in the board manufacturing, you would need to implement a XTAL trim procedure during the production process, and somehow program that trim value into the device's NVM. For evaluation purposes, a manual adjustment could be done to a single device, modifying the corresponding XTAL trim register, and then including said adjustment in the evaluation application. The two posts linked explain how to modify and use the SMAC Connectivity Test demo to find the proper XTAL trim for KW40Z and KW41Z.
The KW40Z connectivity software stack has several demo application available, and one of them is the OTAP client. This application allows the user to reprogram the device in a wireless fashion. This can be done by both using another device with an OTAP server application, or with the Kinetis BLE Toolbox mobile application, using the OTAP tool. To create a binary file for the KW40Z, follow these next steps: Using IAR Embedded Workbench, open the application you want to send through OTAP. Right click the main project, and open the Options... menu.                                                                                                                                              In the options menu, go to the Output Converter submenu. In the Output Converter submenu, check the "Generate additional output" box, and choose Motorola as the Output format.                                                                                                                                                                            In the options menu, go to the Linker submenu. Now, in the Config tab, replace the symbols in the Configuration file symbol definitions box with these: gUseNVMLink_d=1 gUseBootloaderLink_d=1 gUseInternalStorageLink_d=0 __ram_vector_table__=1                                                                                                                                                                                              In the Linker submenu, go to the Input tab. In the Keep symbols box, add the symbol 'bootloader' (without the quotes). In the Input tab, in the Raw binary image box, in the File option, add the following path: $PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\framework\Bootloader\Bin\BootloaderOTAP_KW40Z4.bin In the Raw binary image box, add the following options to the Symbol, Section and Align boxes: Symbol: bootloader Section: .bootloader Align: 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Press OK. Compile the project. The output file (*.srec) should be in the main project folder, inside the debug folder.                                                      You can now use this binary file to reprogram your device with OTAP.