After the driver module is loaded, the interrupt function is successfully executed. However, when the cat /prot/interrupt command is used, the interrupt registration is not successful. As a result, the request fw fails because it seems to be in pending state
root@Localhost:/proc/mwlan# dmesg
[ 9257.301019] wlan: Loading MWLAN driver
[ 9257.304988] wlan: Register to Bus Driver...
[ 9257.309364] vendor=0x1B4B device=0x2B43 rev=3
[ 9257.313766] pci 0001:02:00.0: enabling device (0102 -> 0103)
[ 9257.319689] PCI memory map Virt0: d2300000 PCI memory map Virt2: d22c0000
[ 9257.326564] Attach moal handle ops, card interface type: 0x206
[ 9257.336566] PCIE9098: init module param from usr cfg
[ 9257.341615] card_type: PCIE9098, config block: 0
[ 9257.346300] XXXX line parse_cfg_read_block 585
[ 9257.350842] XXXX line parse_cfg_read_block 590
[ 9257.355319] cfg80211_wext=0xf
[ 9257.358374] max_vir_bss=1
[ 9257.361087] cal_data_cfg=none
[ 9257.364130] ps_mode = 1
[ 9257.366665] auto_ds = 1
[ 9257.372038] host_mlme=enable
[ 9257.374993] fw_name=nxp/pcieuart9098_combo_v1.bin
[ 9257.379796] combo fw:nxp/pcieusb9098_combo.bin wlan fw:nxp/pcie9098_wlan.bin
[ 9257.379818] rx_work=1 cpu_num=2
[ 9257.383021] Attach mlan adapter operations.card_type is 0x206.
[ 9257.392575] woal_pcie_register_dev: pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9257.397583] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1413 request_irq ok =0, 18
[ 9257.403518] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1415 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9257.409401] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1419 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9257.415281] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1425 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9257.421169] woal_pcie_register_dev:1454 pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9257.426435] woal_pcie_register_dev:1462 pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9257.431667] woal_init_fw 4557
[ 9257.434641] Request firmware: nxp/pcieuart9098_combo_v1.bin
[ 9257.929621] woal_request_fw 4499 0 0
[ 9258.420992] FW download over, size 649768 bytes
[ 9259.256535] WLAN FW is active
[ 9259.259507] on_time is 9259095000873
[ 9259.263171] woal_init_fw_dpc 4305 0
[ 9259.266830] Init ADMA: type=0, size=7 init=1
[ 9259.271129] dma_cfg2=0x29f002
[ 9259.274107] Init ADMA: type=1, size=7 init=1
[ 9259.278386] dma_cfg2=0x4af004
[ 9259.281400] Init ADMA: type=2, size=3 init=1
[ 9259.285682] dma_cfg2=0x4a0004
[ 9259.288658] Init ADMA: type=3, size=0 init=1
[ 9259.292982] dma_cfg2=0x8f002
[ 9259.295942] Init ADMA: type=4, size=0 init=1
[ 9259.300231] dma_cfg2=0x80004
[ 9259.303138] QUEUE_CMD: FUNC_INIT [0xa9] is queued
[ 9259.307941] QUEUE_CMD: CHAN_REGION_CFG [0x242] is queued
[ 9259.313279] QUEUE_CMD: GET_HW_SPEC [0x3] is queued
[ 9259.318112] wlan_init_fw 1500 0
[ 9259.321353] DNLD_CMD (9259.154520): FUNC_INIT [0xa9], act 0x0, len 8, seqno 0x1 timeout 5000
[ 9259.329907] wlan_init_fw 1523 1
[ 9259.333144] woal_init_fw_dpc 4307 1
[ 9259.336654] woal_init_fw_dpc 4317 1 2
[ 9264.336530] Timeout cmd id (9264.169692) FUNC_INIT [0xa9], act = 0x0
[ 9264.342906] Dump Rx CMD Response Buf:
[ 9264.346572] CmdResp Buf:
[ 9264.346588] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9264.346605] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9264.346628] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9264.346644] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9264.346652] BSS type = 0 BSS role= 0
[ 9264.350227] ------------Dump info-----------
[ 9264.354495] Commmand Timeout
[ 9264.357379] pending command id: 0x242 ioctl_buf= (null)
[ 9264.362683] pending command id: 0x3 ioctl_buf= (null)
[ 9264.367812] No pending scan command
[ 9264.371300] mlan_processing =0
[ 9264.374351] main_lock_flag =0
[ 9264.377318] main_process_cnt =1
[ 9264.380451] delay_task_flag =0
[ 9264.383503] mlan_rx_processing =0
[ 9264.386824] rx_pkts_queued=0
[ 9264.389704] more_task_flag = 0
[ 9264.392758] num_cmd_timeout = 1
[ 9264.395891] last_cmd_index = 1
[ 9264.398944] last_cmd_id = 0x0 0xa9 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9264.405250] last_cmd_act = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9264.411550] last_cmd_resp_index = 0
[ 9264.415036] last_cmd_resp_id = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9264.421688] last_event_index = 0
[ 9264.424913] last_event = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9264.431040] num_data_h2c_failure = 0
[ 9264.434615] num_cmd_h2c_failure = 0
[ 9264.438103] num_alloc_buffer_failure = 0
[ 9264.442024] num_pkt_dropped = 0
[ 9264.445165] num_no_cmd_node = 0
[ 9264.448298] num_event_deauth = 0
[ 9264.451525] num_event_disassoc = 0
[ 9264.454926] num_event_link_lost = 0
[ 9264.458414] num_cmd_deauth = 0
[ 9264.461468] num_cmd_assoc_success = 0
[ 9264.465129] num_cmd_assoc_failure = 0
[ 9264.468789] num_cons_assoc_failure = 0
[ 9264.472538] cmd_resp_received=0
[ 9264.475671] event_received=0
[ 9264.478551] max_tx_buf_size=4096
[ 9264.481778] tx_buf_size=2048
[ 9264.484659] curr_tx_buf_size=2048
[ 9264.487970] data_sent=0 cmd_sent=1
[ 9264.491372] ps_mode=1 ps_state=0
[ 9264.494600] wakeup_dev_req=0 wakeup_tries=0 wakeup_timeout=0
[ 9264.500259] hs_configured=0 hs_activated=0
[ 9264.504354] pps_uapsd_mode=0 sleep_pd=0
[ 9264.508189] tx_lock_flag = 0
[ 9264.511068] scan_processing = 0
[ 9264.514209] scan_state = 0x0
[ 9264.517090] bypass_pkt_count=0
[ 9264.520137] txbd_rdptr=0x0 txbd_wrptr=0x0
[ 9264.524146] rxbd_rdptr=0x0 rxbd_wrptr=0x80
[ 9264.528242] evtbd_rdptr=0x0 evt_wrptr=0x8
[ 9264.532251] last_wr_index:0
[ 9264.535044] txrx_bd_size = 128
[ 9264.538184] Tx pkt size:
[ 9264.540716] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.549206] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.557697] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.566192] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.574682] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.583174] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.591668] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.600158] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9264.608653] bss_index = 0, tx_pkts_queued = 0
[ 9264.613009] -------- Dump info End---------
[ 9264.617194] wlan_cmd_timeout_func 2576
[ 9264.621384] woal_init_fw_dpc 4321 1 2
[ 9264.625133] func0: Wakeup device...
[ 9264.628693] Config Space Registers:
[ 9264.632283] reg:0x00 value=0x2b431b4b
[ 9264.635963] reg:0x04 value=0x00100406
[ 9264.639700] reg:0x10 value=0x8000000c
[ 9264.643405] reg:0x18 value=0x8010000c
[ 9264.647141] reg:0x2c value=0x2b431b4b
[ 9264.650887] reg:0x3c value=0x000001ff
[ 9264.654635] reg:0x44 value=0x00000008
[ 9264.658313] reg:0x80 value=0x10110000
[ 9264.661982] reg:0x98 value=0x00000000
[ 9264.665652] reg:0x170 value=0x0001001e
[ 9264.669492] FW Scrach Registers:
[ 9264.672745] reg:0x1c90 value=0xfedcba00
[ 9264.676590] reg:0x1c98 value=0x1f007f
[ 9264.680273] reg:0x1c9c value=0x10
[ 9264.783665] reg:0x1c98 value=0x2a009d
[ 9264.787378] reg:0x1c9c value=0x10
[ 9264.890721] Interface registers dump from offset 0x1c98 to 0x1c9f
[ 9264.896832] PCIE registers from offset 0x1c20 to 0x1c9c:
[ 9264.902201] 00000000 00000000 0000004f 0000004f ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9264.909966] 00000000 00000000 02030081 00000000 02030081 00000000 02030001 00000000
[ 9264.917754] 0f2a50c0 00000000 00000000 fedcba00 008047e3 c8701424 0009ea28 00000000
[ 9264.925653] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 fedcba00 00000000 0038002f 00000010
[ 9264.933497]
[ 9264.934984] ADMA Tx/Rx/Event/Cmd/CmdResp registers:
[ 9264.939945] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10000 to 0x10068
[ 9264.945875] 00005702 0e1f8000 00000000 c00259b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
[ 9264.953724] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 0029f002
[ 9264.961573] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9264.969363] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9264.973211] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10800 to 0x10868
[ 9264.979141] 00007702 c00269b0 00000000 0e1f7000 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002
[ 9264.986918] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 004af004
[ 9264.994713] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9265.002500] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9265.006349] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10880 to 0x108e8
[ 9265.012206] 00003302 c00279b0 00000000 0e1f3000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000002
[ 9265.019994] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 004a0004
[ 9265.027856] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9265.035721] 80000948 00000000 00000000
[ 9265.039597] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x11000 to 0x11068
[ 9265.045529] 000c0000 0e2e8080 00000000 c0015060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9265.053332] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0008f002
[ 9265.061184] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9265.069025] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9265.072875] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x11080 to 0x110e8
[ 9265.078803] 00000000 00000000 00000000 0e1f2000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9265.086580] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00080004
[ 9265.094375] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9265.102167] 80000948 00000000 00000000
[ 9265.106043] woal_init_fw_dpc 4334 1
[ 9265.109539] woal_init_fw_dpc 4355 -1
[ 9265.113120] woal_request_fw_dpc 4398
[ 9265.116856] woal_request_fw failed
[ 9265.120254] Firmware Init Failed
[ 9265.125073] Free module params
[ 9265.128196] woal_pcie_probe: failed
[ 9265.131825] wlan_pcie: probe of 0001:03:00.0 failed with error -14
[ 9265.138130] vendor=0x1B4B device=0x2B44 rev=3
[ 9265.142698] PCI memory map Virt0: d2780000 PCI memory map Virt2: d2740000
[ 9265.149651] Attach moal handle ops, card interface type: 0x206
[ 9265.155902] PCIE9098: init module param from usr cfg
[ 9265.161003] card_type: PCIE9098, config block: 0
[ 9265.165674] XXXX line parse_cfg_read_block 585
[ 9265.170161] XXXX line parse_cfg_read_block 590
[ 9265.174637] cfg80211_wext=0xf
[ 9265.177621] max_vir_bss=1
[ 9265.180241] cal_data_cfg=none
[ 9265.183235] ps_mode = 1
[ 9265.185697] auto_ds = 1
[ 9265.191042] host_mlme=enable
[ 9265.193937] fw_name=nxp/pcieuart9098_combo_v1.bin
[ 9265.198672] combo fw:nxp/pcieusb9098_combo.bin wlan fw:nxp/pcie9098_wlan.bin
[ 9265.198697] rx_work=1 cpu_num=2
[ 9265.201915] Attach mlan adapter operations.card_type is 0x206.
[ 9265.212564] woal_pcie_register_dev: pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9265.217470] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1413 request_irq ok =0, 255
[ 9265.223527] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1415 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9265.229443] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1419 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9265.235422] woal_pcie_register_dev: 1425 request_irq ok =0, 39
[ 9265.241340] woal_pcie_register_dev:1454 pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9265.246654] woal_pcie_register_dev:1458 pcie_int_mode=1
[ 9265.251958] woal_init_fw 4557
[ 9265.255008] Request firmware: nxp/pcieuart9098_combo_v1.bin
[ 9265.263858] woal_request_fw 4499 0 0
[ 9265.267487] WLAN FW already running! Skip FW download
[ 9265.272660] WLAN FW is active
[ 9265.275625] on_time is 9265111120136
[ 9265.279217] woal_init_fw_dpc 4305 0
[ 9265.282970] Init ADMA: type=0, size=7 init=1
[ 9265.287276] dma_cfg2=0x29f002
[ 9265.290255] Init ADMA: type=1, size=7 init=1
[ 9265.294567] dma_cfg2=0x4af004
[ 9265.297547] Init ADMA: type=2, size=3 init=1
[ 9265.301825] dma_cfg2=0x4a0004
[ 9265.304800] Init ADMA: type=3, size=0 init=1
[ 9265.309231] dma_cfg2=0x8f002
[ 9265.312142] Init ADMA: type=4, size=0 init=1
[ 9265.316485] dma_cfg2=0x80004
[ 9265.319395] QUEUE_CMD: FUNC_INIT [0xa9] is queued
[ 9265.324144] QUEUE_CMD: CHAN_REGION_CFG [0x242] is queued
[ 9265.329472] QUEUE_CMD: GET_HW_SPEC [0x3] is queued
[ 9265.334315] wlan_init_fw 1500 0
[ 9265.337568] DNLD_CMD (9265.170736): FUNC_INIT [0xa9], act 0x0, len 8, seqno 0x1 timeout 5000
[ 9265.346123] wlan_init_fw 1523 1
[ 9265.349351] woal_init_fw_dpc 4307 1
[ 9265.352855] woal_init_fw_dpc 4317 1 2
[ 9270.352529] Timeout cmd id (9270.185692) FUNC_INIT [0xa9], act = 0x0
[ 9270.358912] Dump Rx CMD Response Buf:
[ 9270.362579] CmdResp Buf:
[ 9270.362596] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9270.362614] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9270.362638] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9270.362653] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ 9270.362661] BSS type = 0 BSS role= 0
[ 9270.366236] ------------Dump info-----------
[ 9270.370505] Commmand Timeout
[ 9270.373388] pending command id: 0x242 ioctl_buf= (null)
[ 9270.378693] pending command id: 0x3 ioctl_buf= (null)
[ 9270.383821] No pending scan command
[ 9270.387310] mlan_processing =0
[ 9270.390361] main_lock_flag =0
[ 9270.393327] main_process_cnt =1
[ 9270.396459] delay_task_flag =0
[ 9270.399511] mlan_rx_processing =0
[ 9270.402826] rx_pkts_queued=0
[ 9270.405707] more_task_flag = 0
[ 9270.408760] num_cmd_timeout = 1
[ 9270.411893] last_cmd_index = 1
[ 9270.414945] last_cmd_id = 0x0 0xa9 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9270.421252] last_cmd_act = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9270.427552] last_cmd_resp_index = 0
[ 9270.431038] last_cmd_resp_id = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9270.437689] last_event_index = 0
[ 9270.440915] last_event = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
[ 9270.447043] num_data_h2c_failure = 0
[ 9270.450616] num_cmd_h2c_failure = 0
[ 9270.454105] num_alloc_buffer_failure = 0
[ 9270.458026] num_pkt_dropped = 0
[ 9270.461170] num_no_cmd_node = 0
[ 9270.464303] num_event_deauth = 0
[ 9270.467529] num_event_disassoc = 0
[ 9270.470931] num_event_link_lost = 0
[ 9270.474419] num_cmd_deauth = 0
[ 9270.477473] num_cmd_assoc_success = 0
[ 9270.481134] num_cmd_assoc_failure = 0
[ 9270.484795] num_cons_assoc_failure = 0
[ 9270.488544] cmd_resp_received=0
[ 9270.491677] event_received=0
[ 9270.494557] max_tx_buf_size=4096
[ 9270.497783] tx_buf_size=2048
[ 9270.500664] curr_tx_buf_size=2048
[ 9270.503970] data_sent=0 cmd_sent=1
[ 9270.507371] ps_mode=1 ps_state=0
[ 9270.510600] wakeup_dev_req=0 wakeup_tries=0 wakeup_timeout=0
[ 9270.516258] hs_configured=0 hs_activated=0
[ 9270.520354] pps_uapsd_mode=0 sleep_pd=0
[ 9270.524188] tx_lock_flag = 0
[ 9270.527068] scan_processing = 0
[ 9270.530208] scan_state = 0x0
[ 9270.533089] bypass_pkt_count=0
[ 9270.536135] txbd_rdptr=0x0 txbd_wrptr=0x0
[ 9270.540144] rxbd_rdptr=0x0 rxbd_wrptr=0x80
[ 9270.544240] evtbd_rdptr=0x0 evt_wrptr=0x8
[ 9270.548249] last_wr_index:0
[ 9270.551043] txrx_bd_size = 128
[ 9270.554184] Tx pkt size:
[ 9270.556716] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.565214] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.573703] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.582194] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.590683] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.599171] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.607660] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.616150] 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[ 9270.624645] bss_index = 0, tx_pkts_queued = 0
[ 9270.629001] -------- Dump info End---------
[ 9270.633185] wlan_cmd_timeout_func 2576
[ 9270.637378] woal_init_fw_dpc 4321 1 2
[ 9270.641073] func1: Wakeup device...
[ 9270.644574] Config Space Registers:
[ 9270.648106] reg:0x00 value=0x2b441b4b
[ 9270.651782] reg:0x04 value=0x00100406
[ 9270.655452] reg:0x10 value=0x8020000c
[ 9270.659164] reg:0x18 value=0x80300004
[ 9270.662932] reg:0x2c value=0x2b441b4b
[ 9270.666676] reg:0x3c value=0x000002ff
[ 9270.670379] reg:0x44 value=0x00000008
[ 9270.674114] reg:0x80 value=0x10110000
[ 9270.677790] reg:0x98 value=0x00000000
[ 9270.681553] reg:0x170 value=0x0001001e
[ 9270.685378] FW Scrach Registers:
[ 9270.688700] reg:0x1c90 value=0xfedcba00
[ 9270.692551] reg:0x1c98 value=0x0
[ 9270.695773] reg:0x1c9c value=0x0
[ 9270.799094] reg:0x1c98 value=0x0
[ 9270.802335] reg:0x1c9c value=0x0
[ 9270.905599] Interface registers dump from offset 0x1c98 to 0x1c9f
[ 9270.911703] PCIE registers from offset 0x1c20 to 0x1c9c:
[ 9270.917114] 00000000 00000000 0000004f 0000004f ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9270.924887] 00000000 00000000 02030081 00000000 02030081 00000000 02030001 00000000
[ 9270.932680] 00000000 00000000 00000010 fedcba00 008047e3 c8701424 00000000 00000000
[ 9270.940497] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 fedcba00 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9270.948247]
[ 9270.949743] ADMA Tx/Rx/Event/Cmd/CmdResp registers:
[ 9270.954649] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10000 to 0x10068
[ 9270.960504] 00005702 0e220000 00000000 c00261b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
[ 9270.968368] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 0029f002
[ 9270.976222] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9270.984064] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9270.987979] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10800 to 0x10868
[ 9270.993920] 00007702 c00271b0 00000000 0e221000 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000002
[ 9271.001782] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 004af004
[ 9271.009631] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9271.017470] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9271.021328] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x10880 to 0x108e8
[ 9271.027183] 00003302 c0027a30 00000000 0e222000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000002
[ 9271.034974] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 004a0004
[ 9271.042762] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9271.050517] 80000948 00000000 00000000
[ 9271.054382] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x11000 to 0x11068
[ 9271.060238] 000c0000 0e388080 00000000 c0015c38 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9271.068046] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0008f002
[ 9271.075915] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9271.083758] 80000948 00000000 00808c8c
[ 9271.087607] ADMA registers dump from offset 0x11080 to 0x110e8
[ 9271.093536] 00000000 00000000 00000000 0d01f000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 9271.101382] 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00080004
[ 9271.109228] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002
[ 9271.117005] 80000948 00000000 00000000
[ 9271.120946] woal_init_fw_dpc 4334 1
[ 9271.124432] woal_init_fw_dpc 4355 -1
[ 9271.128018] woal_request_fw_dpc 4398
[ 9271.131736] woal_request_fw failed
[ 9271.135149] Firmware Init Failed
[ 9271.141095] Free module params
[ 9271.144199] woal_pcie_probe: failed
[ 9271.147735] wlan_pcie: probe of 0001:03:00.1 failed with error -14
[ 9271.154044] wlan: Register to Bus Driver Done
[ 9271.158432] wlan: Driver loaded successfully
Solved! Go to Solution.
Dear customer
Could you please provide additional details on your setup ?
1/ host processor used (NXP i.MX 6/7/8/9 ? other ?)
2/ host kernel version ?
3/ Wifi driver and firwmare version (should be displayed also by driver init FW download traces)
4/ commands used to start wifi driver ?
Hello @chengeneg ,
I got the driver on ubuntu host using the following commands:
# git clone
# cd mwifiex
# git tag
# git checkout lf-6.1.36-2.1.0
# cd mxm_wifiex
# cd wlan_src
open Makefile, I didn't find macro CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY , BUT "CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN"
what happened on your side?
Hello @chengeneg ,
I got the driver on ubuntu host using the following commands:
# git clone
# cd mwifiex
# git tag
# git checkout lf-6.1.36-2.1.0
# cd mxm_wifiex
# cd wlan_src
open Makefile, I didn't find macro CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY , BUT "CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN"
what happened on your side?
Hello @chengeneg ,
The item is in kernel option? if you are using cross compiler for MPC85xx, don't need to set it.
>>Big endian option in Makefile of driver
In wlan_src of driver, you can find a Makefile, open it, and check CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN , it should be set to y.
then compile driver using MPC85XX compiler.
Try it again, then paste your logs here, let us see running result.
Hello @chengeneg ,
1. There was a customer who used 9098 on the Big endian platform, but the results were not ideal. This is why we informed you that the driver does not support the Big endian platform.
2. I have checked your log and it appears that the driver did not load successfully. Please remove the drvdbg parameter, load the driver, and show us the logs.
3. Some customers are using the same version of driver as you on Linux 4.4 kernel without any issues. However, it is the ARM of Little endian
Dear customer
Could you please provide additional details on your setup ?
1/ host processor used (NXP i.MX 6/7/8/9 ? other ?)
2/ host kernel version ?
3/ Wifi driver and firwmare version (should be displayed also by driver init FW download traces)
4/ commands used to start wifi driver ?
1. The OS is based on openwrt17.01, the cpu is mpc85xx, and the kernel version is linux-4.4.50
2. The driver is downloaded from the nxp official website, and the firmware is pcie9098 in
3.insmod mlan.ko, insmod moal.ko mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf drvdbg=0xfffff
Hello @chengeneg ,
Could you please try to add 'pci=nomsi' in u-boot environment ?
I'm a little curious that openwrt 17.01 seems very old, why not use the latest one? And Layerscape , such as LS1043A is supported well by openwrt, why not use it?
1.os: openwrt-17.01 kernel: linux-4.4.50 cpu:mpc85xx
2. network card :88w9098
When I compile with the driver enable CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y included in, the following message appears: err:aggregate value used where an integer was expected, but I do not have permission to view mfg_Cmd_IEEEtypes_CtlBasicTrigHdr_t structure information, so I cannot effectively modify
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c: In function 'wlan_cmd_mfg_config_trigger_frame':
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:462:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:461:27: error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_HETrigComInfo_t {aka struct _mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_HETrigComInfo_t}' from type 'long long unsigned int'
mcmd->trig_common_field =
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:470:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:470:4: error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.c:469:30: error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'mfg_cmd_IEEETypes_BasicHETrigUserInfo_t {aka struct _mfg_cmd_IEEETypes_BasicHETrigUserInfo_t}' from type 'short unsigned int'
mcmd->basic_trig_user_info =
make[2]: *** [/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src/mlan/mlan_sta_cmd.o] 错误 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/home/cheng/Source/mwifiex-lf-6.1.36_2.1.0/mxm_wifiex/wlan_src] 错误 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cheng/Source/WAPI2/src/build_dir/target-powerpc_8540_musl-1.1.16/linux-mpc85xx_ebp8020/linux-4.4.50'
make: *** [default] 错误 2
Dear @chengeneg
When you refer to "CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y", do you mean "CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN=y" ?
See manual found the cat/proc/mwlan adapterX/config command can set the channel and bandwidth, spectrum (2.4 G, 5 G), I want to know the number of parameters is that through this command to set in, or can be set by normal analytical hostapd configuration files, By trying echo xx> / proc/mwlan/adapterX/config, cat/proc/mwlan adapterX/config/find the file as a read-only file does not accept the write operation, whether can provide relevant documentation
Dear @chengeneg
As stated in UM11490 document (Feature Configuration Guide for NXP-based Wireless Modules on i.MX 8M Quad EVK), /proc/mwlan/adapterX entries can be used only to configure RFtest mode. These /proc entries cannot be used to configure normal operation mode.
For normal AP/STA modes, please use hostapd.conf for AP mode or wpa_supplicant.conf for STA mode.
Please refer to UM11490 for hostapd.conf and wpa_supplicant.conf examples.
1. The OS is based on openwrt17.01, the cpu is mpc85xx, and the kernel version is linux-4.4.50
2. The driver is downloaded from the nxp official website, and the firmware is pcie9098 in
3.insmod mlan.ko, insmod moal.ko mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf drvdbg=0xfffff
4.I have asked you that firmware is in pending state due to no response during driver loading, resulting in timeout registration failure. If CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y is enabled, the firmware responds during driver loading, and the driver can be loaded normally and successfully. You told me that your driver cannot be CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y. I don't understand.
5.If CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y is enabled, the firmware will respond when loading the driver. The driver can be loaded normally, but it is not guaranteed that 100% of the drivers can be loaded successfully. Moreover, ioctl commands often return failure after sending commands to the driver. Hope you can give suggestions or give the reason why the problem is wrong, after all, we do not know how to handle the firmware
1) There is a macro setting CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY in the Makefile under the wlan_src directory. The default value of this option is CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=n. In this way, the driver cannot be loaded successfully after compiling using the mpc85xx compilation chain. The driver is in pending state,It appears that the interrupt cannot receive a firmware response message
2) There is a macro setting CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY in the Makefile under the wlan_src directory. The default option is CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y. In this way, the driver can be loaded successfully after compiling using the mpc85xx compilation chain, but there is a high probability that it will not be loaded. Even if the driver is successfully loaded, there are still many commands sent by ioctrl to the firmware that fail during use
The attachment nxp_ok,log is printed to the wlan_src directory Makefile CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=y is the driver loaded successfully
The attachment nxp_err,log is printed in the wlan_src directory Makefile CONFIG_BIG_EBDIAY=n Yes driver loading failure