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The Freescale Cup East China 2013 challenge video 2 After formal competition finished in East China, we gave a challenge and asked teams to try a hill with >30 angle, some cars successes
Footage taken using the Fraunhofer IIS Eagle Cam attached to the Car from the Politecnico of Torino on the final track layout. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
Compilation of views taken during The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals held at the Fraunhofer IIS during the event opening. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
Watch the video highlights of the Freescale Cup Worldwide Finals 2015 for the training sessions. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
TFC2015 UCDavis Team Chucksgon Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
The Tower System is a simple concept. Take basic hardware modules, connect them together and start designing. There are two types of hardware modules, MCU/MPU and peripheral (i.e. serial, memory, LCD, etc.), which plug into backplane "elevator" boards. The Tower System supports up to four prototyping boards. The boards are installed into one of the slots in the Tower System, the signals from each installed module are shared between modules and made easily accessible through exterior headers on the Tower System. For an overview of the Tower System and some of the available modules for use, read the fact sheet here. Notes The Tower System has a "Primary" and a "Secondary" side. Most of the Tower Modules only send signals through the primary side. Many of the signals within your chip are not brought out to the tower pins. During the Hardware design process, be careful of this fact. Most often people plug the USB directly into the module, instead of using the tower USB port. You can use the Tower System modules without the tower. Designing your own Tower Module: Due to the common PCI Express standard pinouts for the tower connector, it is easy to fabricate your own tower module. See the external links section for examples. Important Documents Tower System Data Sheet Rev. 4, 5/2000 Tower Mechanical Drawing Tower System Schematics External Links Tower System Freescale Webpage Tower Geeks Website
TFC2015 UCDavis Team The One Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halste
The Freescale Cup has been around the world for the last 9 years. Over 23,000 students work each year on intelligent cars to make then run around the track at fast speed. Find more information on the community. Select the region you are part on and engage in the next season of the challenge.
After formal competition finished in East China, we gave a challenge and asked teams to try a hill with >30 angle, some cars successes
Clip provided by: Hanyang University Korea One of the challenges of the Korea event is to have the cars self-park. This car is using the S12XE chipset.
TFC2015 UCDavis Team DKnight Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted
Pulse-width modulation (PWM), is a technique utilized in robotics for controlling motors and servos. Through the use of internal counters, the microcontroller modulates the duty cycle of a square wave to control the amount of power delivered to a device. The Duty Cycle referes to the porportion of time the square wave is 'on' as compared to the repeating signal period. The higher the duty cycle the higher the power carried in the signal. Duty cycle is expressed as a percentage of time the signal is 'on', with 100% being consistently on.  overview-create-a-pwm-signal Once you feel comfortable that you understand the concepts behind a duty cycle signal, return to Reference Manual: Timer Information portion of the Drive A DC Motor Tutorial
Thanks Team Jolt @ UC Berkeley for this awesome first-person perspective of the Freescale Cup car going around the track!
There are several programs on the market which are freely available. Below is a list of the more popular [free] ones.  Eagle PCB 123
Here is a short update via video of the activities done at the University Programs demo area at the Embedded World 2014 Exhibition that was held on 25-27 March 2014 in Nuremberg (Germany).
Video Highlights of 2012 Competition Photographs from the Freescale Cup Japan 2012 competition.
TFC2015 UCDavis Team Young Tortoise Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
Option #1 Camera Mount Designed by Eli Hughes of WaveNumber LLC. You can order these parts through Shapeway.com which 3D prints on demand. You can choose from all sorts of materials depending on how much you want to spend. Camera Mount Option #2 To attach the camera we found useful to prepare two metal L-shaped pieces made from aluminium. With the help of black plastic distance posts (already available in the kit) and these metal stands, you may freely change the position of the camera over the surface. You may use following files to cut the required shapes (drawing was made using the QCad program): Preview (.pdf) CAD file (.dxf)
There are three types of memory in a typical Micrcontroller  FLASH - where your programs are stored RAM - for manipulating variables during runtime EEPROM - stores long term information
Couple of new videos. This time I am running the FRDM-TFC library demo code written by Eli Hughes without any change at all-- successfully on my car. I have had the 0 ohm R24 res replaced with a higher one thanks to the soldering skills of David DiCarlo! The first video highlights demo modes 0 through 3: Car demos - YouTube Demo 0- test buttons and switches Demo 1- test servo Demo 2- test motors Second, I was able to get my little o-scope (xprotolab) to capture the camera analog out-- here: Camera testing - YouTube No major coding done but I understand the library and ports on the boards much better now.   Still haven't resolved the 'whining' apparent when I enable the H-bridge but I will try a few things this week-- it is possible it is harmless. Next steps, buffering camera data then on to control loops! Daniel Oh, I was also able to get the serial port working while code was running so I could get some dynamic feedback. This document was generated from the following discussion: Videos testing out Freescale Cup kit