Pegoda Reader MFEV730 with 424 DNA: Unable to connect with TapLinx

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Pegoda Reader MFEV730 with 424 DNA: Unable to connect with TapLinx

Contributor II

I want to deploy the TapLinx Java Sample Application ( I was able to successfully follow the instructions to get the application to run on my local Java environment. It looks very similar to the deprecated TagXplorer software (

1. Ensuring the Correct Reader

Since the MFEV730 isn't listed in the SupportedReaderFactory class (/src/main/java/com/sample/ntag/reader/, Line 28 and Line 57), I added it beside the other NXP Pegoda family instances. 


private static final String NXP_Pegoda_N_CL_0 = "NXP Pegoda N CL 0 0";
private static final String NXP_Pegoda_2_N_MAC = "NXP Pegoda 2 N";
private static final String NXP_Pegoda_3_CL = "NXP Semiconductors NXP Pegoda 3 (CL)"; //ADDED
private static final String NXP_Pegoda_3_CT = "NXP Semiconductors NXP Pegoda 3 (CT)"; //ADDED



supportedReaderList.add(NXP_Pegoda_3_CL); //Added
supportedReaderList.add(NXP_Pegoda_3_CT); //Added
			case NXP_Pegoda_N_CL_0:
			case NXP_Pegoda_2_N_MAC:
			case NXP_Pegoda_3_CL: //Added
			case NXP_Pegoda_3_CT: //Added
				return new NXPPegodaNCL0Reader();


With these two additions, the program was able to be able to read the connector.


Though, I'm not sure if it's the correct reader. Can I use the NXPPegodaNCL0Reader? Or, is there another reader I should use?

2. Connecting to the tag 

Once the reader is able to connect, I then press "Connect Tag".In the SmartCardManager Class (src/main/java/com/sample/ntag/reader/, Line 78), the function connectToSmartCard() is called. The program brings me through a series of steps such as: ensuring the terminal is not null and the card is present. These pass fine. However, in the connect() function, it returns an error "connect() failed". 


	public void connectToSmartCard() throws SmartCardException, CardNotSupportedException,
		SmartCardNotAvailableException, ReaderNotSelectedException {
		if (terminal == null) {
			throw new ReaderNotSelectedException(NDEFRecordValidationMessages.NO_READER_SELECTED);
		try {
			if (!terminal.isCardPresent()) {"No card present, terminal: {}", terminal.getName());
				throw new SmartCardNotAvailableException(NDEFRecordValidationMessages.TAG_NOT_AVAILABLE);
			card = terminal.connect("*"); // GIVES ERROR: "connect() failed"
		} catch (CardException e) {
			LOG.error("", e);
			throw new SmartCardException(e.getMessage());



I believe the connect() method is from the CardTerminal class from javax.smartcardio ( I've tried the other communicate modes ("T=0", "T=1", or "T=CL"), but they give another error: IllegalArgumentException@253 "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported protocol CL". 

I've check the Github repo for the implementation of the connect() method, but all I see is the declaration in the abstract class ( Because I'm not able to run step-by-step through the connect() method (all references to it seem to just be a declaration in the abstract class), I can't find why it won't connect. Why is the terminal not able to connect to the card? Where can I find out why it doesn't? 

Does TapLinx support MFEV730 with 424 DNA? Or, is there another tool or approach that is better? We're also trying RFIDDiscoverLite, but are running into issues with that as well (


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2 Replies

Contributor II

I am still stuck on using TapLinx with MFEV730 (, and using that to read the 424 DNA card. Would appreciate any help from the community. Thanks!

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



  • TapLinx Java support Pegoda 3 or any other Reader.
  • TapLinx Java doesn’t include any reader Implementation.
  • Pegoda 3 is working as expected, there is no separate implementation required for using Pegoda . Implementations of old Pegoda readers works fine.

Please check if Pegoda 3 reader works with RFID discover in your machine. Refer : CLRD730 Quick start guide (

Please kindly note that it is necessary to place contactless card on top of Pegoda antenna before opening a “New (reader) Profile” (top left button in RFIDDiscover GUI).




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