Does T1024 processor have any protection for flip-flops separately?
Hello @BharathiG
Hope this post finds you well,
Happy New Year.
This post is to inform you that I keep working on this case in order to answer your flip-flop question.
May I ask, what is the purpose of knowing this information?
May I know your main concerns?
I will be aware for your kind reply.
Have a great day.
Hector Villarruel S
Hello @BharathiG
Hope this post finds you well,
In order to provide the requested information, please create a new ticket using the technical support web located in the following link
Please also once you do so, in order to keep our communication that we currently have , kindly mention that the new ticket is linked to #00675327.
Have a great day.
Best Regards,
Hector Villarruel