Apply FXTH8700 as TPMS emitter

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Apply FXTH8700 as TPMS emitter

Apply FXTH8700 as TPMS emitter

        The FXTH87xx is a sensor for use in applications that monitor tire pressure and temperature. It contains the pressure and temperature sensors, an X-axis and a Z-axis accelerometer, a microcontroller, an LF receiver and an RF transmitter all
within a single package.

       Recently a customer requests help to connect FXTH87xx with Infineon TPMS receiver. We connect them each other through some testing and verification finally. The target of this document description is to replace external emitter with FXTH87xx. This document take an example to offer the users a method how to detect and decode an unknown sensor Emitter Packets using instrument provided by R&S or Anritsu, then duplicate this Emitter packets into FXTH87xx to form 315MHz, 433.92MHz TPMS
emitter and receiver solution.
Customer who adapts FXTH87xx can easily connect it with any external receiver using the similiar

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Last update:
‎07-10-2016 07:08 PM
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