Hi there did anyone already measure the time for a complete Memory CRC check on any K11x device or K14x device? My custiomer need to evaluate the boot time , as a too long re-boot time could cause emergency deactivation of a vehicle -> vehicle service case.
On the other hand we request in our S32K1xx Safety Manual [SM_212]: The assumed application Latent Fault Tolerant Time Interval (LFTTI) is typically 12 hours. It is assumed that the MCU will go through a complete power-up/power-down cycle within the L-FTTI.
To check if this gets into a conflict we need a hint on the time would be helpful. Thx.
Hello Anita,
Unfortunately we don't have it, but We are working on find if we have some similar that could help you?
Hi Anita
I am forwarding your query to application team on the boot time query.
On the assumption, can you please clarify on what kind of conflict? The assumption specifies the time as 12 hours which we believe is worst case for an automotive application.