I am currently working with S32K344 and I am using lauterbach to load the program. The program implements the described "Mode Transition" 45.5 from your manual, which allows you to start the core 1 with core 0. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
Lauterbach indicates that the core 1 is in a halt state and the core 1 is in an infinite loop (without instruction in it). So the value of the set bootaddress is not observable in the running core 1.
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
Hello @VecMidOs,
I'm not sure if I understand, but if you have the S32K344 decoupled, you can use the Platform_Multicore_SingleElf_S32K324 RTD example.
It shows how to start the core.
Hi Milad,
In S32DS 3.4 IDE with RTD 2.0.1 installed, create project from example:
BR, Daniel
Hello Milad,
The release notes does not list any dependencies:
Is the S32K3xx development package installed?
Do you get the same error when you install the RTD 2.0.0 or 1.0.0 version?