In the local project of S32K314, I tried to use “Manage SDK components” to generate freertos and osif code,but I didn't see the osif code being generated. (like “osif_freertos.c” and “osif.h” on S32K148 project).
How should I get the “osif_freertos.c” and “osif.h” files?
Hello @Danny_Wu,
Do you use S32DS 3.4 IDE with the latest RTD 2.0.0 and SW32K3_FreeRTOS_10.4.6_2.0.0_D2204 installed?
Thank you,
BR, Daniel
Yes, the version info I am using is as follows:
-IDE: S32DS.3.4_b201217_win32.x86_64.exe
-RTD: SW32K3_RTD_4.4_2.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2204.zip
-FreeRTOS: SW32K3_FreeRTOS_10_4_6_UOS_2_0_0_DS_updatesite_D2204.zip
-other: SW32K3_S32DS_3.4.3_D2112.zip
Hi @Danny_Wu,
The RTD drivers are not compatible with the S32K1xx SDK.
But you can find osif.h in the RTD source code.
This is the FreeRTOS example:
BR, Daniel
thank you for your reply.
In the osif_freertos.c/osif.h of S32K1xx SDK, OSIF_TimeDelay(), OSIF_MutexUnlock(), OSIF_SemaWait(), etc. can be generated.
But I don't see these APIs in the RTD source code.
Could you please tell me where or how these APIs are generated?
Hello @Danny_Wu,
The RTD and the SDK drivers are different.
The functions you mentioned are SDK functions not RTD.
BR, Daniel