Hello, Guys
Q1: CAN-FD ABR=500k, DBR=4M
I want to set ABR=500k & DBR=4M, but
Data phase ---> Bitrate is disable, cannot set.
Q2 : CAN-FD: cannot send out data return BUSY while not connect CAN analizer first.
if (state->mbs[mb_idx].state != FLEXCAN_MB_IDLE)
{ return STATUS_BUSY; }
A1) you have to enable FD within component to be able to set rate for data phase too
A2) not sure which function do you use and how. If device is disconnected from the bus, sent message is not ACKed thus it is not transmitted successfully. Thus e.g. repetitive calling of non-blocking function should return STATUS_BUSY.
BR, Petr
Q1: data phase only set max 1000kbit/s
Q2: When can-fd is initialized, can bus is not connected. When can bus is connected after initialization, sending data will reply busy;
If the CAN bus is connected when the machine is started, the transceiver is normal;
1) what is PE clock frequency? If you use crystal oscillator clock with 8MHz then max bitrate can be about 1.6Mbps. Try to select sys_clk as PE clock in flexcan component.
2) there should not be problem with hot-plug. If the MB cannot still be used for transmission, try to first AbortTransfer and then send message normally.
BR, Petr