most probably the issue is due to you enable/disable receiver and RX interrupt in the code at some time handling registers directly. If this is needed in application be sure it is done in time so receive byte cannot be lost. You can toggle gpio pin when you are doing this and measure it with respect of UART signals.
Try to keep receiver and interrupts enabled still and call LPUART_DRV_ReceiveData/LPUART_DRV_SetRxBuffer in time so each bytes will be received.
BR, Petr
At first, I is keep uart RX and TX function, but no response data is received, so add the rx control,
remove the rx control function, the RX is enable, but after code running and debug, find the RX is disable. I do not known where disable the uart rx function in SDK, could you help me?
LPUART_DRV_ReceiveData enables receiver, after specified number of bytes is received then within LPUART_DRV_RxIrqHandler teh receiver will be disabled again, using LPUART_DRV_CompleteReceiveDataUsingInt. In order to keep receiver enabled you should update buffer within calback function in UART_EVENT_RX_FULL event using LPUART_DRV_SetRxBuffer. You can refer to lpuart_echo example.
BR, Petr