I am using S32k144 with RTD drivers(V2.0.0 P04).
I want to generate a Baud rate of 1 Mbps for UART2. UART2 is running at 48MHz on FIRCDIV2_CLK. My FIRC is 48MHz.
In configuration Under Custom baud rate applying SBR as 12 & OSR as 4 shows me baudrate of 1000000.
When i tried to sent a data, wrong values is received in my analyser.
When i tried same data with 115200 baudrate (which is standard value from dropdown) data received is correct.
With 1 Mpbs only i am seeing this issue.
Is this SBR as 12 & OSR as 4 correct if not can i get a correct value or how to calculate it?
Thank you
Could you please verify your real BaudRate using the function Lpuart_Uart_Ip_GetBaudRate()? Also, when you said " With 1 Mpbs only I am seeing this issue" does it mean that the transition and reception are successful with other custom baud rates?
Hi VaneB,
Thanks for reply.
I figured out the issue. OSR is doing a (-1) before loading to register.
When i made calculation this got messed up.
Thank you