I am working on a project where there are two ECUS master and slave.
I have implemented a code where I send the Lin-Diagnostics request 3C and the slave is responding by sending the positive response which can be seen on the LIN bus.
But while using the ld_receive_message() function, I am not getting the values which are seen on the LIN bus.
Hello @pankajprasad100,
I would like to share with you an example project (Attach) about to use the ld_receive_message():
The Master node send a UDS frame with NAD = 0x02, PCI = 0x06, SID = 0x23, data = {0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07}
The Slave node use ld_receive_message() function to receive request message and then responded with PSID = 0x63 (Value = SID + 0x40).
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,
Hello @namnguyenviet
I have used the ld_receive_message() function and its working, but when I use to take the seed given by the slave the length buffer is updating but the data buffer is not updating. I can see the seed on the LIN bus but not in the buffer.
Is there anything i need to do to obtain the data?
Did you try out with the example I shared with you?
Best Regards,