Good day
Would like to check if you can assist or direct us to access/retrieve NXP HSE files for S32G2:
We tried to access/search from the nxpDocStore as per the product brief of NXP HSE firmware but unable to do so.
Thank you
Below will be some comments on your open points:
1 > HSE Firmware Security Installer Source Code
[DA]: Can you help us elaborate more on regards of the SW you are looking for? Where is it referenced? We do understand that on regards of HSE-FW, no source code is provided. We do apologize.
2 > The HSE Firmware Reference Manual
[DA]: It seems to be that there is a problem at this moment under the S32G2 product page for retrieving the HSE-FW Reference Manual, we do apologize.
If your account is correctly enabled, you should be able to get the HSE-FW RM with the following steps:
Please, let us know.
Hi @Daniel-Aguirre,
For #01, we're designing a module that requires integration of HSM via/using S32G2.
Unable to retrieve the HSE-FW RM from NXP page.
We'll follow-up with our NXP contact for further details/advise.
Thank you