Dear Officer,
In S32K118, there are 2 CMU (clock monitor unit) can be configured to monitor FIRC. Does any SDK API support for it? (e.g. PE to configure and generate the code?) And why there is no interrupt index defined for CMU in S32K118.h? Or it is covered by RCM_IRQn?
Can we have a simple application code to demonstrate how to use these CMU?
Thanks and best regards
He Wei
Hi everyone,
Could you please share with me the mentioned example? I interested on this module as well,
Hi He Wei,
The interrupt IRQn is defined in the S32K118.h header file.
The SDK does not support CMU configuration though.
I will sent you a simple non-SDK example.
Best regards,
I am also interested in the CMU , could you send me the example?
Dear Dinel,
Tks a lot.
He Wei