I have done some work on the S32DS in win10. But we need build some app under linux, so I tried to install the S32DS in Linux. But there are some question I am not sure yet.
I get some issue:
1.I saw three kinds of build directory for linux in the "s32v234_sdk/kernels/apu/apexcv_base_arithmetic":
build-apu-nxp-sa-d, build-apu-tct-sa-d, build-deskwin32.
Which build directory should be used ?
2. When I use the build-apu-nxp-sa-d to build the kernel it can work now. But using build-apu-nxp-sa-d to build the "s32v234_sdk_1.0/demos/apex/apex_add/graphs", it will always comlain that the undefined reference error to all function in ACF_Graph and ACF_Process.
I saw this problem the other guys had met Error compiling apexCV related function on S32 design studio for vision .
I checked the gcc version under directory "Cross_Tools\gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu-4_9" by ./aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -v.
It prints gcc version 4.9.3 20150413 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.9-2015.05)
The gcc is default installed by the installer "S32DS_Vision_Linux_v2.0_b170913.bin"
the gcc version issue is related to pre-build steps. To be able build apex projects - you need to install gcc and g++ version 4.9.3 (normally by apt-get install ... ) on your OS.